"Dear audience of 'Daydream Theater', welcome to the next episode! The protagonist of this episode, yes, right in front of you all, let us welcome Miss White, and also … Lady Miranda. " So, the next broadcast began in a hurry, and we spent an afternoon trying to pick out a movie we could watch.

Maybe the audience hadn't forgotten our show yet, so the Access Rate was pretty good at the beginning. But it still couldn't compare to the Robot Theater, and as time passed, we discovered to our dismay that almost all of the Access Rate had moved to Moloch's side.

Director Andy's tone seemed to be a little discouraged, but he said, "En, not bad, Latimer, you did pretty good." But I know it's a sign of fatalism, and that motherly, happy choice of subject is bound to make the show inconspicuous.

In our time, would any child think it was the best time to spend time with their parents? Didn't everyone just meet each other a dozen times before entering the virtual world to have fun? It had to be said that Moloch's move was truly …

I thought of some ideas that might be able to change the situation, so I 'forcefully' pulled away the mother and daughter who were showing off their love and asked, "I wonder what Ms White will give to Mother on Mother's birthday?"

"Ah …" White seemed to not have reacted at all, as he rolled his eyes and started to think.

"A gift?" Miranda laughed, "Mom does not need any gifts, I just want my daughter to stay by my side." Her expression was sincere, her eyes filled with love as she looked at White.

But White seemed to be extremely nervous, as she did not even notice her mother's words, "Ah, of course, I will prepare Mother a present and fresh flowers …"

"Excuse me …" I planned to chase after her. Although this question was a little immoral, I didn't have any scruples for the sake of the Access Rate. "Can you tell me what my mother's birthday is on?"

"I …" She faltered. I'm sure she doesn't know that now.

"Why, don't you know?" My palms were sweating, and it was against my conscience to expose it to my face. The director also tried to stop me, and kept calling out by my ear, "Latimer, you don't need to use such a method, our Access Rate has already …"

Miranda blocked in front of his daughter, as if she was trying to protect her. "I told you, it doesn't matter if you get a present or not. The most important thing for a family member to be together is to be able to be together, and not some gift! "

"No, Mom," White had just recovered her senses, "I have nothing to admit to that. I was too absorbed in my own academic work before that I neglected your feelings, mother... In the future... Every year, I come back to visit my mother and bring her a birthday present. " She looked at my sunglasses again and nodded firmly.

This was obviously expressing his sincerity to the audience, as well as an apology to his mother. Of course, it was also a question of whether or not there were any audience members who minded.

"Do you know what Mom likes?" I had to continue to play the villain and watch the changes in the Access Rate at the same time.

"Well, my mom likes to watch old movies." She seemed to think that according to the plan, we should choose a movie to share with the audience. "The kind of movie that uses discs as a carrier. Mr Latimer has seen it too? "

"Me? I think I saw it when I was a kid. Do you know which one or which ones Mom liked to see the most? "

"There are a lot of them. For example …" She gave out some names, but as I had expected, we had just reviewed them one by one. This matter seemed to further prove that she actually didn't understand her mother's preferences and only reported these names based on her memories.

"What about the old movies? Do you have any other hobbies? " I followed.

Miss White was unable to reply immediately. This time, it was his mother who stood out: "Mr Latimer! What are you doing? Just now, White had explained to her that she had her own research to do, and her own life to lead. So you don't understand my preferences, so there's nothing wrong with that, right? "

"That's what you mean …"

"Then, Mr Latimer, how much do you know about your mother?"

"Ugh …" I was being asked a bit incorrectly because I had never met my mother since I was young. This was probably the reason why I had developed borderline personality disorder. "I'm not the one who's going to be on the show."

Miss White looked straight into my eyes, once again expressing her apology and determination, "I will have more in the future …"

"But?" "Everyone knows that you are going to the Castari, so in the future, how are we going to get to know Mother? How can we maintain our relationship when we only have three days a year to go home? "

"Blood is thicker than water, the relationship between mother and daughter will never change."

