Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 151: tea stem

The two apprentices did not suspect him, and after saluting the gray robe, they left the upper floor of the tower. They were really too tired and couldn't wait to rest, besides, no one could hurt the gray-robed mage here.

The footsteps of Youni and Helen gradually faded away, and the door of the library closed silently. The representative of the Edward family walked up to Cheese and sat down. The bandages on his body formed a chair under his body as if alive, supporting his body firmly.

Without the bandage cover, it can be clearly seen that this man's skin does not have any blemishes that need to be covered, and his cleanness does not match his identity.

"How long have we not seen each other? How many years? Ten years?" Cheese raised his eyes slightly and looked at the person opposite. He saw the clothes on the other party gradually change, and finally reorganized into a familiar gray robe.

"I don't remember. Is it important?" Ghoul, oh no, the gray-robed mage disguised as a ghoul visiting replied in a gentle but gloomy voice, while his eyes wandered on the bookshelf behind Cheese, as if he was interested in this place The collection of books is very curious.

"It's not important, I just asked casually, they all greeted like this." Cheese put down the book in his hand, leaned back into the back of the chair, and said in the same tone. For the gray robes, the communication between each other does not require emotion, what they say is what they want to express.

"They? You mean the people below. Well, it is really necessary to make them feel that we are not so conspicuous. But between you and me, there is no need to do this."

The visitor looked at the emblem that emerged on the chest of Cheese's gray robe, which became more complicated after the fusion of the alchemist. Today it includes not just a robed mouse holding a lantern, but also a dice, a symbol of alchemical magic, held in the mouse's other hand.

If you look carefully, you can vaguely see a tall tower behind the mouse, and many rivers under the tower. How incredible, obviously from a distance, the emblem of cheese is just a few abstract patterns, but the more you focus on it, the more things you can see, the more detailed, and even continuous Add details.

This is a new change in the cheese emblem after the second awakening, and it is also a change that only those who are also powerful mages can notice.

"Maybe I've been among them for too long, so I'm used to it. Besides, if I don't ask this question, I think the silence between us will last for a long time. Isn't that in line with efficiency?" Cheese said with a smile, and raised his hand at the same time Picking up the teapot from the side table, he poured a cup of liquid into the cup in front of him.

"Do me a favor. I've poured the tea in front of you this morning, but no one has had a sip all day. Just spill it on the floor."

"No, I'll do it myself." The other party flipped his hand and took out a diamond pendant. He lowered his palm to let the diamond sink into the tea. After a few seconds, the liquid in the quilt was reheated until it started to bubble.

Cheese recognized the function of this small prop. It can not only heat the liquid, but also absorb impurities and toxins in the water. Now the water in the other party's quilt will only be as delicious as when it was soaked in the morning. His fellow disciple also naturally picked up the cup, took a sip, and raised his eyebrows.

"Not bad, right? This is the tea I brought back from Riverrun. It doesn't have magical effects, it's just delicious. Considering the variety of people I want to meet today, this is the most suitable choice."

"You have become cunning." Another gray-robed mage made this evaluation, whether it was a compliment or a derogation, and also showed a slight smile. The emblem on his clothes has only now emerged. It is a puppet sitting on a stone with its chin propped on one hand. The puppet is covered with a long robe.

"It's just adapting, and changing. There are too many things in this world that don't change. Since our lives can't last forever, we don't have to do things. By the way, what should I call you now? Puppeteer? Puppet?" Cheese spread out hand, also took a sip of tea.

The person on the opposite side blinked, "It's indeed a problem. I stole the original identity of this ghoul, but I didn't intend to continue to play him. Puppeteer or something really doesn't sound like a name. How about it, since you called Secretary, my name is Tea Geng.”

"I didn't realize where the connection was, but of course it's okay. Tea stem, at least in this way they won't always say that my pseudonym is random." Cheese faced the tea stem, and both of them showed an indifferent expression For the gray robe, as long as it is not their real name, their names are the same.

The relaxed atmosphere came to an abrupt end after calling each other, the cheese knocked on the table, and some magic in the room began to take effect, isolating the place from the outside world. This is both to prevent eavesdropping and to prevent possible conflicts from spilling over to other people.

The tea stem didn't mean to stop the cheese. His eyes were shining with a familiar blue halo, and he watched the whole process of the magic operation in the room through magic vision, "Three-dimensional magic circle? This idea is quite interesting. For irregular planes , which can save a lot of space.”

"I learned it from some friends. The effect is good. However, it is still impossible to perfectly transplant complex and sophisticated spells, so no matter what you want to do next, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Please take it into consideration." The implication of the sentence is that it is time for the tea stem to explain its intention.

The gray robe tea stem also became serious, with two blue eyes staring at the cheese, "It's going to snow, a lot of snow. You'd better expand the window, because soon you can only enter and exit the mage through there tower."

The snow is just an appearance, the cheese knows, and the tea stem also knows that the reason behind the abnormal weather is the disorder of the magic tide in the Panbei continent and even the whole world. The reason may be the fall of the spider web god, or something else, but this is not enough to make this fellow come here to warn.

"It seems that you know? Very good, this will save us a lot of time. Let me start with the conclusion that the Gray Tower must have a new owner. It doesn't have to be me or you, but there must be one."

Cheese frowned slightly, "Is there any connection between these two things?"

"Yes, it can even be said that it is very close." The tea stem said in a low voice. He raised his hand, and a few bandages spread out from his fingertips, wrapping around the table to form the tower they were very familiar with. But soon, the appearance of the gray tower began to split, and countless branches stretched out around it.

"Our teacher not only built a stronghold for himself, he made the gray tower a kind of pillar connecting the world, whether it is good intentions or malicious. If the gray tower has no owner, its effectiveness will be out of control, and it will not be able to play its role. Ability."

The so-called mountain is not high, the water is not deep, and the mage tower is the same. Some sacred symbols can operate naturally without an owner, but some have to be owned by someone.

The causal relationship among them is hard to tell, and the principles to be followed generally follow the inertia of continuation. Since it has had a master before, it should continue to have a master.

"So? You mean, we want to end the chaos in the gray tower as soon as possible."

"Yes, at any cost."

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