Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 154: jewel and raven

Staying in the house often does not help thinking about problems. In addition to providing a sense of security and tranquility in a closed environment, it will also invisibly make people over-focus their attention, narrow the way to solve the problem, and fail to see its other angles.

So when cheese walked out of the tower, looking at the sky and the earth, and the snowflakes falling above, his previous haze about the war between the gray robes dissipated even the last trace.

Elsa followed behind him, and Youni and Helen were also waiting in the small square in front of the tower early. Besides them, the snowflakes and the cold wind brought another guest, a shiny black raven.

The raven circled a few times in the air, and slowly landed on the low wall of the ruins. It was very large, and its eyes were unusually blue.

The raven screamed, and the wind rolled up the snowflakes, forming an opaque storm around it. When the storm dissipated, another figure in a gray robe, Curse Crow, appeared in front of them.

"You came back sooner than expected. When I knew you refused to ride a dragon, I thought I wouldn't be able to see you in this land for a few years."

The relationship between Curse Crow and Cheese is relatively good among the same sect. Although they have no clear covenant or agreement, familiarity sometimes becomes like this.

So although the cursed crow said it seemed to be sarcasm of the cheese, he still walked up and gave the same door a hug. This hug, Cheese noticed that the left arm under the cursed crow's gray robe was empty. He is missing an arm.

"What's going on here?" It's not something anyone can do to take away an arm of the gray-robed mage. Even the cheese admits that the wolf walker, who is almost impossible to fight on the frontal battlefield, cannot substantially hurt him in most cases.

Because the outer robe of the gray robe itself is a natural magic container, and every mage can store his own self-protection spells in it, like the atomization of cheese, so if there is no chance of winning in a frontal battle, fleeing is always an option for them. Easy.

Besides, the gray robes also have an understanding of pharmacology. As long as people don't die, physical injuries, long or short, can be restored, even the regeneration of severed limbs is all right.

Curse Crow glanced at his missing left arm, and showed a helpless smile, "You don't seem to notice it. That kid over there, why don't you come and tell him?"

Youni, who was suddenly named, was stunned for a moment, and then immediately walked to the teacher's side. He already knew that these people who were also wearing gray robes were fellow teachers of the teacher, and in a sense they were also his teachers, at least in the City of Ten Thousand Arts. This is the case in ethics.

As for the question the other party asked him to answer, Yuni can be regarded as an answer, "Wings, teacher. This gentleman still has two wings while maintaining the shape. limbs. But if the corresponding relationship is clear, the incompleteness will also be preserved.”

That's right, what Youni said about the theory of transfiguration is the original words of cheese. But of course, this is not to use the teacher's original words to tease the cheese himself. Youni's attitude and voice are very respectful throughout the whole process, as if to remind the teacher.

Cheese knows his apprentices well, so naturally he will not have any anger and his thoughts. Unlike most mages who believe that apprentices must live in the shadow of their teachers, Cheese is happy to see the next generation go out of their own way, but That day was too early for Helen and Youni at this time.

"Yes, so you didn't lose your left arm? Or did you deceive yourself in some way? Did you know that it is actually possible to regenerate a severed limb?"

Cheese is right, if a mage with mutilated limbs can transform into a healthy animal in some way, then when he is released from the animal state, he can use the same projection principle to restore his limbs in the human state .

This is not some secret forbidden art, nor is it a bizarre myth or legend. Many spellcasters who are proficient in Transfiguration have demonstrated it in person, time and time again. So in theory, if Cursed Crow's arm is really gone, he should be growing it back by now.

The conjurer tilted his head and stared at Youni's sharp horns with interest. He thought it was the result of the other party's failed attempt at transfiguration, but it was not the case when he looked carefully. Of course, this does not prevent him from answering the cheese's question,

"You're right, if it's really broken, it's gone, I'll be able to deal with it a long time ago. The problem is, it's still there. In theory, my arm is still growing under the shoulder, and the skin, blood vessels, and muscles are all connected together. , and even a feeling. It's just that it's not on me anymore. It's been taken off my body and stored elsewhere."

"Who did it?" Cheese realized the seriousness of the problem. The missing limbs described by the cursed crow can only be sat by magic, and it is a very complicated spell.

In ancient stories, it is often recorded that after defeating a demon, a great hero dismembers him because he cannot kill it, and hides his body in various secret places to prevent the demon from resurrecting.

But the situation in the legend relies on the near-immortality vitality of the demon itself, and the same situation applies to living people, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com that person is long dead. Unless the cutting is done by magic, as in the case of the Cursed Raven, the limb is removed, but the sense and life are still connected.

This kind of spell can be regarded as a kind of seal. Just imagine, if what is removed is not an arm, but a head, then what remains in the world is a head that can do nothing, and a head that can do nothing. body. There is no doubt that this is a very vicious thing.

"Jeweler, he sealed his left arm in a gem. If I hadn't pulled out fast enough, it might not be just an arm. But I didn't make him feel better. My curse is not easy to lift."

Jeweler is the name of a gray robe. Before setting off for the City of Ten Thousand Laws, Cheese had seen him fight Alina in the Gray Tower. At that time, Alina relied on the power of the Gray Tower to successfully destroy a substitute of the jeweler.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not leave, but he clashed with the cursed crow and took away an arm from the same door.

Cheese's brows were tightly locked together, because the curse crow was talking about a civil war between the gray robes in a flat tone, and the result was undoubtedly that both sides were injured. This made him realize that the war between the same sects had already begun, but it hadn't entered the most intense stage yet.

"You can tell me about this in detail later. The puppet came to me yesterday, and he now calls himself a tea stem. Will he pose a threat to you?"

The cheese called the curse crow because of his own business. If the tea stem and the jeweler were allies, the curse crow would be in danger now.

The conjurer looked around, as if confirming that the tea stalk was not here, "Don't be so nervous. I haven't heard any news about who he hangs out with, but that guy has always been tight-lipped. He came to recruit you yesterday? Didn't you Promise him?"

"Yes, I didn't promise him."

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