Zhou Zhen is 22 years old this year and has graduated from technical secondary school for only three years. Like ordinary young people, he likes novels and movies very much.

Especially after his father had a severe rheumatism, he took over his father's job, and spent the past two years drifting at sea, mainly relying on novels and TV movies to pass his free time.

Therefore, after being pulled into the space, he was not surprised but rejoiced, enjoying the change, and his heart was surging.

His eyes fell on his right shoulder, where it was intact. With a surprise, he tentatively shouted: "System, come out."

"Beep...beep...beep..., a resonant life body is sensed. Beep...beep...beep..., establish a biological system connection. Beep...beep...beep...connection failed..."

"Beep...beep...beep...open the auxiliary energy connection. Beep...the connection is successful."

Zhou Zhen felt a sharp pain in her head and left eye, as if there was a pump in her brain, which emptied her body, and her body was weak for a while.

"Damn, what kind of ghost system is this? My strong body would feel so weak.

But then, he felt that energy was suddenly injected into his body in a large amount, and he felt an indescribable numbness and pleasure.

He felt that he was about to explode, and every cell in his body became active.

And his left eye became very comfortable after the severe pain, wait...

His eyes went through the ship's rail and directly saw the three-dimensional world. On a small fishing boat not far away, the cabin was crowded with dwarf monkeys, as if they were naked.

Turning his head again, Zhou Youjin was also using his bare buttocks to handle the rudder, then the energy seemed to disappear and the clothes appeared again.

No, isn't he taken into a strange space?

Then why does the world seem to stop?

"Beep...beep...beep...there is only 10% of the energy left, please replenish the energy as soon as possible."

Zhou Zhen tentatively asked: "The system, is it there?"

The system didn't respond anymore. When Zhou Zhen was about to complain a few words, a sense of consciousness was directly instilled into his memory like data.

There was a burst of pain in his head, and it soon stopped, and he understood his situation.

At the moment when his head hit the deck, because of the violent head hit, it resonated with the air transport collection system from unknown time and space, and obtained this air transport collection system that specializes in collecting thousands of worlds.

Can collect a world of luck, this collector is really awesome.

The more important thing is that the energy leaked just now, but it can still be seen...

He started to communicate with the system in his mind, otherwise it would be too stupid to keep talking like this.

But there is no response...

He could only ask again: "System, is it there?"

"Please replenish energy as soon as possible."

"Is energy luck? How do I collect it? Where am I now? Is it the real world?"

The system suddenly "di...di...di...", as if a whirlpool sucked Zhou Zhen's body and soul into a strange space.

A message is passed directly to his consciousness. "Please replenish energy as soon as possible. Energy comes from the changes of Qi movement in different worlds."

Zhou Zhen asked: "Then what good do I have?"

"Hosts can travel through different worlds, and while changing their luck, they can gain and enhance their own abilities."

Zhou Zhen asked: "In other words, we two complement each other, and each take what we need?"

"The host can understand that."

Zhou Zhen disgusted and said, "Your system is too backward, isn't it possible to read my consciousness directly?"

"Everyone's soul is an independent forbidden zone. I can influence your soul, but when your soul is not open to me, I cannot invade your soul consciousness."

Zhou Zhen was a little disappointed, but it was more of satisfaction. He didn't want a system that could control his brain. No, it should be the soul.

He began to use consciousness to talk to the system, but found that the system didn't seem to be that smart, or it seemed that he didn't want to pay attention to himself, and directly input more information into his brain.

Zhou Zhen came to understand that in the system, the universe is constantly changing, and every once in a while, he can encounter different world nodes.

Through these different world nodes, you can enter different worlds and complete tasks.

Zhou Zhen can choose to enter or not, but he cannot refuse more than three consecutive times.

The nodes of the world are not static. Each world determines the strength of the will of the world according to the rules of its birth.

For example, the world will of the main world is very strong, so after the system is integrated with Zhou Zhen, he dare not expose himself, so he can only fall asleep, separate a program to communicate with himself, and release tasks.

The human soul and consciousness are independent individuals, no one can invade and can only influence by means.

Even the world consciousness is not good, the world will... This is kind of interesting.

The system is like a three-dimensional projection in a science fiction movie, opening a hidden door in his brain, only Zhou Zhen's consciousness can enter.

He researched it and found that it was like a dialogue panel.

He consciously asked on the projection: "So is there a novice gift package? An ordinary person, changing the plot should be very risky, right? Besides, you are uninvited, it is not what I want."

