Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 122: Magic and Flour

"That magical tide, what is it?" Migo has heard Cheese talking about this concept more than once. The problem of gray robe talking to himself makes the people around him always have a little understanding of what he is thinking .

The gray robe didn't step into the battlefield again. He lowered his head and picked up a broken arrowhead. The target it should have shot died from being pierced by the spear behind him. The thick armor can protect many parts, but there are always places that cannot be protected.

Metal products can reflect a lot of information, and if there are decorations on it, it can even directly determine the cultural circle it belongs to. It's a pity that the arrow in Cheese's hand is not so delicate, it seems to be rushed out, which shows that at least one party in the war is insufficiently prepared for the war, or has reached the end of the battle.

It is worth mentioning that when Cheese picked up the arrow, the pierced corpse beside him also began to squeak and shake, as if he was eager to hug the gray robe into his arms. Spear limit, it may have succeeded.

"The so-called magic tide, um, is the changing law of the total amount of magic power in this world. Its changing state is as slow as the landform, and it is more difficult to detect. When the tide is high, many unnatural things will happen in nature, such as growth Unusual beasts, monsters proliferating, and the resurrection of the dead."

The cheese walked towards the red dragon, and beside him and behind him, as if in response, a large number of corpses began to squirm. There is no trace of magic power or spells on them, as if it is a matter of course that the corpse can move.

"Conversely, if the tide is low, the world will become quiet and reasonable." The gray robe raised his hands, his eyes glowing slightly with magic power. He didn't want to cast a spell, but just used his sense of magic power to draw nearby magic power.

For ordinary spellcasters, this ability is enough to be used as a trump card in a desperate fight, but it can be used in today's gray robe, without any feeling of effort at all. If you want to say it, it's like dipping the dough with a little stuffing. The stuffing is the magic of cheese, and the dough is the magic of nature.

As the invisible vortex converged on the mage's hands, the shambling corpses slumped to the bottom, no longer showing any signs of movement.

The magic power contaminated with the breath of the dead is essentially an unstable poison. Over time, it will brew the miasma in people's mouths, which will cause various natural phenomena.

Cheese asked Migo to flap his wings, and at the same time throw a magic ball, let the strong wind blow away the two groups of poisonous gas, dilute them with normal air to the greatest extent, and make them harmless. Time dissolves the death-related part of magic, just as corpses eventually turn to dirt.

"Is this a bad thing? I think that although the smell around here is a bit pungent, it's quite comfortable to stay here." Migo tilted his head and asked with some uncertainty.

Some people think that the red dragon is bloodthirsty from the color of the scales, and the violent red dragon is indeed always related to mass killings, so Migo is not sure what is the reason for the comfort he feels on the battlefield.

This is also the reason why he brought cheese. Whether it is a human or a dragon, he always pays special attention when things are about him.

Cheese knows the concerns of the Red Dragon. He has been with this companion long enough to be able to perceive the things that are carefully handled behind Migo's various behaviors. His nature, the Red Dragon is afraid of that thing.

The biggest self-contradiction of Migo is that he came into contact with humans prematurely. When the Red Dragon partially accepted the idea of ​​short-lived creatures, he began to worry about whether there was something inviolable in himself, in other words, he worried about his own strength.

This is a rare situation, most dragons are full of ego, and few dragons question whether they are too powerful.

"From the knowledge I have, the world was at the peak of the magic tide in the era of the dragon's heyday, and the tide has been declining since then. You will feel comfortable, probably because you have an instinctive adaptation to the environment with a high concentration of magic power ,Don't worry."

The cheese is telling the truth. The dragon brings magic power, and the magic power calls the dragon. The two cannot be separated. In the eyes of the mage, Migo's worries are not the point. The point is why there is a local magic tide on this battlefield. It is so reasonable that if it weren't for the red dragon to point it out, the cheese would probably not have discovered it.

Is this an isolated case? Or is something changing in the whole world? You must know that in the training I received, the theory of the first gray robe is that the tide cannot rise again, and the magic power of the whole world will only become thinner and thinner.

This theory stems from the gray robe school's understanding of magic power. According to the research of the first gray robe, magic power is likely to be the energy that has not been completed during the birth of the entire world.

More figuratively speaking, the creation of the world is like throwing a stone on a film covered with flour. The world begins to form when the stone falls into the film, and the flour flying from the film is the basic substances and elements that make up the world. The process of their dust settling, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is the process of shaping mountains, rivers and earth.

However, the falling of flour can be slow or fast. Even now that the world is still in the process of being formed, magic power can be understood as flour particles that are still falling. This can also explain why magic power can communicate with all things in the hands of the caster, because it itself is the origin of all things, and it can be transformed with a little guidance.

And with the completion of the world, the magic will turn into matter. When the last grain of flour falls to the ground, the world will no longer have magic power, which also represents its true completion. As for what will happen after that, no one knows and there is no way of knowing.

Cheese has always believed in this theory, because the logic of spellcasting he used is based on it. Since all gray robes can cast spells unimpeded, practice has verified the authenticity of the theory.

Today, however, he seems to have seen a counterexample. If the tide of magic rises here, the whole world will change. The age of mythology will not come back, but the existing world will also be completely changed. It doesn't make sense, not at all. unless…

"Where did you go?" Jana and Olga had already returned, and the younger sister in the golden dragon seemed to be quite curious about the whereabouts of the mage and the red dragon.

Cheese briefly explained a few words, and the group set off again and left here. In the hanging basket, the gray robe took out the book again, the basic principles of magic, there should be a chapter dedicated to magic power.

"The content of magic power in our world will only become less and less until the sand in the hourglass runs out, and the whole world may be recreated again... But if something stimulates the membrane again in the middle, making the falling flour Are you flying again?"

Somehow, the huge corpse of the god, the death of the **** of weaving webs, flashed before Cheese's eyes. Is there a connection between the two?

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