DC Tyrant

Chapter 129: This is impossible! ! !

In the dark forest, a dazzling red light lit up.

If the Kryptonians had any tricks to deal with magic, it would undoubtedly be pure energy bombing, hot sight or freezing breath.

The cells of Kryptonians have a too strong negative effect on magic, they can be easily torn apart, and the cells of Kryptonians can be destroyed by magic.

But this kind of pure energy bombardment can be used to counter magic.

In the final analysis, magic is also a kind of energy, which is transpired, impacted, and reacted by intense heat, which will not decrease.

Bardi had experienced magic directly acting on his body, and he understood at that moment.

In the forest, panic and darkness spread.

A pair of crimson eyes, like the brutal red light of a hungry wolf, radiated from the darkness, making Zatara feel a little awe-inspiring.


Two thick thermal vision erupted from Badi's pupils, piercing the air, and the strong impact shook the surrounding air with tiny ripples, as if the space could not bear it.

Of course, this is actually just the effect of oscillating the air, causing the effect of oscillating the space. The ripples look like they even pierce through the space and burst.

Badi was as brutal as a wild beast, and terrifyingly terrifying blue veins were branded around his eyelids.

The crimson heat vision is like the lava flames erupting from hell. It scratches all the way from the ground. The fiery heat vision burns up the weeds on the ground, and the ground is instantly scorched black, emitting the smell of burning sulfur, and there are crystal formations along the road.

The red light of the hot sight spread all the way to the ground where Zatara engraved the magic circle, and slammed it with force.

Bardi did not directly bomb Zatara with his heat vision, but destroyed the magic array he arranged to avoid any secret methods.

In fact this is the right choice.

Two thick hot sights, red like a bath of hell, reflected the evil red light in the dark forest, passing through the charred black, producing broken crystals, leaving a trail of scorched sulphur, directly facing the engraved magic array. spell on.

The mysterious incantations inscribed on the ground include the runes of Atlantis, the incantations of the ancient ancestors, the incantations of ancient Egypt, and the divine patterns of ancient India, surrounded by a circle, forming a magic circle, the offerings of the stars and the moon. with Zatara.

When the heat vision lased, all the mysterious spells suddenly lit up, feeling the squeeze of the external energy, with a 'hum', all the spells glowed, and a white protective shield rose up, trembling withstand.

The heat sight slammed into the magic shield, and there was a loud explosion, and the shock wave of the heat sight shot violently one after another, pouring out like a lifeless death.

It's not an ordinary direct shot, but a rhythmic slowdown and a rush, which is finely adjusted by Bardi.

At the critical moment, Badi's eyes widened again, gathering all the energy in his body, and his pupils spurted out a more violent fiery gaze, and the temperature distorted the air.

Zatara, inside, felt the fiery temperature of the hot sight transmitted into it, making his skin scorching hot, and his hair felt like it was about to be scorched.

His eyes were narrowed, and the cold light was awe-inspiring. He never thought that this demon's servant would be so powerful.

He pressed his hand to the ground, pressed against the wet ground, stared at Badi with narrowed eyes, quickly recited a mysterious incantation in his mouth, and his body lit up with yellow light.


Inside the white magic circle, the mysterious runes in the ground trembled and vibrated, and seemed to be mourning under the heat of sight. One after another, the runes of Atlantis flickered and turned off the light.

The incantation of the ancient ancestors, extinguished.

Ancient Egyptian incantation, extinguished.

Ancient Indian **** pattern, extinguished.

'bang bang bang...'

The magic circle was overwhelmed, finally.

In the sound of a huge explosion 'bang', the white shield was almost transparent, and was penetrated by Badi's hot vision. At the same time, the white magic shield was unable to support it, the explosion went out, and the magic energy turned into pieces of white In the vastness, it became a little bit of starlight, and was swayed away by the heat of sight.

In front of Zatara, a thick earth wall quickly rose, and the heat line of sight lashed on the earth wall, instantly pierced a hole, and lava flowed down from the hole in the middle of the earth wall.

The hot sight of Badi's all-out attack, this kind of earthen wall can't resist it at all.

The sound of Zatara chanting the incantation stopped, and when the heat vision passed through the mud wall, countless muddy fluids spread from under his feet and rose up his body, covering his whole body.

