Seeing that his Weibo is about to become the Discipline Committee of the entertainment industry.

Gu Nianqing couldn’t laugh or cry.

However, Weibo fans soared by tens of millions, and it actually squeezed into the top ten of Weibo fans.

Seeing this situation, many bloggers and Internet big V are envious and jealous.

What’s more, tens of millions of people are not bought zombie powder, but decent living people.

In society, traffic is money.

Tens of millions of fans, representing a huge amount of money.

Even if he didn’t do anything, Gu Nianqing sold the account, and his net worth immediately skyrocketed.

Comment area, lively like New Year’s.

Everyone envied her good luck.

Jiang Hongbing, a big guy like Ling Feifang, would unintentionally pay attention to her Weibo.

I am also interested in cooperating with her proposal.

Really, the ancestors burned high incense.

Only Gu Nianqing himself knew that all this was not a coincidence.

At the beginning, his mother Li Xiuqing made one phone call after another.

Uncle Jiang is also Jiang Hongbing.

Sister Fang, it turned out to be Ling Feifang.

There are others….

These were all people her mother had contacted.

Why, mom knows these people, and the relationship seems quite close?

How many secrets does his mother have?

Does Dad Gu Zhen know?

A series of questions made Gu Nianqing’s head think big.

“Dad, do you know that Mom knows Jiang Hongbing, Ling Feifang?”

Finally, she couldn’t resist the curiosity in her heart and quietly asked Gu Zhen.

“I know!”

Unexpectedly, Gu Zhen blurted out.

“Ah! Dad, you know, how did that mom know these people! ”

Gu Zhen smiled mysteriously.

“Ask your mother to go!”

“Cut! Boring! ”

I feel that my parents are becoming more and more mysterious.

I originally thought that my mother was the academician’s family, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

Before he had time to sigh, Gu Nianqing received a call from Huang Ya, the producer of the Star Night program.

“Nian Qing, I have wronged you during this time. Because of the mistakes in the work of the relevant personnel of the program group, they did not come forward to help you clarify at the first time. This irresponsible person has been expelled by me today. ”

“Nian Qing, I promise that there will be no similar mistakes in the future.”

As soon as he came up, he pushed all the responsibility to the staff, and Huang Ya deserved to be an old bird in the entertainment industry.

“That’s right! Nian Qing, it seems that you haven’t signed a brokerage company yet, or you signed with my experience company. ”

After three sentences, Huang Ya finally revealed her true purpose.

In fact, this time for Gu Nianqing’s wave, the promoter behind the scenes also has her share.

The icing on the cake is never as memorable as the charcoal sent in the snow.

Huang Ya originally thought that it was at her most difficult time to help her clarify the blackmail and force her to sign a brokerage contract with herself.


Twists and turns.

The anti-transferor was so caught off guard.

Signing a brokerage contract, in fact, Gu Nianqing has never thought about this matter.

She attended star nights, in large part because of rebellion.

For whether to officially enter the entertainment industry, there is still a little entanglement in the heart.

Is it really giving up your studies and becoming a singer!

What is the purpose of my hard study for so many years?

Do you really want to disappoint your mother?

What is really going on in your heart?

Gu Nianqing asked herself, but did not find the answer she wanted.

Hesitantly replied, “This, I still need to consider.” ”

Huang Ya was stunned.

For Gu Nianqing’s hesitation, she had a bad premonition.

“Nian Qing, an artist must have a responsible brokerage company, you don’t listen to others fooling and sell yourself.”

“And! There were some changes to the rules of the Final Four, you went too fast that day to tell you, I’ll email you then. ”

Hanging up the phone, Huang Ya’s face suddenly changed, speculating on how to let Gu Nianqing join her agency smoothly.

Through the Internet storm in the past few days, Gu Nianqing’s popularity has not fallen but increased.

Plus her singing, and the creators behind it.

It can be said that debut is the peak.

This kind of hen that lays golden eggs, which entertainment company does not want to grasp in their hands.

Huang Ya guessed that many entertainment companies must have begun to contact Gu Nianqing now.

And her hesitation just now was just waiting for the price.

Little girl, it’s amazing.

If, being Huang Ya knew that Gu Nianqing was still struggling in her heart whether to officially enter the entertainment industry?

The expression on his face is wonderful.

Huang Ya’s phone was like a signal.

Gu Nianqing’s mobile phone did not stop.

They are all unfamiliar landline numbers in the imperial capital.

And all of them are Daxia’s brokerage companies.

Gu Nianqing has become a fragrant glutton.

Ask for collections.

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