Are we in the best times or the worst?

Was the ancient movement due to be eliminated, or would it rejuvenate?

However, if they were to continue to exist in such a manner … I would have preferred it to walk gloriously to the grave.

But perhaps the Chairman's way of doing it would cause all this to go wrong.

"But why not …" I suddenly thought of another way, "Mr President thought of using the Time Field, mainly to speed up the pace of the competition. People didn't want to see the two sides of the game on the table, who knew what they were playing with. They just liked to see the brilliant and clean offensive performance. "So, why not record the match and then clip out what the audience wants to see?"

"Hehe, you are just smart," the Mr President explained. "The audience's attention is only on two things, the beautiful offensive performance that you mentioned, and the outcome of the competition. "If we don't do live broadcasts, then the audience will be able to know the results of the match through other channels as soon as possible, which undoubtedly reduces one point of concern."

The chairman's words were very reasonable. If they knew which side would win in advance, it would be difficult to get enough Access Rate just by relying on the brilliant attack editing.

"So the stimulant that boosts your intelligence is also your smoke bomb?" I guessed.

"It's not a contrast agent that's been injected, it's a hypnotic. "You've never had any brain scans, either. For a sport like snooker, improving your brain's level of excitement is not good for you." The Chairman rolled his eyes, as if pleased with his plan.


"Yes, if I didn't make you all faint, how would I move the underground parking lot together?"

"So this is the reason why I felt I didn't sleep well last night." The experience of being pressed by ghosts was also due to the fact that his nervous system had been artificially paralyzed.

"Then you modified a huge car so that the interior was no different from a regular stadium."

"That's right, I paid a huge price for it. because you have to customize such a huge car, plus the cost of decorating it, including hiring so many small black robots. "

"But... "Is it really necessary?" I couldn't help but be confused. Now that the matter was clear, all the strange things that had happened before could be explained.

The reason why the stage was floating was because it used the anti-gravitational system on the flying car, and the "venue" was definitely already here, waiting to borrow Latimer's Time Field whenever there was a chance.

"After knowing the specific itinerary of Latimer's program team, I immediately hired people to move the flying car here, and numbed all of you.

"So that's how it is," Tomoko clapped her hands and praised. "No wonder Latimer was slow in opening the Time Field, it was to give you more time to arrange the people in the arena."

"That's right, I am really thankful for Mr Latimer's help."

But when Latimer heard Tomoko's praise, he revealed an awkward expression: "I only wanted to help an old friend. "Besides, it's just borrowing the Time Field, and it's not like I'm doing anything …"

"Not what?" Tomoko's tone was solemn, as though she had thought of something important.

"I mean, not doing anything bad. "I am also a snooker lover, I think Miss Tomoko, after hearing Mr. David's description just now, you would also want to push me down personally?" Latimer made a pushing gesture and had Little White put the little white rabbit back onto the table.

I used my hand to support the already broken staff as I stood up. Then, I told the Chairman an important matter, "But Mr President, first, let's not care about whether you can achieve any results with all this effort, and not care about whether the last Access Rate can be upgraded or not … What I want to ask is, do the players who are working in the gym know about this? "

The Chairman fell silent for a moment.

"Could it be that they are like me, completely unaware that they are in a fake ball game gym, and furthermore, they are in a Time Field that is flowing at high speed?!" The volume of my voice rose.

The Chairman wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to begin.

"Yes, Mr. David, you've hit the nail on the head." "You have to understand that every single person who wants to use a Time Capsule has signed a written contract of responsibility with the Eloi. All consequences will be borne by the person himself. "However, Mr President, this little …"

She did not continue, but wanted to say that the Chairman was a thief who stole the right to use the Time Field.

Latimer explained: "There is no other way. "In order to maintain this ancient sport and for the sake of the survival of all the participants, Mr President had no choice but to come up with this plan.

"Policy?" Tomoko taunted, "Seems like he's very smart!"

"Furthermore, according to you, we are now in a field where time passes by at high speed." I looked around and felt an indescribable sense of terror. In other words, we would have to spend a day outside.

"A week. A week, to be exact." Tomoko reminded.

"Hmm, if the people outside were to watch the competition for a day, then we would have had seven days. "Mr President, how are you going to compensate for the seven times the time lost?"

The Chairman remained silent, but I saw that his lips were trembling slightly, as if he was struggling with himself.

Latimer spoke up for his old friend, "Mr. David, you must consider that the speed of time here is only seven times faster. "Even if you stayed here for a day, you would still be six days older than the people outside. What's there to be worried about?"

"Isn't six days time? "Could it be that our lives are so cheap?"

"No, no, not that. I mean, don't you think it's a good thing to sacrifice a little of your time to keep this ancient movement going? "Furthermore, Access Rate s that can improve the program, will receive even more money as sponsors!" Latimer's analysis is very clear, "I think you should be able to reach the conclusion that would benefit the both of you the most. When Mr President suggested this idea to me, I also strongly opposed it. However, everything has to be considered from a greater perspective. Sacrificing just a bit of personal time can add extra fuel to the development of the entire profession that you've put in so much effort into … "Mr. David, you aren't a stingy person are you?"

