Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 724: Strategy to Stop the War

Cheese stood in the shadow of the building and watched the people on the lawn. After Jianqi's explanation, the behavior of those people had a predictable direction.

Through the flow of magic power of these life mages, the gray robe can roughly guess what effect the spell they are releasing will cause. He had heard of the magic cave of the Crypt Lord before. Although he had not personally entered it, he could still make a simple inference from the principle.

Judging from the actions of these wizards, the cave they are going to destroy is not a real cave. Well, it sounds contradictory, right? Taking it apart, Umera, of course, actually dug a space in the ground in the first step of making the cave.

Therefore, there is a real cave on the lawn, and its entrance is the entrance that Umera entered with Jianqi and Ata before. However, a normal crypt excavated by the creature of Umairah's size for one's own shelter, obviously cannot allow two humans to get into it. In other words, the Crypt Lord's Crypt itself is more similar to a kind of magic enchantment.

It's just that this enchantment is not completely closed. It leaves one or more passages for entry and exit, and the passage itself can also be regarded as the boundary of the enchantment. There are two different operating rules inside and outside the boundary.

There are generally two ways to destroy this kind of magic enchantment.

One is to destroy the material entity on which it rests. In the case of a crypt, it is to destroy the cave structure itself under the lawn. As long as the cave collapses, the magic spells attached to it will naturally lose its effect. But the problem is that the enchantment of the crypt lord and the crypt he dug are dependent on each other, and it is not easy to rely on simple physical methods to destroy it.

The second is to use spells to break through the boundary of the barrier. This kind of self-contained small barrier has fatal injuries, that is, once the isolation between the inside and the outside is broken, the entire barrier will quickly collapse. This is like enclosing a piece of dry land in the rapids, and the surrounding dikes must be built in one piece. Even so, as long as there is a gap in the surrounding dam, the gap will become a weak point for the water to break through, engulfing the entire land.

If it's cheese, he might try to compromise between these two methods. In general, he will still use the first point to achieve the purpose of destruction, but in actual operation, the disturbance and destruction of small spells is indispensable.

But now it seems that the mages of Wanfa are undoubtedly completely biased towards the second type. What they are doing is to repeatedly bombard the boundary of the enchantment with a large number of very influential spells in order to achieve the purpose of collapsing its structure. This approach is neither efficient nor profound, because even if the enchantment is destroyed, the wizards will not know that it was destroyed under the effect of the spell, and where the weakness of the enchantment is. It was pure force to break the door.

However, as mentioned earlier, this approach cannot be arbitrarily said to be inefficient. As long as enough mages are activated at one time and the impact is large enough, it is easy to destroy the barrier created by an individual in haste.

The reason why the life school is clearing the crypts at this speed is probably because the mountains of the city of all laws have long been transformed. If you rashly use spells that have an impact on the geology, it may cause the lower layer to collapse or other. problem.

Otherwise, only a few wizards who have also trained in the plastic energy school can mess up the underground structure, and the magic crypt will be seriously damaged if it is not destroyed directly.

This is an opportunity. If the wizards choose the fastest and reckless way to eliminate the crypt, the elves in the crypt will have no choice but to fight with them, and by then it will be too late.

Fortunately, what they did at this time gave the fairies a chance to breathe, allowing them to still have room to deal with. Wait, is this unintentional? Cheese once talked to Jian Qi about some wars in his hometown, and there was one idea that impressed Gray Robe.

The net knots on three sides, or the net opens on one side. Surrounded by all sides, the besieged person will either choose one side to break through or resist desperately, which is also not the best policy for the attacker.

Of course, if you deliberately leave a side of life to the opponent during the siege, the opponent will think that he has not yet reached the end of the valley, and the strength and attitude of resistance will not change very resolutely.

This is a strategy of attack, but it can also be used in the situation at this time. As long as these mages still keep advancing at this speed, the fairies will be in a state of self-confidence. Jianqi said that there are still nearly 20 crypts, and the mage can destroy two at most in one night. During this period, Umaila has the ability to build new crypts, and even has free time to graze on the lawn to observe the movements of the mage.

But this is like boiling a frog in warm water. When the activity space of the fairies is compressed to a certain degree, it may be too late for them to resist. This is also thanks to the identity of the test subject, otherwise the wizard only needs to find enough pure iron, I am afraid that few of these fairies will survive.

So, based on this information, is there anything that can be used as an element of one's own plan? Cheese closed his eyes slightly and thought for a few seconds. There are several ways he can think of, or he can go to the psychic school, start with the goblin, and use his own mechanism to deal with this problem.

But in this case, the implications are very wide and the impact is very large. During the process, he can exert less and less influence. In the end, no one will ask his opinion on how to deal with these goblins. Or, he will make this decision for Wanfa himself, and use these few days to find a way to get the fairies to escape from here.

This is very difficult. The magic enchantment in the entire area of ​​the Life School is countless times more complicated and difficult to destroy than a crypt. If Migo is here to try, dragon fire can become a powerful weapon to break through the enchantment. Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Since the problem is not easy to solve from the fairy side, the final solution is to solve the wizard side. As long as the wizard looking for the fairy disappears, the fairy is naturally safe. But the question is, how to make them disappear?

Pure violence obviously doesn't work. Let's not talk about whether the cheese has such ability. The old man sitting behind the life school is enough to make him throw a rat. This road is not easy to follow.

There was no way, he had swarmed almost all magical forces when he was in Cangshi, and then used the power of the giant dragon to deter the secular army, so that he could kill it when the Battle of the Valley was about to break out.

This time, the problem is not that serious, but the implications behind the problem are much more complicated and troublesome. The main reason is that his cheese does not have the ability to respond to everything in the City of Ten Thousand Laws. He is just a special-appointed teacher, and he needs to discuss even entering the second floor of the library.

Of course, he still has a way to convince the life school. He doesn't need to influence a hundred people, he only needs to get the approval of one person.

So the most urgent thing is how to get this approval.

"Ata wants to gather troops and will not launch an attack immediately. We still have time. In this time, I have to do something. Hope, it's too late."

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