Chapter 101 Nian Qing to save the father, think deeply!!

When people are still questioning Gu Zhen’s academician qualifications.

When people still hoped that Gu Zhen would be punished by the law for beating Gao Delong.

A grand press conference was held at the Beijiang Satellite Launch Base.

Not only major official media, but even some big Vs on the Internet, bloggers have also received invitation notices.

Everything portends that this press conference is unusual.

Under normal circumstances, when the Beijiang Satellite Launch Base has a launch mission, it will only issue a simple announcement.

As a national military powerhouse, it is really elusive to see why it should be so fanfare.

However, this did not prevent those who received the invitation to rush to the northern frontier of the Great Xia Empire.

Here I also have to praise the high-speed rail lines that the Great Xia Empire began to lay out throughout the country sixteen years ago.

Now it is mature, even from the southern islands of the empire to the northernmost northern frontier, it only takes less than a day to take the high-speed train.

It was also early the next morning, the northern Xinjiang satellite launch base was already crowded.

All media were seated in turn according to the seats divided on the spot.

Curiously awaited the official start of the press conference.

“Dude, do you know what’s going on this time?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing?”

“Could it be the launch plan of Jingu II?”

“Isn’t Academician Gu, the chief designer of the Divine Palace No. 1, still locked up in the Imperial Capital Police Station?”

“Eh! What academician Gu Zhen, didn’t everyone say, he became an old academician by relying on his old son Gu Xiangzai? ”

The two benevolent brothers who spoke in front looked back at a young man who interjected in surprise.

Which media colleague can say such a low-level thing.

Looking down, he was dressed strangely, and he still had a long-pole self-timer in his hand.

They all sneered and no longer paid attention to him.

It turned out to be a self-media, no wonder he could say such uninformed words.

The judging process of academicians can be known by the official media as soon as they check.

At that time, Gu Zhen was elected as an academician as a recommended academician, and the voting quota was in sight.

If this can also be falsified, then the entire scientific research circle of Daxia is rotten in the root.

Of course, is this possible?

The scientific research progress of Daxia in modern times is obvious to all.

Everyone is enjoying the convenience brought by scientific research, and they have broken the bowl and scolded the mother, which is a bit excessive.

While everyone was waiting for each other, a rousing music suddenly sounded on the loudspeakers at the scene.

With the sound of music, a giant screen in front suddenly appeared in the picture.

This is…

I don’t know, a good press conference suddenly turned into a movie theater!

This group of media people, with a question in their heads, looked at the big screen.

“This is “Chasing Dreams and Hearts”!”

As soon as the melody of this song sounded, many people cried out in surprise.

The inspiring positive energy song “Chasing Dreams and Children’s Heart” has long become a must-listen song for many people.

It allows many people to encounter chao irony, and when they experience suffering, they can still run forward bravely.

On the music platform, it is the undisputed number one download, with more than 700 million downloads.

And I have to mention that Gu Nianqing’s songs in the songs of the music platform Qianji are all examples.

This also has to make people sigh that Gu Nianqing’s talent in music.

Just why, the song will be played live at the base.

The big screen gradually appeared aerial photography of the northern Xinjiang satellite launch base.

After the camera pulled in, a group of soldiers stood in unison on the playground.

The lip shape perfectly matches “Chasing Dreams”, and the live broadcast also switches to their chorus voice.

Rough, hoarse but with a hint of perseverance and pride in faith.

Perhaps these people are incomplete in five notes, and even have broken notes when they sing high notes.

Suddenly, everyone felt that this song matched their resolute and strong expressions, which was incomparably suitable.

This is a group of proud people, and this is also a group of respectable people, who are far away from the bustling city for the aviation of the Great Xia Empire, and are stationed in the deserted land all year round.

the song “Chasing Dreams and Hearts”; As if it was written for this group of loveliest people.

One song is over.

Everyone was still confused, but they just thought the press conference was getting more and more interesting.


Neat and orderly, like the sound of a person’s footsteps from far and near.

“This is the soldier who sang the chorus just now!”

The faces in front of him that had just appeared on the screen, with a firm expression and a serious expression.

Lieutenant Colonel Ning, who took the lead, walked to the rostrum in three steps.

He saluted solemnly.

Picked up the microphone and looked at the media people in the audience with an expressionless face.

“Guys! I am Ning Jie, lieutenant colonel and regiment commander of the defense unit of the northern Xinjiang satellite launch base. ”

“I invite you here today to clarify a matter.”

“I believe everyone has heard the song just now, chasing dreams of children’s hearts”

“This song, our base loves it very much! The inspirational spirit in the song also represents the will of all the staff of our air base to fight for Daxia! ”

“Later, we also contacted the owner of the song, Miss Gu Nianqing, through relevant personnel!”

“I hope this song can become a symbol of our satellite launch base in northern Xinjiang.”

“At that time, our base was willing to pay Miss Gu Nianqing one million yuan as a reward.”

Hearing this, the scene was in an uproar.

