The steward looked at Changsun Wuji with a very ugly expression.

Changsun Wuji's heart skipped a beat and he asked blankly:"What happened?"

The steward said:"Chen Shuozhen missed it."


Both Changsun Wuji and Li Zhi were shocked.

Just now, Changsun Wuji had praised Haikou in front of Li Zhi and said it so calmly. Now... it's a slap in the face!

Soon, Changsun Wuji's face was full of color clouds

"After gathering the four masters and Chen Shuozhen himself, they couldn't kill Li Yi? How incredible is this Li Yi?"

The steward hesitated to speak.

Changsun Wuji keenly noticed something was wrong and asked the steward:"Say!"

The steward said:"It's not that Chen Shuozhen and the four guardians couldn't kill Li Yi, but they didn't kill him. Halfway through the battle, Chen Shuozhen didn't take action. Chen Shisan was injured, so Chen Shuozhen stopped them and then the group left.."

When Changsun Wuji heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed:"Chen Shuozhen and his Zitong Sect have strong wings. Don't you have any idea how Zitong Sect was built in the first place?"

"She, Chen Shuozhen, doesn’t really think that Zi Tongzong is not a dog raised by me, does she?"

Li Zhi listened to the conversation between Changsun Wuji and the steward, and suddenly felt frightened.

Changsun Wuji glanced at Li Zhi lightly, and said straight to the point:"Prince Jin, do you know my trump card now? I am not afraid to tell you that the Guanlong Group in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is controlled by me. You already know this. Even if you step on my boat, I will do my best to help you ascend the throne. Don't try to give up the burden like Wei Wangtai!

Li Zhi nodded hurriedly:"My nephew obeys his uncle in everything!" Changsun

Wuji's expression softened a little, and then he squinted at the steward:"Since the Zitong Sect doesn't want to live, and since Chen Shuozhen has his own little ideas, I don't need her anymore.""

"Feige sent a message to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, asking Chen Shuozhen's mentor to come out and clean up the family!"


Gangnam-do, inside a Taoist temple adjacent to Gyeonggi-do.

Several elderly people were playing chess with an old Taoist.

After the chess game was played, several octogenarians said to the old Taoist calmly:"Master Zhou, I'm afraid you need to clean up the family."

Zhou Tong stroked his beard and said with a smile:"Shuozhen was trained by the poor Taoist. I didn't expect to dare to disobey your orders. In that case, I will go and clean up the house."

"Fan'er, go meet your junior sister."

The old Taoist waved his hand.

A middle-aged Taoist priest carrying a huge iron sword slowly walked out in front of the mountain gate.


His face was calm and there was no expression on his face.

His name was Lu Fan. Chen Shuozhen and Lu Fan were two children adopted by Zhou Tong, and he taught them martial arts respectively.

Lu Fan's skills were naturally superior to Chen Shuozhen's.

After receiving the order, Taoist Lu carried an iron sword on his back and rode a fast horse, speeding towards the intersection of Gyeonggi Province and Jiangnan Province.

When he arrived in Jingzhou,

Taoist Lu came to an outdoor hotel and said,"Dr. Dian, come here One pound of mutton and two taels of wine."

Dr. Dian looked at the middle-aged Taoist priest in surprise, frowned and said:"We will pay you first before we can serve the food."

Obviously, Dr. Dian doesn't think this Taoist priest has so much money to spend.

"Are you still afraid that Pindao won't give you money?"Lu Fan smiled and took out dozens of coins from his arms.

Dr. Dian then showed his face and asked the chef to serve him food and wine.

After the food and wine were eaten, Dr. Dian sent Master Lu away enthusiastically:"Taoist Master, walk slowly."

Lu Fan nodded and glared at his crotch with one hand.


The long sword flew into the sky.


A very thin sword cut was made on Dr. Dian's neck.

Lu Fan smiled and took back the money he had paid previously from Dr. Dian's hand. A few dozen pennies:"Monk, this little money is very precious."

He got on the white horse again and ran forward again.


Behind him.

Dr. Dian covered his neck, blood dripping from his neck, and then there was a burst of commotion.


At this time, Chen Shuozhen did not know that the danger was approaching, so he took Tong Wenbao, Chen Shisan and others to prepare to return to Jiangnan.

Just halfway through.

In front of him, he saw a middle-aged Taoist priest riding a white horse and carrying an iron sword, walking slowly towards them.

Chen Shuozhen was overjoyed and hurried to greet him:"Elder brother, why are you here?"

Lu Fan said lightly:"Master asked me to come."

Chen Shuozhen said happily:"Master has any instructions?"

Lu Fan thought for a moment, and then He said:"Let you die.


Chen Shuozhen took two steps back suddenly.

Tong Wenbao, Lu Xiuwu, Chen Shisan, and Zhang Shuyin immediately rushed to Chen Shuozhen

"Big brother! What's the meaning?"Chen Shuozhen's face gradually turned cold.

Lu Fan shook his head and said indifferently:"The people from the Guanlong Group had an affair with the master. That's all I can say. Okay, I'll send you on your way."

After that, he dismounted, raised his sword into the sky, and jumped up.

Tong Wenbao had seen how powerful Lu Fan's martial arts were.

Because of this, he had also judged Chen Shuozhen, knowing that Chen Shuozhen's martial arts were not as good as Lu Fan. But it should be above yourself

"Boss, you go first!"

Tong Wenbao shouted, holding a spear and fighting against Lu Fan.

A powerful murderous and domineering force instantly broke Tong Wenbao's spear:"Get away! Pindao doesn't want to kill others"

"Arrogant! Let me see how you die!"


Lu Fan slashed down with his sword, and then turned to the left.



Tong Wenbao felt a long gash on his left shoulder. If he hadn't dodged in time, the arm would have been broken.

His cheek Cold sweat dripped from his face, and Qingzhi encountered a tough situation today.

Chen Shuozhen yelled:"You go first, you are no match for him!"

Chen Shisan rushed to hug Lu Fan's thigh:"Boss, you go first!""

"You are crazy!"


Lu Fan's long sword has passed through Chen Shisan's back.

"Let’s go! Hold!"

Chen Shuozhen took a deep breath, looked at the injured Tong Wenbao and Lu Xiuwu, and said to Zhang Shuyin:"Take them and let's go!"

She looked back and took a deep look at Chen Shisan, her eyes already filled with tears.

"I want to leave, but can I leave?"

"Dead people, don’t let go even after death?"


Lu Fan held his sword and chopped off Chen Shisan's hands.

Those hands are still holding Lu Fan's legs tightly.


He cursed loudly and quickly chased Chen Shuozhen and others.


On the official road, Tong Wenbao felt that his blood was constantly flowing

"Let...let me go...I...I don't want to be a burden"

"Shut up you!"Lu Xiuwu carried Chen Shisan on his back and accelerated the attack.

"Boss, where are we going?"Zhang Shuyin asked Chen Shuozhen.

Chen Shuozhen said coldly:"You can't avoid senior brother's pursuit wherever you go, unless you kill him, but I am no match for him alone."

"Walk! Catch up with Li Yi!"

Chen Shuozhen needs help!

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