When Princess Yushu of Yuezhi was on the throne, the policy was peaceful, the monarch loved the people like a son, and the folk customs fed back the government.

Until General Wusun raised his army to overthrow the kingship, the whole country suddenly became a mess.

In the Yuezhi Dynasty, there were people who were dissatisfied with General Wusun, who were also in solar terms, and they all took leave and returned to their hometowns or resigned because of illness.

Among them, there is the original prime minister of the Yuezhi Kingdom - Li Zhun.

Li Zhun's ancestral home was Hanzhong. Before the unification of the Qin Dynasty, Li Zhun's parents brought their family to Yuezhi Kingdom in order to escape the war.

Li Zhun was good at business and was honest. Because his parents had little wealth, he married the daughter of the prime minister of the Yuezhi Kingdom, and he entered the political arena. Later, he rose again and again and became the prime minister of the Yuezhi Kingdom.

Since General Wusun came to power, although Li Zhun never resigned from office, he never went to court, only "Zero Four Zero" was bored at home.

Zhao Yu, who got this news, was overjoyed. This Li Zhun himself is of Central Plains blood, so he is the most suitable to be an internal counselor.

Liu Bang said: "This Li Zhun is in a foreign country, and his old backer has fallen, and Wusun will be charged if he can't be prepared."

Zhao Yu said: "Using domestic conflicts to transfer risks, Wusun is likely to do so. This Li Zhun is simply prepared for this."

Liu Bang added: "Li Zhun's family is rich, and that general Wusun loved money. He killed Li Zhun, and he was able to cause trouble and accumulate wealth. Why not do it."35

"The key point is that Li Zhun is still from the Central Plains, so the people of the Yuezhi Kingdom tend to dislike him.

Having said that, Zhao Yu's three people's goals are all determined to be Li Zhun.

"How to test it?" Han Xin asked.

Zhao Yu thought deeply and found that this matter could not be done little by little. The rations of the Qin Dynasty soldiers were still hanging there. It was almost impossible to kill General Wusun one day earlier and ensure that the Yuezhi Kingdom could be surrendered to the Daqin Dynasty. Can't get out.

"In this way, tomorrow, Han Xin and I will go to explore around Li Zhun's house first, while General Liu, you will be staying near General Wusun's general's house, ready to respond at any time."

The next day, Zhao Yu brought Han Xin to Li Zhun's residence.

This is Li Zhun's ancestral home in Yuezhi Kingdom. He has lived here since his father's generation. Later, with his high status, it was rebuilt and rebuilt twice, forming a scale of more than 80 acres today.

This mansion is first-class in Yuezhi Kingdom, and it is much more imposing than General Wusun's General Mansion.

Zhao Yu said to Han Xin: "Seeing this mansion, I am even more convinced that General Wusun is going to take Li Zhun to the sword. Only the royal family should have such a style."

The short words planted a seed in Han Xin's confidence, and borrowed a bit of luck for him to escape the fate of being killed in the future.

"How do we get in?" Han Xin asked.

Li Zhun's mansion is not guarded by officers and soldiers, but because of this, the walls are thick and the doors are high.

Zhao Yu said: "I have inquired about this, since this Li Zhun did not go to court, the main door has not been opened, and daily necessities are all entered through the back door."

The two walked around and came to the back door of Li Zhun's house, where they saw a few people in front of them doing business.

Li Zhun's slave paid for the vegetable merchants outside to bring in the goods, and they all paid and delivered at the door of the house.

Zhao Yu smiled and said, "Someone will give you pillows when you are dozing off, not bad!

Han Xin smiled and said, "Then let's do the same."

Han Xin had turned into a wine merchant, and after a while, he brought wine to the door to find the slave.

"Master Li, can you drink?

The slave said: "Our adults never drink alcohol...!

"Shit!" Han Xin scolded in the letter, thinking it was over, but seeing that the slave used a spoon to drink the wine himself.

"However, there are always people who like to drink in the family." The slave is a broken mouth, saying everything, "Besides, my adults will occasionally drink a little since they stay at home.

Han Xin was overjoyed and said, "Then please, Lord Li, you must taste my wine!"

The house slaves drank Han Xin's wine and felt very comfortable, mainly because Han Xin's wine was sold cheaply.

Can it be cheap? Han Xin is selling it at a loss.

"how much do you have?"

Han Xin said, "I still have a few jars of wine in my house. If you want it, I'll bring it."

The servant said, "Go so quickly.

This time, Han Xin brought Zhao Yu along, met Li Zhun's slave, and said, "I asked my brother to help, there are too many to carry.

The house slave said: "So let's move in quickly."

As soon as the two entered the door with the slave, listening to each other's instructions to hide the wine in the wine cellar, Zhao Yu knocked the slave unconscious as soon as he turned around.

"This person looks like a low-class person in clothes, and I am afraid that no one will care about his existence for a while.

If the slave was awake and heard this sentence, he must have wept bitterly.

"Let's wait here until it gets dark before going out."

The wine cellar is located in the backyard of Li Zhun's official residence. From the architectural point of view, it belongs to the backyard of the first courtyard, and it is still far from Li Zhun's residence room.

When it was dark, Zhao Yu and Han Xin got out of the wine cellar.

The two walked cautiously northward, spending a lot of time because they had to avoid the patrolling householders.

When it was almost midnight, Li Zhun's room was confirmed after checking a few yards.

Here in the southeast corner of the four-entry yard of the mansion, there is a garden within a garden, and flowers and plants are planted in the garden. The south side of the flowers and plants is Li Zhun's room.

Zhao Yu and Han Xin waited on the eaves on the top of the wall until the middle of the night, taking advantage of the family's change of defense, then jumped down and touched the door of Li Zhun's room.

Zhao Yu didn't rush to open the door, he asked Han Xin with his eyes if he wanted to take a chance here.

This door is opened. If the discussion is a major event, it will be the beginning of a new day for the sun and the moon. If Li Zhun wants to take refuge with General Wusun, or if he has other purposes and wants to confess Zhao Yu and Han Xin, then everything will be suspended. Carry on.

Han Xin understood what Zhao Yu meant and nodded at him.

1.0 Zhao Yu found that the door was locked, so he swam to the side, opened the window, waited for a while, and saw that there was no sound in the room, and then "suddenly" got in.

Han Xin followed closely and turned into Li Zhun's room.

The house was not very big, and Lee Joon and his wife lived in the corner far from the windows.

Zhao Yu strode over, pulled out the knife and put it on Li Zhun's neck in his sleep.

"Master Li, get up!" Zhao Yu was covered with a headscarf, and his voice was deliberately hoarse.

"Who!" Li Zhun was about to shout when Han Xin covered his mouth.

"Who are you?" Li Zhun asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yu picked up the clothes with a knife, threw them on Li Zhun's quilt, and asked him to put them on.

"Of course we are here to do business with Master Li!"

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