Adjuvenation is a special period full of hope and energy, but also with anxiety and confusion.

They have the utmost idealization of everything.

However, because of idealization, when expectations and results are far apart, extreme doubts will arise in the heart.

On the road of life, this is the most special and romantic period.

Gu Nianqing’s confusion in her heart actually came from this.

This also led to not being as attentive as I imagined for the upcoming Star Night Final Four.

Completely ignoring Huang Ya, he hung up the phone perfunctorily.

Huang Ya, who was angry, bit her teeth into the flesh and threw away her mobile phone with a bang.

“Smelly girl, I don’t know how to be a villain.”

“Dad, are you busy?”

Gu Nianqing pushed open the study, saw her father wearing glasses, concentrated, and quickly retreated.

This is a habit she has developed since she was a child.

It is also a memory engraved in the bones.

When I was a child, I once ran into the study crying and made an unreasonable noise.

Unexpectedly, her father, who has always been gentle and casual to her, had a solemn face and taught her a hard lesson.

also lost his temper rarely, and even Li Xiuqing, who has always been strong at home, hid aside.

After that time, Gu Nianqing was suddenly frightened.

Crying and hiding in his grandfather’s house.

Afterwards, Li Xiuqing explained to her why Gu Zhen was angry.

“Girl, is your dad usually nice to you?”

When she was a child, Gu Nianqing first shook her head, and then nodded slowly.

“Dad treats me badly now.”

Gu Nianqing still remembered that Li Xiuqing was particularly patient that day.

“How so! Dad’s favorite is you! ”

“Your father won the prize of the Daxia Scientific Research Award for the first time, was he damaged by you? What did your dad say about you? ”

“And here, the Imperial Scientific Research Newcomer Award, this is also something you broke.”

“Did your dad blame you?”

“Remember what your dad said?”

“Break it, break it! This thing doesn’t add up to our girly baby! ”

“And say your dad doesn’t like you!”

“Then why did Dad murder me this time?”

“Because you disturbed Daddy’s work. Dad’s job is special, and when he works, he needs to be quiet and not disturb his train of thought. ”

Where does the ignorant child understand so much, but since then he has subconsciously learned that when his father works, he must not disturb him.

On the side of the living room, looking at the entire cabinet of awards and trophies, there are all traces of repair.

Gu Nianqing recalled her naughty appearance when she was a child, and she couldn’t help but snicker.

“Girl, why do you giggle alone?”

It turned out that Gu Zhen came out of the study.

“Dad, are you particularly proud when looking at these awards, especially proud!”

Gu Zhen was stunned for a while, and glanced at it indifferently.

“The proudest thing in my life is to raise such a big baby as you.”


The door was opened.

Gu Zhen instantly turned positive.

“Of course. The greatest blessing in my life is to go to such a virtuous, capable, intelligent, beautiful and beautiful woman as your mother. ”

Before the words fell, Li Xiuqing pushed the door and entered.

“Wife, you’re back!”

All right!

Gu Nianqing shook her head helplessly.

Fear of the daily operation of the academician.

Facing her parents, Gu Nianqing said the format changes of the Final Four and the entertainment company’s invitation to sign her.

“Girl, what do you think?”

Fathers have always been more liberal in the choice of children.

“I don’t know.”

Gu Nianqing obviously hadn’t found the entanglement in her heart.

It was very hesitant.

“I don’t really know if I like to be a singer or prefer to be a scientist like my dad!”

“Singing on stage is a great pleasure, the spotlight, the focus of the light chase, and I really get hooked.”

“However, I think this feeling is very empty. Especially today, seeing Dad with a whole cabinet of awards, a kind of pride and pride. ”

Gu Zhen and Li Xiuqing looked at each other.

They actually understand their daughter’s symptoms.

The education she received since childhood and the people she came into contact with have allowed Gu Nianqing to form unique values.

However, it is this value that is incompatible with the entertainment industry.

Perhaps a different adult can quickly change himself to adapt to that environment.

However, Gu Nianqing was only fifteen years old after all.

This one is young, gorgeous, youthful, and full of ideals.

Instead, it will lead to more confusion.

“You make all decisions, and Mom and Dad will support you!”

“Actually, I figured it out too! If you really want to keep singing, although your mother will not understand, she will definitely not object from now on. ”

“Of course! In my heart, I still think you should be like your grandfather and your father. ”

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