I felt my back pressed against the wall, and I had nowhere to go. I didn't have the strength to get up and run, so I could only let these two disguised demons deal with me.

"Seems like he was too shocked." The man was still trying to figure out what to say.

"Tomoko" Miss squatted down, and carefully observed my face: "You are right, but I think no matter who it is, if they were to open the door and find that they have always been staying in the 'Chu Gate's world', it would be hard to accept, right?"

"The world of the Chu Clan? What is that? "

"Oh, it's a very, very old film. Originally, Miranda lent it to Big Sis Jiang to watch, but when Big Sis Jiang said that this movie was very realistic, she let me see it again. "

"How did it become realistic?"

"The main character in the movie is in a large-scale reality show, but he doesn't know it."

Then they discussed a lot of film details, and I was a little distracted, so I couldn't understand what they were saying. But... But why isn't the devil taking me to a cage for biological experiments and talking about some old movie?

Observing my suspicions, "Tomoko" turned her head towards me and said, "It looks like you've already regained some of your calm. I pulled away from the topic only to lighten the atmosphere."

"Heh heh," I did feel a little relaxed. "Who the hell are you? Why are we conducting such a terrifying experiment here? "

"Do you still think it's an experiment of terror? Good, Latimer, open the cage and let this mister see what is so scary about it. "

"No!" If I opened the cage, those terrifying creatures would swarm in and open their bloody mouths to bite me.

I closed my eyes. But what rang in my ears was not a roar, but a soft, even somewhat cute, cry. What came into contact with me was not sharp claws, but slightly warm fur.

"Ah, this is …" I opened my eyes and saw that the man was holding a very, very small white creature that was sniffing at my body. "What is this?"

Tomoko laughed: If a little rabbit is a terrifying creature, then how terrifying would you, Mr. David, be?

What, a rabbit?

I looked at his white fur and his long, drooping ears and thought, That's right. But what I saw in the cage before was some huge, weird, ugly, giant creature!

I got up and looked around. There were really iron cages all around me... Huh? However, the cage had shrunk in an instant, and the creatures inside were no longer terrifying. Just as Tomoko said, some of them were rabbits, and some of them were … I looked closer. This should be a common animal, like a horse or a cow. But...

"That's why I said humans are really creatures that are too irrational," Tomoko looked at Latimer, shaking her head. "In a moment of panic, they would actually view such cute animals as evil monsters!"

Latimer explained: "This is all your fault. If you weren't so curious, it wouldn't have happened now! "

It turned out that Tomoko had pulled open the door of the competition grounds from the outside.

"I'm just following the sound, because I want to protect the culture environment from any external interference."

I remember banging on the door with my bat.

"I didn't expect you to hear the sounds from the underground parking lot."

"Don't forget that I'm a robot, so I have sensors that far surpass you humans."

What, the parking lot?

"Wait a minute," I interrupted. "You mean a parking lot on the ground?"

"That's right. This building is a hospital that is about to be rebuilt. The facilities inside are quite old and need to undergo intelligent modification. "

"So those lines …" I thought of those rectangular lines, and it didn't look like they were for the demon ritual, but just parking spaces!

"What line?"

"No, nothing …" "You mean, I'm in a hospital right now?"

Tomoko nodded her head, "Yes, we are indeed conducting some biological experiments. "However, it's not to create abnormal monsters, but to save people"

"Save him?" I looked closely at the rabbit, and I saw that it was slumped in the man's palm, as if it had no strength. "Use this rabbit?"

"That's right!" The man called Latimer was a little excited, "So even though our program is essentially an entertainment, in order to save people, we wouldn't hesitate to donate our Time Capsule."

"Time Capsule? What is that? " I was a little confused, but it was obvious that the fear in my heart had gradually disappeared. It seemed that these two people really weren't the disciples of the devil.

"It's better if you listen to my explanation from beginning to end …"

"Heh heh, you still haven't explained about the car." Tomoko's tone was somewhat sullen.

"Come one by one," Latimer scratched his head, looking extremely embarrassed, "Mr. David, Miss Tomoko and I are the hosts of the Eloi Company's" Daydream Theater "program. Of course, you must have seen the Miss Tomoko at the Robot Theater, and now she has signed a hosting agreement with us. "

Oh? Since when did Moloch cooperate with Eloi? This was truly a strange story.

Latimer continued: "Our program has a core item — — Time Capsule. It can form Time Field in a certain range and the flow of time in the Time Field can be changed at will."

"Time can be changed at will?"

Then, Latimer roughly explained the theory behind it. I was stunned when I heard it, but I have heard quite a few books about the theories before, so I could understand them immediately.

"Are you saying that we are now in a place where time travels at high speeds?"

"Yes, but of course the flow of time outside the arena is normal."

"So if another day passes, we'll …"

"According to our needs, we only spent a week."

"Requirement?" "What needs?" I had a vague feeling that I had fallen into a trap.

