Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 103: Take blood (medium)

The extension speed of magic is ideal, even a bit too fast. In addition to being related to the ability of the caster, the time required for this kind of probing spell is also directly related to the complexity of the object being probed.

Not to mention artificial golems and the like, even a small sparrow, its internal structure must be able to support the various needs of the entire creature from growth, circulation, foraging, survival, reproduction, etc. Most of the animals in the world have a very high level of internal complexity, and ordinary mages can't even penetrate into the internal organs when they probe the human body.

The detection spells of the gray-robed mage are naturally extraordinary, and his knowledge of anatomy greatly reduces the difficulty of detection, allowing him to use magic power to quickly penetrate into the core of the target.

However, even so, there is still a process of penetration, just like water must first wet the paper before it can pass through. But now, Cheese feels that his magic power seems to have penetrated directly through the shield inside the worm's body, and drilled into the core at once. Why? He quickly thought of a possibility. That is, the internal structure of the worm is not perfect.

The giant in front of him was not born to be so big, it was mutated by the influence of the dragon's blood, and if its original body as a leech was enlarged proportionally, its structure would naturally become loose and unbearable.

Metamorphosis takes time. The skin of the worm has already undergone an unprecedented transformation. Over time, its internal structure, even its appearance and feeding habits may be changed. Only then will it truly digest the dragon blood in its stomach and become a dragon-born creature one of the.

The dragon-born of creatures is also a topic of great research value. There are many factors in the world that can quickly affect creatures, such as magic power and evil gods, but none of them can be transformed indiscriminately like the life of a dragon.

It's a pity that Cheese is not a curious researcher now. His curiosity has been suppressed to the bottom under the influence of reason. Those who are here at this time cannot live up to the executors prepared before. The scope of the investigation is still expanding, and it is almost reaching the middle of the worm. The magic tentacles have faintly felt the power hidden in it. It is like gold buried in the soil, emitting a distinctive light.

As a senior gold digger, Cheese will not let go of any clues. He immediately mobilizes his magic power and approaches the direction of Dragon Blood. He only needs a little more time to see...


An ominous sound entered Cheese's ears, and without turning his head to confirm, he guessed that it was the sound of a thread breaking on the spider web. This is the first sound, and its appearance will start the entire sonata of cracking. The spider web is a whole, and any point on it is damaged, which means that the entire web has reached a certain limit.

At the same time, the struggles of worms are becoming more and more purposeful. Even a brainless beast, after the initial panic, will know how to summarize the rules and work towards the direction of greater profits.

He had to speed up, he found that the dragon's blood was only in the first half, and he still had to take the dragon's blood out of this thing's body. The brilliance in Cheese's eyes is increasing, and the hole in his body that swallows the magic power is also expanding. The more power he mobilizes, the more power he loses.

Complaining is meaningless, and panic is useless. Gray Robe feels the unique pain caused by the void of magic power, and constantly adjusts the total amount of magic power invested in the spell, looking for the best balance point. Finally, he felt something in his hand.

The tactile sensation from the magic reaction was subtle, like dipping your hand into some kind of hot goo, like a thick soup with cream. The scorching heat bypassed his body and directly burned Cheese's nerves. He stretched into the worm's arm subconsciously trying to escape, but was pushed back to his original position by cold reason.

Cheese has a ruthless side. If he thinks it is necessary, losing some limbs is not an unbearable price. The magic tentacles continued to approach the dragon's blood, entangled it, wrapped it, and slowly changed its position. This process is extremely difficult. The tentacles made of magic power are intangible, but dragon blood has them. If you want to use magic power to hook a real object, the difficulty is no different from hooking a stone in a deep valley with a fishhook and fishing line. Not fit for purpose design.

At this time, it was too late to adjust the spell according to the situation. Cheese could only bite the bullet and use unsuitable spells to catch the dragon's blood buried in the monster's body. Unexpectedly, there is a lot of dragon blood in the worm's body. According to a rough judgment, it is about the size of a drop and a half of a fist. This amount of blood is not worth mentioning for a giant dragon, but it is enough for a leech to molt. An existence that makes even the gray robe feel troublesome. Considering that it would take too long to take it all away, Cheese only separated half a drop of dragon's blood from it, and slowly pulled it away like himself.


Worms don't roar, it's the sound they make when air rubs against their mouths after inhaling a lot. Compared to UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, it might be more like a whistle.

It's just that the whistle sounded like death's footsteps to others. The part of the spider web near the center of the lake began to collapse on a larger scale under the water. The gray robe was standing there, and he could see the spider web within a few seconds. The nodes in between are destroyed one by one, from a net to a broken thread.

Water, spreading upwards from the ankles. No, it's not that the water surface is rising, it's that the cheese is sinking like the bottom of the water. The spider web has become weak, and the spider silk on the crossbow has lost its original toughness. Even metal can't bear the high-intensity repeated pulling, let alone spider silk?

Do you want to give up? With his arms out now, there is still the possibility of escaping back to the shore. Continue to cast spells, what awaits you may be to be dragged into the bottom of the water together. And I don't have a spell that can breathe in water, and it's too late to spare the energy to release that spell.

Dragon blood, not far away. Water up to knees, no, thighs. The lake water in autumn is already cool, and the clothes have absorbed the lake water and become a heavy burden.

"Hold on!" Goethe stepped off the field himself, grabbing the edge of the spiderweb. But when will people clamor to hold on? Naturally, when you can't hold on. The collapse of the spider web cannot be reversed, and the monster trapped in the trap is about to escape. When it returns to the water, it will never be easily fooled again.

Back on the shore, Pinwei held a wooden javelin in his hand and threw it at the worm one by one, hoping that this would weaken the opponent's resistance. After being transformed violently, Youni was unable to continue, and slumped on the ground, trying to find the teacher's position.

"It's going to be broken!"

The power on the spider web suddenly lightened, and the entire web burst apart. The spiders backed up and rolled, only a short section remained in their hands.

Worms, gone. It didn't retaliate, and chose to escape directly into the water, bringing the gray-robed mage with it.

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