"Yes, but only in terms of blood. Feelings and stuff... If you have the other half, you will understand that emotions are built on more things. "

"I don't need your guidance." Miss White was a little anxious, and his tone became strong.

"Ah, not guidance. I just don't really get it, so... " I took a look at my screen and sure enough, there were many comments. "So, everyone, do you understand?"

The messages were indeed filled with doubts, some even directly thought that the relationship between Miss White and Miranda was not close, and only forced a smile.

However, some of the spectators were more rational, and believed that there was indeed a generation gap between the young and the old. This was a social problem, and the Miss White could not be blamed individually.

Of course, this is the result and influence that I hope to create. The more people discuss it, the more differences they have, which means that the higher the level of the Access Rate.

However, these 'achievements' were unable to suppress the remorse in my heart, regardless of whether or not they were really acting, or whether or not there were really not many feelings involved … Should I expose them in front of countless people?

"Miss White," seeing that she was unable to refute me, I decided to give her a way out. "When do you plan to use the Time Capsule? The audience is waiting for this moment. "

But she didn't seem to be ready to use it. "I think we might as well see an old movie. Mother, you want to see it too, don't you? "

"Of course!" They seem to have forgotten my previous tit for tat, return to the deep love between mother and daughter.

So that was all I could do today, and then we had to watch the mother and daughter as they watched the slow movement of the 'flat picture' from a hundred years ago.

To pass this time of boredom, I planned to watch some other programs from the inside of my sunglasses — flat though they were, but better than that, right?

As I expected, the Robotics Theatre had taken up almost all of the viewing space in the upper-left corner of the program box, while the rest of the show was crowded into the corner.

In the preview, I finally saw Moro wearing a kimono, giving her a different kind of charm, making her seem even more mature. And the opening of the uniform was larger than usual, just enough to reveal Miss Tomoko's white and ample chest. She wore a heavy make-up, too, and her beautiful, diamond-like eye shadow made her look like a star in the sky.

Although it was a small preview area, it attracted almost 100% of my attention. I simply couldn't see which movie was being played by Miss White and Lady Miranda on my own show. No matter which department, they would definitely not be as beautiful as the Miss Tomoko!

I couldn't help but to feel extremely proud. Even if the world were to crush their heads, they wouldn't be able to participate in the Robot Theater. However, I was alone with the Miss Tomoko for almost an entire afternoon!

The people around the Miss Tomoko were obviously the five lucky ones. Then, what interaction would they have with the Miss Tomoko in this episode?

The protagonists of the Daydream Theatre are obediently watching the boring plane images, so... I thought, even if I, the host, were watching the Robotics Theater from the side... There shouldn't be any problems, right? Besides, I only looked at it for a while, just to understand the enemy's "strategy", to find its weakness, so that I can hit it in the future "seven inches"!

Without any explanation, I opened the "Robot Theater" and the Miss Tomoko immediately spread out, covering the entire center of my vision.

Unfortunately, I'm not a VIP user of their program, so I can only use it from a distance... Wait a minute, why is the picture black?

Strangely, Miss Tomoko's figure flashed past, followed by a long black picture.

I immediately exited the live broadcast, thinking to myself, could Eloi have a rule: Reporters are not allowed to watch other programs during live broadcasts? Had my intentions been discovered by the company?

But when I withdrew, I could still see the preview on the upper left corner, where the Miss Tomoko was still located. I ventured in again, but it was as dark as ever.

Could it be that something happened to Moloch?

While I was still confused, I suddenly saw a line of words appear in the dark: "Due to equipment problems, the live broadcast will be delayed."

Impossible, right? I still haven't encountered any problems with the equipment when I was doing the program, could it be that Eloi wants to destroy Miss Tomoko's live broadcast? But with the interference of the Balance Bureau, the Eloi would not do this no matter what.

I really don't understand, so I can only temporarily quit. I saw that the mother and daughter duo were still watching this boring old movie, but it was clear that the Miss White was not interested in it at all. All of my colleagues were yawning, while only Miranda was watching with great interest.