"This is related to the biological experiments carried out here. In short, there is a virus that is spreading in some area, so we need to quickly produce the antidote. "


"Hehe, but it's not fatal."

It was the first time I had heard of a virus outbreak in this era. "What does that have to do with biological experiments?"

"We inject the extracted virus into some animals in small doses and gradually increase the measurement to allow the animals to adapt and produce a sufficient number of antibodies, which are the antidotes."

"I understand. I've heard of similar medical principles." I have to thank my flat-panel reader. "Using livestock to cultivate serum for detoxification, right?"

"That's right, but it will take some time."

"Therefore, we can use the Time Capsule to speed up the time."

"You're very smart," Tomoko interrupted. "Even though the virus isn't deadly, it can cause all kinds of side effects, so the public pressure requires us to prepare the antidote as soon as possible."

"This kind of public service is also a good thing for our program." Latimer's tone was somewhat disdainful.

"Are you talking about the program's Access Rate?" I guessed.

"Of course, not everyone would like the Robot Theater, even though violence and sex are human instincts. Humans can also suffer for the misfortunes and tragedies of others, and they can help. This kind of 'love program' will naturally improve the Access Rate. "

"Ugh …" I kept having the feeling that he was joking, "So you guys have been doing the live broadcast? Even Me... Even I was filmed inside? "

Tomoko laughed as she shook his head, "Of course not, I've been editing the scenes on the program. I'm not going to cut your story in, because it has nothing to do with this public service. "However …" She turned her head to look at Latimer, but Latimer still revealed an awkward expression.

"However, Mr Latimer, if you don't tell me why that giant car is parked underground, I might be able to teleport all these images out."

"Hehe, it seems like handing the editing work to a robot isn't a good idea." Latimer seemed to be joking, but he didn't feel that it was funny.

She continued with a serious expression: "If you don't answer, I can directly ask Mr President!" She turned to the laboratory door behind her, and I saw an elderly figure standing there — the Mr President I had previously thought was a demon in disguise.

Maybe he had been after us, so he was breathing hard now, leaning against the wall.

"Everyone has their own reasons," Latimer said gloomily as he looked at the elderly Chairman, "Mr President had once helped me out quite a bit when I was young, so I promised that I would lend him the Time Field for one more time."

"Lend it to you once?" Tomoko didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "So when you opened the Time Field, you deliberately increased the scope of effect of the Time Field?"

"Yes, even though I did it naturally … But I didn't expect to be able to avoid your eyes. "

"You kept delaying the opening of the Time Capsule, in order for Mr President's car to stop underground, didn't you?"

"Why didn't you expose me earlier?"

"I don't have that obligation. After all, I'm just a camera."

Now, I found their conversation a little interesting. They were singing at the same time and seemed to be arguing with each other, but in reality, they were very close to each other. It's really hard for me to imagine that a human would tell a robot the truth as if Tomoko was a real human.

"Miss Tomoko, don't blame Mr Latimer." The Chairman seems to have regained his strength and is slowly approaching us.

A noob who had probably completed the experiment flew to the chairman and said, "Hello, do you need my help?"

"No, no, I can do it myself." I saw a helpless expression on the Chairman's face, "Participant David, you must keep this a secret."

"What secret?" I still didn't understand, "Why do you have to disguise the venue? Why did you enter the Time Field? "

The Chairman helplessly shook his head. "Just like how daydream theater thinks that getting a public service and love stunt can increase the strength of Access Rate …"

Latimer said sternly: "How can you say that! The reason we use Time Capsule is indeed to save people. "

"Hehe, actually, if I were to ask for Castari's help, wouldn't it just be a matter of time before I produce the antidote?"

"However, Castari has always been arrogant, and might not step forward."

"It is also because the virus is not lethal that you can do the live broadcast of the antidote with ease. It will also be crowned with the name of public welfare and love, and hopefully can raise the level of Access Rate. "

"Mr President!" Tomoko was puzzled, "Is it a bit inappropriate for you to say that? Though I think what you say makes some sense, and I've told you some truths. But... Latimer took the risk of being fired to let you and your car enter the Time Field, you said these words to expose the truth? "

"But you won't cut it in?"

"Like I said, this depends on the reason why you want to borrow the Time Field."

"Tomoko!" Latimer wanted to ease the atmosphere, "You don't understand Mr President's difficulties. Besides, he's always been a frank person, so that's why I'm friends with him. "

This was true, the Mr President had always offended the media because of how he spoke frankly. But maybe it's because of this that our Access Rate in the Snooker Championship fell all the way!

The tolerance of the world for truthful people is limited.

"Alright, since the experiment is ready, what's next is just the bored time to wait for the antibody to be generated, not to mention there is Whitey supervising the entire process … Then Mr President, why don't you explain it to us? Not only to us, but also to your proud disciple, Mr. David. Why are you doing this? Under the condition that the participants were unaware, all of them were moved into the Time Field? "

The Chairman adjusted his glasses, his voice somewhat desolate: "Isn't everyone doing it for the Access Rate!"

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