Darkwalker of the Sky World

Chapter 70: Sneak back

The videotape of ABB's interview with Rambo was uncut, and it was broadcast on the national television network.

It's not that they don't want to make more money and broadcast it several times, but they worry that if they encounter too much resistance, they can't broadcast it again.

Therefore, they simply broadcast it all at once to arouse the attention of the society.

Moreover, they have been broadcasted all at once, and they are not without rights. If other TV stations want to broadcast this content, they also have to buy it with money.

Will watched the news in the lock-up room of the Holiday Town Police Department, but in his office, there were important officials from Washington State and Thurston County, where Holiday Town is located.

All of them have now been overwhelmed by a Rambo...

The county police in Thurston County were transferred more than 300 people, the state police also transferred 200 people, and the local National Guard's 2,500 people were all deployed.

However, these people are like a drop in the ocean to the Olympia Peninsula, which covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square kilometers.

Even if they narrowed the scope and sorted out the two hundred kilometers around Rambo, they couldn't do it.

This is not a plain. There are mountains with complex terrain everywhere, and the forest coverage rate exceeds 90%.

For a fighter who is good at jungle warfare, there are loopholes everywhere.

More importantly, Rambo has been changing clothes from the beginning, and the role of police dogs is greatly reduced, making it difficult for them to find people.

Twenty thousand people can't seal off this area just by relying on people.

Seeing Rambo's complaint against Will on TV, everyone was in a mixed mood.

Will, the bastard, caused this crisis that affected the country, but now they are going to wipe his ass.

But at this time, no one mentioned him anymore, because everyone knew that he was finished.

Now he has only been fired, and when the investigation team arrives, only the prison is his home.

Will is at fault, but there is absolutely no crime.

However, his discrimination against the low-level people can be concealed in ordinary times, but in the face of this storm, he can only become a scapegoat.

He caught Rambo who was just passing by. Deputy Sheriff Galt tortured Rambo. Rambo resisted and triggered a chase. Galt fell off the plane and died, turning the case into a dead end.

One step is wrong, and the whole game is lost.

The Major General of the National Guard saw the room full of people and no one spoke, and he spoke up. "Rambo's field combat ability is beyond everyone's expectations. No one can defeat him. In addition, he is a retired soldier. After this TV show is broadcast, the soldiers of the Guard will be even more passive."

FBI Inspector McCleary said: "Since Rambo is willing to be interviewed, we can use the media to contact him and reach a settlement agreement with him."

The governor asked: "What kind of settlement agreement?"

"As long as he surrenders, we can guarantee that he will not be sentenced to death."

The Sheriff Hassler of Thurston County said angrily: "He killed more than a hundred policemen and nearly a hundred National Guard soldiers. Are we going to let him go?"

McCleary said: "If you don't want to, you can go and kill Rambo, and I will give you credit."

Hassler immediately withered. "No, I'm old, I shouldn't be in the forefront."

McCleary sneered and said: "So you just want to exchange someone else's life for Rambo's life."

Such a dispute has no results, after all, they are not the ones who can decide. Rambo was in the mountains, but they couldn't catch them, and even sent more people to die.

If Rambo is spared, no one can decide, which will cause strong dissatisfaction in the society and cause social unrest.

As for persuading Rambo to surrender, when Rambo was already suicidal, no one was sure.

Moreover, no one dares to bear the risk of compromise with criminals.

The situation seems to be deadlocked here.

And when Rambo's interview was broadcast, countless large and small political groups saw opportunities.

In the name of Rambo, they began to make various demands. Among them, the most popular one was the Veterans Association.

There are many veteran associations in the United States, including various disability associations, psychological trauma associations, official and unofficial, and there are dozens of them.

The Indianapolis-based Veterans Association is an official association authorized by Congress and has a huge influence in the United States.

Under their liaison, dozens of various military associations set off a parade to "follow the veterans and stay away from the war" across the country.

There are also some radical groups using Rambo's deeds to carry out various protests in order to achieve their political aspirations.

But Zhou Zhen, who was far away in the mountains and forests, didn't know about all this, and couldn't use it at all.

After accepting an interview, Zhou Zhen also decided not to accept the interview for the time being, because the interview was the most dangerous time.

Moreover, he was not sure if it was a trap.

Because according to his estimation, as long as Charlie successfully reported his interview, reporters in this area will definitely be under control, and the reporters who appear are most likely to be soldiers posing as soldiers.

What's more, his task is to fight against the United States, unlike ordinary people who have their own demands.

