Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 87: under the stars

The latest website: The horse shape is not the most commonly used deformed shape of Cheese. This is mainly because in the cold Cangshi, horses lose their physical strength quickly, and when they move on the ground, their weight and size are not conducive to hidden horses. In his opinion Worse than birds with wings. But although galloping horses and flying birds are often regarded by poets as symbols of freedom, their ways of living in nature are very different after all.

Birds fly by dancing with the air and wind, using lift to balance weight. The running of a horse is not the case. It swayes its own power, like a flesh and blood engine, transforming the energy in the body into four soaring hooves. Gathering, their footsteps are thunderstorms made by creatures, moving sandstorms.

The scenery in front of my eyes whizzed by, the gas in and out of my nose gradually lost its smell, and running became the only thing I needed to care about, as if as long as I ran fast enough, fatigue, anxiety, worry, etc. would all be left behind. This is the real reason why Cheese chose the horse as his moving form at this time. A horse that can only run forward does not need to turn back. As long as it runs fast enough, those factors that affect him will disappear. Then run, run faster and more recklessly, let the wind blow your mane and let the ground carve hoofprints.

The distant destination is getting closer and closer under the hoof of the horse. It may be that the horse incarnated by Cheese runs too fast, and he has not encountered any obstacles along the way. Before the dangers in the blank world had time to react, the gray-robed mage rushed past them at lightning speed.

Of course, simple fastness is not enough to complete this matter. Do you still remember the various visions that Cheese had before? They have not disappeared, so this gray-robed horse should be called a **** horse in the usual sense.

To put it simply, the magic vision on Cheese allows him to walk through shallow water, walk like flying on soft ground, and walk on the ground among scattered gravel. The obstacles brought by the local terrain cannot become a threat. Traveling thousands of miles will become less difficult to achieve.

The starry sky flickered overhead, and the horse, which had been running for a long time, stopped and looked around this strange land. Everything under the starry sky made Cheese feel strange, because all he was familiar with was the tower made of gray bricks and located on the wasteland, whether it was him now or in the past.

The mane turned back into hair, and the horse's hooves turned back into hands and feet. Only the sweat on the skin remained, and the drops were still so big that Cheese looked like he had just been fished out of the water. The gray-robed mage snapped his fingers, and the water droplets on his body were evaporated by the invisible flame, and disappeared without a trace in the sound of Zila. object. It's getting a little cold at night. The blank world also has four seasons, telling people that there is no real independence from everything here.

Dressed neatly, putting on the mage's robe again, cheese walked casually in the dark. Darkness is an unknown taboo, and if you don't know the darkness of a place, it's best to be in awe of it.

The time it took for Cheese to change clothes was not long enough, but it was enough for some hungry things to approach. They were black creatures that were bigger than mice and had a thinner body. They walked on the grass without making a sound, with slightly opened There are sharp teeth in the mouth, which makes people doubt its eating habits.

Cheese glanced at those predators who thought they were well camouflaged. In the mage's taxonomy, they should be counted as badgers or minks. This small carnivore did not hesitate at all because of the size gap between it and the mage. This kind of courage and anger is impressive. This reminds Cheese of ants among insects. Individual abilities are limited, but they can be densely populated. There were more and more black badgers, there were five, no, seven, or even ten, and they pressed forward step by step, shrinking the encirclement from behind, ready to attack the prey covered in cloth.

"The meat of carnivorous animals won't be very tasty. Forget it, it's good to be able to eat." The ferocious beasts rushed towards Cheese when he started to speak. The first one was strangled by the neck, and the second one Its head was ejected, the third one hit the gray robe, the fourth one was pinched by a hand stretched out in the darkness from behind its fur, and the fifth one completely lost its target and hit its head on the exposed rock. The remaining three successfully landed on the cheese, but passed out after taking a bite at the mage.

In an instant, the most fearsome berserker on the grass had turned into a warm piece of meat. Cheese pulled out the dissecting knife from his belt with his backhand, lit a fire and began to skin and bone today's dinner.

A good mage may not be a good cook, but their understanding of biology is sufficient for the task of dissection. Cheese quickly turned the eight little beasts into eight pieces of barbecue, and buried the inedible parts in the soil to prevent the smell of blood from attracting more things that would disturb his meal.

That meat is really not tasty. Sour and hard, it is not delicious. Gray Robe resisted and ate two pieces, and the rest were put away as emergency reserves or spell-casting materials. The place where I saw the red light before is not far away, and I can arrive at dawn tomorrow, so there is no need to rush there overnight. Cheese looked up at the sky, the starry sky was always bright, just like what he had seen countless times in the northern wilderness.

Under this starry sky, he is so small, but this small individual has much more power than he should have in the ecosystem. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com This has to make people wonder what it means to be a powerful spellcaster?

Install the latest version. 】

Some people say that ignorance is a kind of protection. It’s okay to be small. As long as you are small enough, you will not pay attention to whether you are ignorant or not. The weight of the world will always be shared by bigger things. But once you think you are great enough, it's hard to imagine what you have to shoulder.

"Come out, you've been with me for a long time, I don't like it." Cheese withdrew his gaze from the starry sky and whispered in an uncommon language. Following his voice, a human body that was originally integrated with the darkness gradually took shape. Unlike the little beasts who only rely on the camouflage of fur to move forward in the night, the people who appear now are indeed the same as the darkness a few seconds ago.

The black color gradually fades away from the human figure, revealing a purple-black skin. He or she has a delicate face, slender ears, light gray hair, and a pair of star-like eyes.

It can be determined without any knowledge. Although the appearance is very different from the conventional image, the one who followed the cheese in the wilderness is indeed an elf.

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