In the corner of the projection, an energy bar appeared, with 10% energy, or electricity, on it. "The energy of the air transport system can only be optimized once..."

He used his consciousness to express it again, then help me optimize...

Three options appear on the screen: 1: Marksmanship specialization. (The most suitable for the host's needs.)

2: Fighting Specialization (Send the subject's qualitative specialty.)

3: Physique enhancement (primary, sustainable enhancement.)

Zhou Zhen looked at it again and couldn't help saying: "Children only make choices. Of course I want them all."

"The system energy is insufficient, less than 5% will fall into standby. Only one optimization can be completed."

Zhou Zhen immediately understood. Now that he has insufficient energy, he can only meet one requirement. If he has enough energy, he can continue to optimize his body.

Zhou Zhen wanted all three options, but thinking that there was a system with 10% display grid, Zhou Zhen began to calculate.

If a little energy is enough for ten days of operation, 5% of it will be on standby, and the system can still give itself a choice of options, which means that each of the three options consumes up to 4% of the energy.

If you fill it with energy in the future, it seems easy to become a superman yourself.

He stopped thinking too much, and focused his consciousness on the first option. Although the other two are good, marksmanship is the most important thing at this time in the face of pirate attacks.

He immediately asked another important question: "I found that the world seemed to stop just now. What is the reason?"

The system immediately answered: "The host is drawn into a different space, and the time and space of the two worlds are inconsistent. In this space, it does not consume real world time. Please prepare the host to optimize memory and skills and experience..."

Zhou Zhen let go, if the time on both sides is the same, then he often disappears, but he will be discovered.

Soon, without any precaution, his brain immediately swelled and aches. In addition to the brain, the arms of his hands also felt a tingling sensation, as if countless little mice were strung in the body.

It seemed that after a long time, and as if there was only a moment, he could feel his experience with all kinds of guns, and even his arms and hands had a familiar feeling with guns.

There seems to be no change, but the inner change can be clearly felt.

"Host, please prepare. After eight hours from the real world, the host will enter the first world."

Zhou Zhen panicked and asked, "What is the difference between different worlds? What happens if the luck of changing the world is not completed?"

"Each parallel world has a different level, depending on the host's ability limit, it will not exceed the host's potential range."

"It's about the same... Then how are the world levels divided?"

"Parallel worlds are divided into the main world and the branch world. The division of the partial world is the only criterion for the level of completeness. According to the host's worldview, most of the movie and television worlds are partial worlds.

The partial world is divided into three levels according to the completeness of the will of the world. Relying on the partial branch of the real world, it is a low-level world, and relying on the partial branch of the fantasy world, it is divided into a middle-high world.

The world of fiction, a few movie worlds, has a complete world setting, and part of it is a branch world, which is more difficult.

The highest world is the historical world, the future world, and the complete science fiction world. This kind of world is difficult to change with one person's power. "

Zhou Zhen asked: "So, I will only enter the low-level world of partial support at first, right?"

"This depends on the appearance of the world node, basically it will not be two major levels higher than the host."

"What does this level mean?"

"For example, the host is now at level 9, which is only slightly better than ordinary people."

"I can beat five or six ordinary people, is that slightly better than ordinary people?"

"The host is just explosive power, endurance, and speed slightly higher than ordinary people, and there is no absolute advantage level."

Zhou Zhen asked curiously: "What level does a boxing champion like Tyson belong to?"

"The eighth level."

Zhou Zhen's heart was shaken, Tyson was only at level 8, and he also said that at level 9. He asked again: "How is this level divided?"

"According to the general knowledge of the host's world, the general standard is the tenth level of ordinary people, the level of professional athletes, the level of nine, the third-rate master of eight, the second-rate master of seven, the first-class master of six, the foundation building of five, and the golden core four. Yuan Ying is Level 3, Crossing Tribulation is Level 2, and Immortal is Level 1."

Zhou Zhen felt that his heart was about to jump out, and said in surprise: "Can you really cultivate immortals?"

"This is just a difference in the state of life. In essence, there will only be a difference when you reach the fairy."

At first I looked down on this system a bit, but now Zhou Zhen has no such thoughts, and asked: "So, what level do you count?"

"This system is an auxiliary system and has no level."

The auxiliary system, Zhou Zhen thought again: Since it is an auxiliary system, it should serve humans or some kind of existence.

But this system is too bad, how can he control the other party?

The projection again shows: "The countdown is counted down. Eight hours later in the real world, when you meet the first world node, please be prepared for the host."


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