After killing so many people, he didn't expect anyone to let him go.

Basically, his actions were in the afternoon. After the fighting, it soon became dark, which was convenient for him to hide quickly.

However, the pursuit team has gradually mastered his habits, or more adequately prepared.

Every morning, the pursuit will adopt the mode of casting a wide net. After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the various teams will converge to prevent Zhou Zhen's attack.

At this stage, Zhou Zhen knew how many more people could not be killed.

He began to hide completely and stopped killing people, causing the pursuers to gradually lose his whereabouts.

At this time, he was very grateful to the reporters scurrying across the mountain, because their appearance has weakened the role of the police dog.

On December 9, the tenth day Zhou Zhen entered the world, the police had lost Zhou Zhen's track for three days, and he had already sneaked into the forest outside Holiday Town.

In these ten days, except for the interview with Charlie that day, he didn't say a word, he didn't chat with anyone, and he even doubted that he would still be able to speak.

He really had enough of this lonely life with tense nerves all day long without any catharsis.

He is not afraid of hardship, but he hasn't talked to people normally for ten days. He has a meal and sleeps alone, and his spirit is tense. This kind of mental torture is really unbearable for him.

He has decided to take a big action in Holiday Town, and whether he can kill Will or not, he will immediately fly away.

Zhou Zhen is not a real Rambo, without any patriotic complex or other worries, he just wants to complete the task.

One of the side missions is to flee to Mexico, which is also a plot in the novel, but in the end the author let Rambo choose to commit suicide.

But Zhou Zhen certainly would not choose this ending...

The mountain town of Holiday Town has become the base camp for Zhou Zhen to encircle and suppress Zhou Zhen. The roads here have been closed, but a small town in a valley has countless loopholes to drill.

Zhou Zhen observed on the hillside for a long time and found that the original police station had become a headquarters. There are many high-end cars parked there, and officers in military uniforms, police uniforms, and suits and leather shoes come in and out.

Zhou Zhen began to consider whether to kill them all in one go, which was far more sensational than killing two hundred soldiers.

Inside the Holiday Town Police Station, big figures from all walks of life took up all the positions of the original policemen, and everyone looked unsightly.

More than 3,000 people chased one person, but not only did not catch anyone, but Rambo's trace was lost in the past few days.

It consumes countless manpower and material resources. If people can't be caught, they will be criticized by the public, and they will be labelled as incompetent by their bosses.

However, Rambo chose the mountains as the battlefield, which really made them like a hedgehog, unable to start.

What made them even more helpless was that the morale of the National Guard was getting lower and lower, and they were already going to let it go. Even if they are still performing their duties as soldiers, they are just dealing with errands.

Both the National Guard and the county police proposed the use of bombing tactics, but they were opposed by the state government, and the two sides are still in a stalemate.

After observing on the hillside for a long time, Zhou Zhen set his target of action in two areas, one was the police station in the town, and the other was the only bar and hotel in the town.

After these big figures arrived, most of them stayed in this hotel, but Zhou Zhen hesitated because he was afraid that civilians would be involved.

The sky gradually darkened, and Zhou Zhen hid under the bridge hole by the river in the small town, slowly chewing a compressed biscuit in his mouth and swallowing it.

There is half a bucket of water in the iron lunch box in front of him, which is poured from the mountain stream upstream. Although there may be germs, he will leave the world in 20 days, so he is not worried about parasites.

The peaceful town in the past has become more prosperous because of the thousands of soldiers and logistics units, plus hundreds of reporters.

Several entrances and exits and streets in the town are related to the cards, but to Zhou Zhen these passes are nothing but empty.

Sitting in the bridge cave for a long time, Zhou Zhen decided to let go of the hotel, where there were too many civilians.

Although influenced by Cyrus' thoughts, he is not a true murderer.

He was afraid that he would kill too many people and would have too much influence on himself in the real world.

If human life is regarded as horrible in the real world, then he is really a lunatic.

It was night, but the police station was still brightly lit, and the headquarters here was on standby for 24 hours.

Zhou Zhen observed in the dark for a long time, but didn't find Will. At this time, he didn't know that Will had been suspended and detained in the basement of the police station.

When Zhou Zhen's case is understood, he will also be interrogated.

It was still early, and Zhou Zhen saw the blue light of a TV flashing in the living room of a family on the hillside above the police station.

He thought for a while and decided to go to the post office in the town first, where there should be newspapers from the recent period.

Only by getting more information from the outside world can he make better plans for the next step.

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