Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 119: dragon message

【Dawn of the Gray Tower】【】

Sometimes, we wish a thing would never be done. For example, a certain bus will never arrive at the station, and I hope that the hands on the clock will stop, and I hope to stay at this moment, even if it is only frozen and cannot be changed, because I don’t want to bear the things that will come.

For example, when you wait until the hanging basket is repaired, the terrible dragon will come back, and you will no longer be so motivated to learn simple mechanical structures and production methods according to the teacher's instructions. This is Yoni's mentality at the moment, he really doesn't like giant dragons.

"Why? When you were in the City of Ten Thousand Laws, you should have also been exposed to materials related to giant dragons. At that time, you should have been very interested in them. Why are you so afraid now?"

Cheese noticed the apprentice's shrinking, and Yoni seemed to be particularly afraid of Migo, even if he didn't have such a reaction when facing the millipede dragon, it was a creature that also had part of the dragon temperament and clearly showed hostility to them. If you want to be afraid, things that are threatening are more likely to be frightening. Red dragons are not a threat to them, are they?

"I, I can't tell. He told me, no, please believe me, I know I shouldn't be afraid, but I just can't stop." It's not just the fear that can't stop, but also the slightly trembling hands.

Cheese looked at Youni, then turned to look at Migo, who was looking at this side with a rather innocent look. That's right, the apprentice's fear was not Migo's fault. Migo didn't threaten him or take any other actions. Getting along with the Ratman in Valley City let him know that dragon's pranks are not funny to people.

The gray robe thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to hold Youni's arm. This time, he did not use magic power to probe Youni. On the contrary, he was opening himself to allow the apprentice's magic power to resonate with him.

This kind of behavior is absolutely impossible if there is no blood relationship, but Yoni happens to be bleeding from the cheese. In order to cure the apprentice's veterinary disease, the gray robe once transfused a large amount of blood to Yoni, and the latter became The cheese is a blood relative in a sense.

In the words of the devil, this behavior can be regarded as breeding offspring, and if the cheese needs it, Yoni can be used as the equivalent of his offspring in the process of casting spells. Of course, the gray robe has no interest in those demons and evil methods. He respects objective reality, but he doesn't think that Yoni has owed himself anything other than being a student.

The weak flow of magic power is gradually perceived. In the face of the huge magic power of Cheese, the magic power in Yoni's body is neither pure nor huge, just like a candle that can be extinguished at any time. Weak and fragile.

This is not surprising, he has only been on the road of magic for less than a year, and being able to ignite this candle is already a great success, the future belongs to him, and his fire will develop into something that Cheese can't expect in the fuel called time . What a relief it was, knowing it was completely out of control.

"I probably know what's going on." The magic resonance was lifted briskly, and Cheese showed a wry smile. Youni's problem is very simple if it is simple, but it is almost impossible to solve it if it is complicated.

His inability to accept the giant dragon comes from the animal-like organs in its body. Those organs that are mutated due to lycanthropy not only have different functions from human organs, but also have different personalities. And in front of the apex dragon as a living creature, these personalities surprisingly made the same expression, trembling.

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【Dawn of the Gray Tower】【】

At first, the gray robe thought it was because the creatures living in this era could not accept the creatures in the age of mythology, but the reality is not complicated. Youni is just afraid, not his brain, but his body, his organs are afraid.

The problem that the consciousness and the body are not unified is fully exposed at this time. Different from the integrated body and mind of ordinary people, after the baptism of veterinary disease, people who have been mutated by the disease will have this problem to some extent. It's just that Yoni has too many problems and is too scattered, so he can't compete with the consciousness as the subject at ordinary times, and it only becomes prominent when this unified reaction occurs.

"You don't want to make the hanging basket for now, it's okay, I and Pinwei are enough to finish it. Now your task is to stay beside the red dragon and meditate." Fear cannot be overcome, but you can get used to it or ignore it. Ignoring fear is often It requires greater responsibility and belief, and the current Youni does not have this condition, so he can only get used to it.

When a terrifying thing is repeated ten thousand times in a row, no matter how sensitive a person is, they will become numb, not because they are not afraid, but because they cannot perceive the feedback of their own fear. Having said that, confronting the source of the fear directly is likely to break the heart before adapting. Scaring to death is no joke, and the tension caused by extreme fear can really be enough to cause suffocation.

However, Cheese doesn't think that Yoni will be scared to death, because the apprentice's subject consciousness is stable.

Now that the mind is stable, the red dragon can just become a forge, using the flame called fear to refine Yuni's body, making the animal organs in his body more obedient. Speaking of Migo, the controllable source of fear, it has no other effect except wasting food for the time being.

"Yes, teacher." Youni is very obedient, sometimes too obedient. He controlled his weak footsteps, approached the red dragon a little bit, found a place to sit beside the dragon, and tried hard to enter meditation without distracting thoughts.

"It's unimaginable that you can train apprentices in a decent way. It seems that you have entered a new stage of life when I didn't notice it." The red dragon stared at cheese's glasses with interest, admiring him from it Showed concern for Youni. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

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"A new stage? Maybe. But you are idle anyway, tell me about the current situation in the valley? You should have stayed there before to cultivate, right? Did you not eat the spit mushrooms?"

Hearing the mushroom, Migo subconsciously stuck out his tongue and made a disgusted expression, "Don't say it, those mice have nothing to eat except mushrooms and moss. I told them directly that the dragon can go without eating for several years before letting them eat." Stop feeding me the fungus. But you can rest assured, those little guys even have enough food to give me, and their lives are gradually getting better, and that Gloria is very good at this."

Gloria, the daughter of the former human lord and the de facto leader of the Ratmen today, heard that the Ratmen of the Valley were thriving under her leadership, and the cheese was relieved.

"Of course, during this period, some humans wanted to cause trouble. They didn't know where they got the news of your departure. But I just flew around for a while, and those cowards ran back without armor and armor. Fortunately, they still call themselves knights. .”

The red dragon's disdainful tone made people fully imagine the appearance of the strong troops fleeing in a hurry in the shadows falling overhead. The knights are indeed brave, but the dragon is not an opponent that can be faced only by being brave.

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【Dawn of the Gray Tower】【】

"So overall, it's calm?"

"Maybe. I'm not close to them, you know. Only that red-haired girl would take the initiative to approach me, but she asked me a lot about your past." There was a smile on the dragon's boy hole meaning.

"Ahem, I hope you didn't say anything you shouldn't have said."

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