After coming to Qin's house with Lu Buwei, Li Ke left a set of distillation equipment that he got from the system last night.

And the instructions for use were also copied in the script of this era and handed to Lü Buwei.

After looking at a set of beakers made of glass and distillation tubes and other things left by Li Ke, Lu Buwei's eyes lit up a little.

"Lord, are these made of glass? It looks gorgeous!"

Lu Buwei looked at the glass beakers and test tubes that Li Ke was fiddling with on the table, and wanted to reach out to touch them, but accidentally broke them.

"According to the appearance of these things, find someone to make a big set, and you must use these high-end equipment or something, just get some high-quality ceramics, and make a set that can increase the output. When the time comes, get these perfumes out of the next grade. And the packaging has to look good. The force must be high!"

After Li Ke set up the whole set of equipment, he directly started to fiddle with it himself.

After asking Lü Buwei to find someone to send some osmanthus flowers, Li Ke began to try to make his own perfume.

After the petals are mashed and fermented, the rest is processed and distilled.

After more than an hour of busy work, Li Ke finally got a small bottle of floral essential oil.

As the essential oil of those osmanthus flowers fell down little by little from the test tube, this small room was suddenly filled with a large amount of osmanthus fragrance, and the taste was quite strong!

"It's incredible!"

After Lu Buwei smelled the rich fragrance in the room, when he looked at the small bottle of osmanthus essential oil in Li Ke's hand, his eyes were glowing!

"It's nothing, when I meet the right person and come up with another big killer weapon that can directly change the mode of war, then you will understand what it means to be incredible!"

After placing the osmanthus essential oil in his hand, Li Ke began to fiddle with the distillation equipment again.

Perfume is not something that can be done with essential oils, essential oils actually occupy a small part, and most of the perfume is alcohol.

It is the strong volatile alcohol that allows the fragrance of the essential oil to diffuse.

So what Li Ke has to prepare next is to purify the alcohol.

After taking out a jar of those fine wines that had been in his system and not drinking much, Li Ke began to quickly refine the alcohol.

Since the boiling points of alcohol and water are different, the alcohol in the liquor soon begins to be refined in the condenser tube as distillation proceeds.

There's no way to test the purity of the alcohol, but just smelling the strong smell of the bottle should be more than enough to make a perfume.

After asking Lü Buwei to find someone to go to the ceramic shop outside and buy a few exquisite porcelain vases for a while, Li Ke began to debug the perfume.

This procedure is made very easy with the help of a test tube.

You just need to do it in the proportions you like.

Because the flavor of osmanthus is relatively strong, Li Ke did not adjust it too strongly, but only added about eight percent of the essential oil, and the rest was alcohol.

After mixing it slowly and evenly with a stirring rod, it was sealed with a porcelain bottle that Lü Buwei had bought.

"Put these things in a cool place and put them away, remember, don't shake them! I'll come and get them in a few days! You can try to do it yourself, but be careful, these things are just like this, don't break them! I also said just now that you have written down those dosage ratios, try to figure it out yourself!"

After Li Ke explained, he left directly.

This time he made a total of eight bottles of perfume, and although these things can be made by soaking them in water petals, the perfume made in that way will deteriorate in a few days.

Perfumes made with alcohol and essential oils, as long as they are well preserved, can be easily used for three to five months.

The cost of these things is very low, but Li Ke doesn't plan to deal with them cheaply.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to copy this kind of thing, although the way of making it is simple, but that is the premise that Li Ke knows that distillation technology exists.

Not letting the source of alcohol alone is a big problem.

If it is made with liquor, not to mention the so-called good liquor in this era, the alcohol degree is more than ten degrees.

If this wine is used to make perfumes, it is almost indistinguishable from water.

Distillation technology is a thing that will not appear until hundreds of years later.

What Li Ke is doing now is a monopoly on technology.

In the production process, he will only use the people he has released from the system space.

And now it's only small-scale production.

When large-scale production begins in the future, he will deploy a large number of troops around the production base.

As long as the technology is still in his hands, then the price of this thing is up to him Li Ke.

After coming out of the Qin Mansion, Li Ke did not go back to the palace immediately.

He didn't have to think about it to know that someone was waiting for him, but he wasn't waiting for someone, so he directly said that he was not in a hurry.

After finding a restaurant and sitting down, Li Ke ordered a few side dishes and sat directly by the window to enjoy his leisurely life.

On the surface, he was looking at the scenery outside, but in fact, he had sunk his consciousness into the system warehouse to sort out his current supplies.

"I remember that there are still two of those random mysterious little treasure chests I got last time!

Last time, Li Ke opened four or five boxes in one go, and it turned out that those three small pills were a little valuable, in addition to those things, what Li Ke liked the most was a box of toothpaste and ten toothbrushes.

As a modern person who is accustomed to brushing his teeth in the morning and evening, these things can be said to have given Li Ke a big surprise.

As soon as his mind moved, one of the two remaining small treasure chests from the last time opened automatically.

When the chest was opened, it disappeared, leaving a small porcelain vase in its place.

When Li Ke saw this small porcelain vase, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"Could it be that miracle medicine that cures all diseases?

Li Ke didn't rush to check, but chose to open another box first.

After the second treasure chest was opened, Li Ke's expression became a little strange.

"Antibiotics and syringes?"

Li Ke looked at the glass-filled liquid lying in the system warehouse, and took one out of it and looked at it.

When he found the three big words of penicillin marked on it, Li Ke was slightly surprised.

If this thing is used on people in this era, the cliff is an artifact!

They don't have drug antibodies in their bodies, and when they have symptoms of inflammation, it is estimated that they will be cured immediately after a needle!

"Although it doesn't have that magic medicine, it's better than washing clothes!"

After Li Ke put the antibiotic in his hand back into the system warehouse, he took out the miracle medicine that he cared about the most.

But when the small porcelain vase was in hand, Li Ke's brows immediately wrinkled deeply!

"What's the matter? The packaging is the same, it's not a miracle drug!




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