A million is not much for this song, but the meaning here is completely different.

The Northern Xinjiang Satellite Launch Base is an important aviation base of the Great Xia Empire, and “Chasing Dreams and Hearts” can be recognized by them.

For its singer Gu Nianqing, it is a supreme honor.

And thinking of what happened on the Internet in the recent period, everyone present seemed to understand something in their hearts.

However, Miss Gu Nianqing refused one million yuan. It was only symbolically collected a large Xia coin. ”

“At that time, she said that scientific research rejuvenated the country, as an ordinary person, although she could not contribute to the aviation industry of the Great Xia Empire, she could not take this money.”

“At a young age, light wealth and good righteousness are really admirable. Miss Gu Nianqing is our base’s eternal friend. ”


Before the words fell, Lieutenant Colonel Ning Jie scanned the audience with sharp eyes, and a solemn iron-blooded temperament emerged.

“Now Miss Gu Nianqing has suffered some unwarranted slander because of this.”

“Some time ago, Miss Gu Nianqing came to the base with the team and was invited by me to visit the launch pad.”

“Now some people, jealous of their abilities, will only hide behind their backs and make small moves!”

“On behalf of all the officers and men of our base, I warn these people. Miss Gu Nianqing’s high moral character is definitely not something that you people can slander. ”

Although the truth of some things had been guessed, when Ning Jie said it, the scene naturally erupted into a burst of surprise.

“Groove! This joke is big…”

“Who said that Gu Nianqing didn’t follow the rules of the base and broke in at will!”

“This horse’s idle nonsense, Gu Nianqing is obviously invited to visit the launch pad!”

“Made! Everyone was led to the rhythm by some people! ”

“It’s been seen for a long time. On the entire network… All of them are black Gu Nianqing, and this kind of thing is tricky at first glance. ”

“Everyone be quiet!”

Seeing the chaos below, Ning Jie slapped the microphone hard, and the harsh sound made everyone quiet.

“I invite you to come here today just to make a solemn statement through everyone, who is spreading rumors that Miss Gu Nianqing is intruding into our base, then don’t blame us for being unkind.”

“Thank you! There is a final sentence here, Miss Gu Nianqing wants to visit our base, anytime, anywhere, we warmly welcome. ”

This unique press conference was really eye-opening.

This is how most media people feel.

Big news.

For a long time, Gu Nianqing has been hacked into something on the Internet.

Do things as you like, all according to personal preferences, disrespect the scientific research workers of Daxia, play big names, and have a bad personality.

It seems that if she does not quit the entertainment industry, the sky is about to fall.

Especially when participating in the event of Star Night to revisit the Path of Light, he broke into the launch pad without permission.

This is a military base, but it is going to be court-martialed.

However, all the so-called revelations are all false.

Du Tai Ma was concocted by the woman who looked good-looking.

However, the people present are all old media people who have been around for many years, and they know everything about the gods and gods in it.

After everyone looked at each other a few times, they all felt that the inside story was not so simple.

However, for Gu Nianqing’s forbearance, everyone felt incredible.

After being slandered by others for so many days, I have survived until now.

are all smart people, why didn’t the Northern Xinjiang Satellite Launch Base speak out to help Gu Nianqing defend at the first time?

It’s tricky, it’s a lot!

Don’t care, it’s hooking the appearance of the mastermind behind the scenes.

It’s just that they’ve been waiting for so many days, and the mastermind behind the scenes doesn’t seem to have appeared, so why is it happening now?

For a while, everyone felt that the originally simple and silly little girl was not a simple character.

And with the beginning of the press conference of the northern Xinjiang base, a group of people suddenly appeared on the network.

They posted their student IDs and real contact information.

All of them are students of the high school affiliated to the Daxia Research Institute.

“My name is Late Xia, and I am Gu Nianqing’s junior. This is my student ID card and my valid contact information is 135…”

“During this time, everyone’s slander against Senior Sister Gu Nianqing made me very angry! This is naked rumor-mongering! ”

“I want to ask where your conscience is!”

“Senior Sister Gu Nianqing is the pride of our school, and she is also a goddess in the hearts of all of us.”

“Although she is the daughter of the queen Li Xiuqing, she has never mentioned it in front of us. She has never been superior to others. ”

“Senior Sister Gu Nianqing’s temperament is indeed a little cold, and it is not easy to make people close, which is indeed easy to misunderstand.”

“But that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with her. As the school’s goddess, she serves as a campus anchor and sings songs for everyone. ”

“What arrogance and disrespect for people, these are all nonsense!”

“I just want to ask the rumor-monger with ulterior motives, who of you has known her longer than us?”

“Who of you has really been in contact with her?”

“Senior Sister Gu Nianqing has a cold and arrogant personality, and ignores these slander! But I really couldn’t stand it, so I angrily told everyone the real her. ”

“All of the above is true! If anyone thinks it’s fake, they can call me for verification! Twenty-four hours on, ready to wait. ”

One late summer doesn’t say anything, so what about thousands and hundreds at the same time?

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