Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 86: Hire a murderer

The female swordsman took a step back, but soon realized that the cheese's tone and expression when speaking this sentence were not malicious. The current mage has only a faint tiredness. Instead of questioning Ata, he is begging for a reassuring answer. This made the female swordsman relieved while giving birth to a bit of intolerance. Along the way, she gradually realized that the wizard in gray robe was not what she thought. He was like her, and there was no lack of emotions.

Because of this, she is not easy to answer this question. In the bright place in the distance, there was a cry of shouting, thinking that the skinned person liberated by the cheese intervened in the battle. Atalanta took a deep breath, and from this air she felt the smell of grassland, the smell of fireworks, and the faint smell of blood. The composition of this air is so complicated that it's almost difficult for her to breathe because of her delicate taste. Fortunately, her body is still performing her due functions loyally. The complicated air flows into the lungs along the trachea, replacing the useless exhaust gas and turning into a sigh.

"I thought you wouldn't mention it." Ata's face had a somewhat self-deprecating look. She shouldn't hold innocent expectations, thinking that what happened today was enough for the cheese to stop the yew people. 'S appearance is associated with her. But who made the mage show no worries about this all day? She couldn't defy the little fluke in her heart.

"If this matter is not critical, I will not mention it. Not only me, but also Losa. Everyone has a secret, not to mention your situation. We can understand and don't care. In the past, I just wanted to unlock all The truth of the matter, anything that is dangerous for the truth can be done, and allies that can be fought for the truth will also push it to their opposites. Fortunately, really, I do n’t know how I am in such a reckless state. It ’s alive now. ”The cheese said with a wry smile in the corner of his mouth. He had begun to reflect on what he had done in the past. After Losa returned, he told him what happened in the Bay of Loss. Reflection is a further step. Now he decides to start trying to treat people in another way, but this does not mean that he has given up his persistence on truth and truth, but that he has learned to be patient before reaching the end.

Atta ’s expression finally slowed down, she walked back to the mage, her sky blue eyes looked at the fire in the distance, "Sorry, I did n’t expect them to come. They have n’t caught up with me for months, I thought I have gotten rid of them ... sorry. "She said, her eyes lowered gradually and her voice became diminished, as if she might cry at any time.

"There's nothing to apologize. Am I also involved in the Shale Ministry's affairs according to my own preferences? As a result, tonight, maybe someone will die because of my rise. We are not gods, even if Wu Qizui The spirits in here, they are not the omnipotent existence. To be honest, I doubt whether the existence really exists. Is it a bit confusing? I just want to tell you that we all make mistakes, because of ignorance, because of self-confidence Feasible. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone is like this.

The enlightenment of the cheese is actually not an enlightenment. He just said what he could only say to himself through this matter. Regardless of whether Atta understood or not, she realized one thing, that is, the gray robe really didn't blame her. Taking a deep breath again, there was a slight noise in the nose, and the female swordsman raised her head, "Those yews started to find me about a year ago. But because I am timid, I have always been able to escape, And their fog only trapped me alone, so every time I ran non-stop in one direction and ran away from them. This time, because you are here, I am really I confronted them head-on, and some things I remembered came back to my mind. "

Atta did n’t know whether she should be happy or sad. If she had n’t been acting alone during this time, the earliest person involved might not be the cheese. In that case, the person involved might be injured or even killed, or even trapped in the fog. It is also possible to find no way out. Think about it in another way. The female swordsman has never been implicated in others, precisely because she has never been accepted. After all, not everyone can accept a woman with gem-like eyes and beast-like ears. I mean, from the appearance, she certainly has a different aesthetic than others, but this beauty is unusual and even abnormal. Not everyone can accept it in a short time, and Atta rarely gives others time to get acquainted with her.

"Yishan people came to kill me. Or, they were hired to let me die in this body." The girl said quietly.

"Why? Who is going to kill you?" The cheese noticed the weirdness that Atta said and died in this body. In other words, someone wanted her to die as a human. Judging from the fact that the killer hired by the other party is the Zishan, this person is unlikely to be human. This touched on the unknown part of his knowledge about goblins. Generally speaking, it is not surprising that the yews, who are mercenaries, are hired because of their fairy neutral status. There is even a legend that humans have hired a whole group of yews to fight because they have picked up the goblin currency.

"A goblin." Atalanta's tone was a little sad, and it was heard that with the contact with the yew people, memories that were difficult to understand in childhood were gradually regrouping in her mind in a way that humans could sort out. , "I don't know how to pronounce her name, that is not a name that can be pronounced in human language. In short, I grew up with her, and she was responsible for me when I was still living in the kingdom of goblins. Goblin. Without parents, they were born to know how to live in the land of goblins, and she taught them to me. "

"So far, I haven't heard the reason why the story will become the present." The mage shrugged.

"Our relationship was good until I was sent back to the human world, but when I was about to leave the fairy land, I was told one thing ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The fairy has no parents, but the kingdom of the fairy There are kings. The previous generation of goblin kings and queens are already very old. Although the goblin ’s life span is long, it also has a day. And according to the goblin law, I call it the law. The same rules are followed. In short, the new fairy king and queen must succeed when the old king dissipates, and they must be fairies born on the same day. "

The cheese heard a somewhat clear look here, "You are a female, and you use her to call the goblin who grew up with you. So I guess that the goblin who replaced you from human parents is a male, and He will become the new king, and you will become his queen because of the change of hands, right? "

"If my life in this body is naturally exhausted, some of my inner will make me reborn as a fairy on the fairy land. Swapping is the best candidate for kings and queens, because they are often in the fairy The most wise. So, yes. "In all fairness, Atta did not resist continuing life as a goblin. After all, she had lived in the goblin kingdom. As for being the wife of a goblin who has taken away his human identity ... this may not be too happy. However, there are always people who are more unhappy than her.

"I guess that the friend who grew up with you was born the same day as you. If you die, I mean, die as a human being. And the king's candidate remains unchanged, then she is the queen's only candidate. Right? "The expression of the cheese is a little subtle. The story described by Atta will only happen in the drama when he hears it, or the kind of court drama he doesn't like.

"I think she thinks so."

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