And the heat line of sight through the earth wall directly bombarded Zatara.

It seems like forging, the hot sight of the hot sight did not burn Zatara into lava, the hot sight kept bombarding, sputtering sparks and flickering, but it made the soil on the surface of Zatara's body crystallize, crystal clear.

Just as soon as the heat vision came into contact with the dirt covered by Zatara's body, Bardi stopped the heat vision immediately.

Because the heat sight can no longer hurt Zatara, it will be mysteriously used by him.

I saw that the mud covering Zatara's body instantly blasted out the crystal clear part from the heat vision, and it spread in an instant. In an instant, the black soil became transparent, and Zatara was like being wrapped in diamonds, crystal clear and translucent. , I could see any movement of his hair inside, even the sneer on his face.

He put on a layer of armor for himself!

The armor is transparent, with water chestnuts and horns, just like the gorgeous armor of an ancient British general. It is beautiful, translucent, practical, and fits his body perfectly.

"Fight! You're still a long way off!"

Zatara sneered, his eyes cold and proud.

He is the most outstanding person among the magicians of this generation, and even the older generation is not enough for him. He has the strength to look down on the magic world. How can he endure the arrogance of a demon's servant in front of him, forcing himself into the fog To the extent that the giants retracted themselves.

This is an insult to the leader of this generation, the outstanding person in the magic world.

How proud he can endure.

Mage is not a long-range occupation, and melee combat is even more terrifying!

Badi's eyes flashed red at the bottom, he withdrew his hot vision and bit down a solar energy capsule in his mouth.

Heat Sight is the most energy-consuming skill. Just now, he almost exploded with an all-out blow, directly shattering the magic field shield. He had no energy left in his body, and it was night, so it was not good for him to continue fighting.

The solar energy capsule took effect very quickly, and Bardi's body instantly felt the powerful solar energy infiltrating into his slightly weak cells from his stomach, and the cells were madly absorbing the effect of the capsule.

There was even a trace of solar energy overflowing from the surface of the body, and the scorching reaction burned directly, distorting the air on his body, causing the space to be distorted by him, making him look like a **** coming to the world, glowing hot in the dark. fever.

His eyes were cold, he didn't speak, and the air was terrifyingly burning.

The moment Zatara spoke, Bardi's eyes were scorching hot, burst through the air, and punched Zatara who was wearing the Vajra armor.

The violent fist directly burst the air.

'boom! ’

The two caused a terrifying explosion effect.

A large white sonic boom cloud blew out, rolling in the distance, the grass on the ground was pressed tightly against the ground, the nearby trees slanted, the closer ones pulled up their tendons and flew out, and the farther ones also slanted. As if to avoid the two of them.

The two of them flew backwards directly, but only a little over ten meters, they were slightly bowed, and two deep marks were left under their feet. .

In the dark forest, a fierce fist-fighting sounded.

Large tracts of trees were uprooted, or smashed into slag, and the mud was plowed with countless cross marks and turned over.

Zatara's Vajra armor is half of the power of Badi's fist. This Vajra armor is forged with magic and has a serious unloading reaction to Badi's body cells. Once touched, his cells will always weaken. It hurts like being torn apart.

Zatara's fighting qualities are undoubtedly excellent, but only excellent.

On Krypton, there are many geniuses, heroes, heroes, who are more outstanding than outstanding, who have been slaughtered by Bade. They are just outstanding, and how can they be Bade's opponents in melee combat?

In the sound of the rumbling of the dark forest, Badi finally relied on the desperate fighting consciousness and fighting literacy, relying on the attack on the body of the King Kong armor, and the shock hit, and felt several important nodes that constitute the King Kong armor. .

Clear starry sky, under the bright moonlight.

In the dark forest, there was a loud explosion, and a broken Vajra armor was hit into the sky. Under the faint starlight, there was a magnificent light, reflected in the bright moon.

Badi's face was indifferent, and he leaped into the air. Against the backdrop of the bright moon, he had a sturdy body, with a naked body of white jade, his chest was high, and his feet were heavy on the Vajra armor, like a **** of war trampling the world.

"This is impossible!!!"

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