Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 146: cleaned up

The unknown is the scariest, and the unknown is also the most interesting, both completely depend on people's attitude towards the unknown. In the current Uni, the former accounts for a larger proportion, while the latter accounts for a small proportion. roundabout

But being very small does not mean that there is nothing. After the teaching of Cheese, curiosity, the basic quality of being a spellcaster, has gradually sprouted from the apprentice's body, giving him a different view of the unknown.

Therefore, when he confirmed the identity of the black shadow, and even confirmed the shape it imitated, besides being relieved, Youni also felt a little dull, and the adventure in front of him suddenly lost a lot of fun.

But the battle will not end because of boredom, Yoni felt the irritability in his thoughts, amplified it, intensified it, and turned it into some kind of anger that wanted to tear everything apart.

It's a complete set of auto-suggestions, it's of no use to anyone else, amplifying the negative parts of one's emotions has no purpose other than making people hysterical, yet the power of the beast also increases with emotions .

The most powerful shapeshifters, when unable to use their reason, will use their emotions, and by letting themselves fall into some kind of intense emotional vortex, they will reach a drunken ecstasy.

"Howl!" came out of Yoni's throat, the creepy roar frightened Helen. The girl subconsciously took two steps back, leaning her back against the wall, and unintentionally placed the lantern between her and the boy.

Although Helen can probably guess that this is some kind of change of Uni's spellcasting, she is still afraid of this person, because at this moment, the silent, boring, and sloppy person is gone. A beast in appearance. roundabout

This feeling is so obvious that it only takes a growl to detect it. And this may be the true state of magic, which always makes the caster uncomfortable.

So is Yoni really surrendering to the **** in him? Maybe Helen would stop thinking so if she could see the boy's eyes. There was a faint blue light in Youni's eyes, just like his teacher, but the degree of light was only the same as when Cheese cast a spell casually.

People who lose their minds cannot control magic power, and the mist of magic power in their eyes is just the evidence of a clear heart. The magic vision scans the filth through the darkness. Since the black shadow is a wraith, its appearance and disappearance will definitely cause disturbance at the magic level.

Even if this disturbance is slight for the current apprentices, it is enough.

"Shua!" The moment the black shadow emerged, Yoni's palms drove him to rotate. Helen's retreat put Youni in the weak spot of the light, and he naturally became the target of the ghoul's shadow.

But this time, the incident didn't happen again, and he was ready. The apprentice who had raised the level of animalization used his left hand to open the sharp claw pointing to the chest, and at the same time, the bear paw of the right hand slapped the black shadow's head hard.

There was no feeling of being hit by the entity, but the shadow did react as if it had been hit, and rolled down the stairs, all the way to Helen's feet. roundabout

Its black skin was torn by the scorching sun, and its body gradually disintegrated in the silent growl. Those sharp claws wanted to grab the girl's ankles, but they broke into many pieces at the moment of contact.

In the end, the shadow dissipated, leaving only a bone, which was placed there alone, and some black smoke could occasionally be seen from it.

The two children stared at the bone for a few seconds, and just as they were about to say something, the tower suddenly lit up. The sunlight from outside flooded the stone building again, so bright that it completely obscured the light from the breath of dawn.

Not only the scattered windows, but the downward projecting reflector hanging from the top of the tower also increases the lighting intensity. This is what the Tower of Cheese looks like, quiet and peaceful, with emerald green vines growing between the rocks, like cotton threads Sew up the garment. Most of the stains have dissipated, leaving only a little floating soil. Compared with before, it can be called clean.

"So, it's done, right?" Helen looked at the bright tower, and for a moment forgot to be afraid of Youni. In fact, it was true. Apart from the roar just now, the apprentice's body was more about the disharmony of different limbs. With his thin and thin figure, he really lacked oppressive force.

Youni nodded and lifted the Transfiguration on his body, only then did he realize that the back of his left hand, which he used to parry, was also scratched by the ghoul shadow with a bleeding wound.

The pain on the back of his hand and the wound on his back made him almost fall off his knees. Fortunately, Helen approached in time and supported Youni's body. roundabout

"You need rest."

"I think it's more necessary to stop the bleeding. There should be something in the teacher's library that can stop the bleeding. Let's go and see." The boy smiled wryly, enduring the pain and weakness caused by blood loss, and walked towards the few doors in the tower. A room at this height could only have belonged to the owner of the tower.

Sure enough, after pushing open the fragile wooden door, there are full of bookshelves and various sundries on the ground and on the table. They're not cluttered, they're just crowded, making it feel like the space is full and it's hard to fit anything else.

Helen helped Yuni in, and the latter sighed softly and sat down against the desk. He could have used that chair, the only chair in the entire tower.

"I found it. It says ointment on it. It looks like it can heal wounds." Helen came back with an ordinary jar, which was wetted with paper and printed with the words of ointment.

Open the jar and the green plaster gives the illusion that it can cure anything.

Maybe it's not an illusion. What Helen is holding in her hand is indeed the panacea given to Cheese by the Son of the Forest. It is also known as Drew Yin's secret medicine. It can treat almost all known natural diseases, except for veterinary diseases. This extraordinary disease. roundabout

The two children naturally didn't know the value of this potion of panacea. UUReading Book www.uukanshu.com Helen just felt that it was necessary to give Youni the medicine, and Youni intuitively believed that these ointments could cure him, so he didn't refuse .

Things that are casually placed on the table are not too precious, right?

"You are using a panacea." This was the first sentence that Cheese, who went to the tower with Elsa to find the two children, said, but he quickly continued,

"This judgment is correct. There are often rotten toxins on the claws of wraiths, which can cause pustules, tetanus, and all the lesions that you can imagine along the wounds. Without immediate treatment, the panacea It's a good choice."

While talking, Cheese took out the bone and put it in a translucent amber cover, which was slightly staggered.

"This is the arm bone of the Ghoul King. There must be a gap in its cover for some reason, and then it ran out with the surrounding magic power. In fact, a better solution is to enter here first with the breath of dawn, and then get out of it." Find the source of the abnormality. Fighting it head-on will risk injury."

Cheese's voice couldn't be heard high or low. Is he angry because the apprentice misused the precious ointment? roundabout

"What he means is that you should give priority to protecting yourself." Elsa checked Yuni's wound, gently stroked the top of Helen's head, and showed a somewhat helpless smile.

"Courage is a double-edged sword, it has always been like this. It is okay to sacrifice one's life, but you must first think about whether it is necessary, otherwise it is not brave, but an escape from a more difficult path." Cheese reset the amber cover where the bones were placed , turned to look at the two children.

"That's the end of class time, let's go eat first. Mr. Pinwei said that we can look forward to this meal, and I especially don't want you two to miss it."

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