"It's not about pettiness, it's just a moral issue. If the Mr President is confident of turning the tables on our profession with this idea, "if I wish the Chairman to be responsible," why didn't he inform me beforehand? Why deceive us? "Could it be that in your eyes, we are all petty people?"

"Of course not." He finally responded to my question. "It's just that it takes a lot of time to convince each of you. Not everyone can understand the crisis we are in right now. You have to understand, if he still couldn't save the Access Rate … I'm afraid no company will be willing to sponsor our games, and our entire career will be in ruins. Thus, this was not a question of prior notification, but rather … This must be done in order to remedy the situation in time to continue the 'life' of this ancient but glorious movement. "Unfortunately, it has to be sustained with the lives of you youngsters."

At the end, the Chairman almost choked up.

Tomoko clapped on the side and said: "Using the lives of youngsters to continue an ancient movement's life, you truly make me cry!" I kind of hated this robot. She didn't seem to repeat human words or just follow her own procedures like the other robots did. She seemed to have a "self-righteous" temperament, even a mocking and contemptuous attitude towards humans.

I understand the President's difficulties now, but I still feel that this matter might have a chance to be salvaged. "Mr President, if you can ask everyone of us for our opinion, maybe we can think of a better, safer way."

"I'm sorry, I'm really very sorry." The Chairman bowed his head to me.

This was a scene I had never seen before: "I am still unable to judge whether this is a good or bad thing, so I cannot accept your apology."

If I accept it, wouldn't I be admitting that the President has done the right thing?

"Then …" The Chairman raised his head, "Then, Participant David, will you tell others about this? "The competition is going to start soon. Will you tell them the truth about this place?"

So that was what he was worried about!

No doubt I had become a stumbling block to his plans. If it wasn't for the fact that I was bored, and I hit the door with my bat, Tomoko wouldn't have heard the voices coming to expose this scam.

"Me?" I really didn't know what to do. What I was going through was like a pot of porridge in my head. I couldn't figure out what was right and what was right. As Mr President had said, this seemed to be a good method to improve the Access Rate. But... Can it really be forgiven that people who love the sport pay a price and are unaware of it?

"What if I told them?" I can't see Mr President clearly anymore, I even thought that he would kill me to silence him.

"Of course I can't do anything, it's just that," the chairman shook his head, "but I'm afraid the future of the movement is gone."

Just as we were at a loss for what to do, the annoying Tomoko suddenly jumped out and interrupted: "If I told them, what would happen? Mr Latimer? "

"What?" Latimer was a little confused.

"I'm saying, if I reveal my plan of colluding with the Mr President to secretly use the Time Capsule to the public … "What will you do?"

Latimer did not know whether to laugh or cry.


"Unload your battery..."

"Hehe," Tomoko doesn't seem to like this joke. "I actually have a way to solve the two of you with one stone and one bird."

"The two of us?"

"Of course, my method will not only prevent Mr. David from exposing the President's scheme in front of the participants, it will also stop me from exposing your scheme after the end of the live broadcast."

"What bad luck," Latimer said as he looked at the Chairman. "I never had any schemes in the first place."

"However, you were involved in the current situation and thus, it is your fault."

"Alright, alright, tell me what ideas you have?" How strange! Why was Latimer always in a weak position when facing Tomoko as a human? As for this Tomoko … If she was really Tomoko, then she was really just a machine, how could she think of any idea or scheme?

Aren't they doing a live broadcast? Will these scenes and conversations be broadcast?

Seemingly having sensed my thoughts, Tomoko explained: "You can relax, Mr. David, all of the live broadcast signals can only be sent out after I edit them. "Of course it's to relieve the pressure on the staff outside. Hehe, my handling speed is much faster than humans."

I shivered. This robot had the right to decide what pictures could be broadcast, and what couldn't be? Was this also approved by the daydream crew?

Just what kind of machine was this Moro! God …

"Mr. David, Mr. David! "Are you afraid of me?" I saw her beautiful figure gradually approaching me. Heavens, how could she see through my thoughts? Doesn't this prove that she has a similar ability to reason mentally with me?

But how was that possible?

"Humans often don't believe that they are nothing more than a machine," Tomoko's tone became extremely gentle, as if she was trying to soothe my emotions. "My actions were only based on my past experience and data, as well as my reasonable deductions for the future. Didn't you humans do the same? "However, the way humans handle these calculations is by relying on the unconscious, and is not by your own control."

"Tomoko, on the other hand, would consciously make a group judgment. This point far surpasses humans." Latimer explained from the side. But... Consciousness? Latimer actually thought that the robot was conscious?

"I'm not saying that robots are conscious, but that humans shouldn't think too highly of themselves. "If Tomoko was a robot, then a human is just a human cell." He saw that I was even more frightened than before, and she hastened to explain.

I swallowed. "You have..." "Miss Tomoko, what plans do you have?"

"Since there's already a matter-of-factly changing scene, why not do it again?" "I completely don't understand what she means, but her face shows an expression of excitement that only humans can have," Participant David, the match is about to start, why aren't you coming with me to practice your ball? "

Training? Of course, but... With this robot?

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