"The generation gap between them is too deep!" I exclaimed.

However, this is also good. If I let time pass in this boring answering booth, as the host, I would have to participate and waste my energy!

Looks like the Access Rate is unable to be saved, and tonight's live broadcast will end here!

I was about to ask the director how long it would take for the broadcast to end, when I heard a sharp knock on the door.

"Neighbors? "What's the matter at this time of night?" Miss White got up and was about to open the door, but I stopped her with a thought.

"What's wrong?"

"The live broadcast team is outside, so there shouldn't be any neighbors coming over."

"Who is that?"

"Let me ask." I walked to the door and asked the director through a hidden channel.

Andy did not say who it was. She … "I …" He had no idea what he was doing. Even though he wasn't outside, he should have been able to see what was going on.

"Who are they?" I called through the door.

After a while, I heard a voice that surprised me, a voice that I was afraid I would never want to hear again: "It's me, Jiang Xiaowei."

How could it be her?

Wasn't their Robot Theater also broadcasting live?

"I'm looking for you, Mr Latimer."

"Huh?" I never thought of it.

"Please open the door." If I didn't hear wrong, her tone is no longer tough, but instead has a kind of … There was a kind of pleading in there. Wait, beg?

But I was right, because when I opened the door, she looked so gentle, so flushed, that she could hardly look me in the eye.

"It's the Miss Jiang!" I pretended to be surprised.

"It's me." Her gaze finally fell upon the black box in my hand. "Mr Latimer, I'm sorry about what happened earlier. "I've come this time for …"

She seemed embarrassed to say it, so I asked, "For what? We are all friends. If there's anything I can help with, I will definitely help. "But …"

I pointed to the mother and daughter inside the room. "We are currently doing a live broadcast, so can we reschedule it another day?" I looked over at the live broadcast team outside the door and wondered why no one had stopped her.

However, when I glanced over, I saw another unfamiliar face — — a man dressed in a grey robe was standing behind Jiang Xiaowei. However, what was different from the other people in Sleeping Religion was that his robe did not cover his head. What was even weirder was that he was holding onto a green sword in his hands … Is that an olive branch? This thing is not cheap.

Seemingly seeing my curiosity, Miss Jiang introduced: "This person came from …"

"Latimer!" I heard a loud, familiar voice, coming from behind the gray-robed figure. "This is Joe …"

But before he finished speaking, the gray-robed man introduced himself: "No, I do not have a name. You can call me Number Six. "

"Number six?" I couldn't help but repeat myself.

"Yes, Psyche Master Number Six." His tone was serious, clearly not joking.

"Alright then … "Mr. Number Six, I told you that we are broadcasting live, so please …" I observed a dazzling light shining behind the Master Number Six.

"Latimer!" That familiar voice sounded once again, "You are not allowed to be disrespectful to this Master Number Six."

I walked slowly out of the room. Then I saw that the light had been emitted by a holographic projection ball. And in the center of the projection …

The one in the center of the projection is none other than, the big boss of Eloi Company!

Why would he come to this small show with no Access Rate to speak of?

"Ai..." Mr Eloi. " My voice trembled. No wonder no one outside the door would dare to stop Miss Jiang. It was the Mr Eloi who allowed them to enter.

"I mean to say," Mr Eloi's tone returned to his usual calm. "This Master Number Six is a partner that established Eloi Company with me … Even though he now has his own ideals. "

Things were getting more complicated. Just like the sudden appearance of the black-robed man, would this sudden appearance of the grey-robed man bring the ordinary events to an unknown and strange stage?

Moloch's Miss Jiang, had their own dreams … What do you mean, 'psychological energy master number six', what's the relationship between them and the Mr Eloi?

Was it related to the sudden break in the live broadcast of the Robot Theater?

Most importantly, why would they suddenly appear on the program at this time?

But I didn't think it was bad at all, because no matter how ridiculous things were, it was still more interesting than if the two of them were pretending to be natural and motherly.

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