Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 694: Jazz

Atta and Jian Qi began to search on the lawn at night. To be precise, the female swordsman was searching, and the sword seeker was just following her.

As they deepen, the light from street lights will gradually not be enough to provide the intensity that human eyes can run. Jianqi had to devote more attention to hearing and touch. Fortunately, the sky is very clear today. It can make people feel depressed and scared. After a while, Fanxing opens his eyes, and the situation here will be more optimistic.

Of course, feeling uneasy is more of a psychological element. If you want to wander away from the nearest shelter on other people's territory, anyone will feel a guilty conscience.

But the female swordsman seemed to be aroused by the discovery just now. Her footsteps were quite light, not because of her weight, but because of her mood. It was like hearing a familiar accent on a land far away from her hometown. Kind of excitement.

This is rather strange, because to be precise, Ata has no one to empathize with other than Kailas, and she would never react this way when she found the trail of Kailas.

"So, what are we looking for? Maybe you can tell me that I can help." Jian Qi hesitated for a moment, but didn't hold back curiosity and asked. He really didn't know what could be exciting here.

"He or she is the most noble member of the fairies. They are reliable knights in the royal court, fierce generals on the battlefield, and gentlemen. I had contact with them when I was in the fairies world, because you know, Kayla Si’s temper is not acceptable to most fairies, so Wang Court often sends them to contact us. And I have to admit that both Kailas and I have a good impression of them. ."

The female swordsman said a series of beautiful words, which made people doubt whether she was talking about a person or a race. After all, the whole race is composed of individuals. Even in a family of knights, not everyone has it. Knight title.

Jian Qi is not very disgusted with this holistic view. After all, where he came from, there are many sects, sects, and sects. People often have to add a title before their name, even the surname itself. Explain what he can and cannot do.

But the crux of the problem is not here, "Okay, so we are looking for a fairy noble, but what does his appearance look like? Is it similar to ours?"

"No, no, no, how could he be like us, that is definitely a great loss." When Atta said this, there was a faint gleam in her eyes, and she was obviously quite familiar with the appearance of the fairy she was looking for. Pleasing.

Jian Qi didn't ask any more when he saw it, he shrugged and honestly followed behind, but the search soon ended with a soft cry from the female swordsman.

She saw an unnatural protrusion in the bulge of the lawn. That was the person she was looking for. Atta speeded up her pace and gently shouted something that Jian Qi couldn't understand at the shadow.

The latter turned to the two of them after a few seconds in a daze. At this time, the moonlight turned bright, and the appearance of the thing was clearly illuminated.

Sword Seekers have never seen such creatures, but they have seen quite a few of them. Generally speaking, the thing under the moonlight is like a mouse that has been enlarged many times. Well, no, maybe it has been reduced many times. It would be more appropriate to describe the rhinoceros.

All in all, he is about 1.7 meters in length, which is about the same height as an adult male. Although he has thick hair like a mouse, he has a boar-like body structure, four-legged support on the ground, and a bulging back. The difference is that the back of his body does not show an ordinary buttocks structure, but shows an inclined angle and stiffness like a shield covered with cowhide.

"What is this?" Jian Qi didn't know whether he was sighing or surprised, but he did not act on guard.

This is partly because Atta emphasized that this creature is not hostile, and partly because it is difficult for you to have a big nose that is nearly one-third of your face and two small eyes with double eyelids, while still being diligent. Creatures gnawing on the lawn are equated with threats.

To say that the most threatening part of him is probably the rat-like large and protruding front teeth that are undoubtedly revealed during the process of eating the lawn. Jian Qi had never seen such a creature. He was like a rat, pig, and had the characteristics of other creatures. He was a strange beast that could not be easily explained.

"Jazz!" Atta whispered softly, ran to the monster quickly, and then rushed to the monster when Jian Qi was too late to react, ah, he looked quite happy.

"Uh, so you know each other?" The sword seeker walked over in a bit embarrassed manner, touching his head and asking. Atta's movements seemed quite proficient, and the monster didn't react unpleasantly, and he looked like he enjoyed it.

"Huh? Ah, no. I don't know this lady, although she is indeed a respectable lady, you see, she has such fine touch skills, she must be very pure and noble in her mind."

It was the monster who was talking, and his voice echoed a little bit, probably because of the confidence brought by his sturdy body. In addition, Jian Qi did not hear any concealment or other thoughts from the other party's tone.

"Then why does she call you Sir?"

"Because all worms are jazz, so when you don't know their names, it's okay to call them jazz!"

Atta happily answered his companion's doubts, and at the same time embraced the creature she had become Worm in his arms, her little chestnut hair rubbing vigorously on the brown-gray hair.

The latter didn't dislike this, just lifted a front paw and opened it up humanely, showing that he didn't care.

"I think we need to temporarily transfer from here, and find a good place to talk. This one, Mr. Worm, what do you think?"

The furry monster moved his body slowly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com tried not to influence Atta, "Come with me, I know a place."

The two followed the monster, and they came to a bush shortly afterwards. There was an obvious cave entrance below the bush, which was probably larger than the mouse hole.

"Please come in. Although it is newly dug, my craftsmanship has always been praised." The monster finished speaking and buried his head in the hole.

It's strange to say that he couldn't squeeze into the crypt because of his size, but in front of the two, the creature slowly flowed into the cave like a liquid and disappeared.

Jian Qi rubbed his eyes, then looked at Atta. The latter did not show any anxiety or doubt. She walked to the entrance of the cave, lay down on the lawn, and then stretched one foot into the cave. The cave was like something pulling her, pulling her a little. Bring a little bit into it!

When she completely disappeared from below her waist, Atta stretched out his hand towards Jian Qi, making him grasp it very clearly.

The sword seeker hesitated for a while, and finally chose to trust his companion. He gritted his teeth and handed his hand to Atta. The next moment, his eyes were black.

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