Chapter 154 Targeted Great Britain

This fruit ability to obtain immortality is really very convenient.

Just touch this person from time to time.

Give this fruit to your trusted subordinates, and you can easily obtain eternal life.

However, there is a flaw in this method, if the fruit ability person accidentally faints and loses consciousness, then Ying Yunxiao will be cool.

Obviously, this way is unreliable.

A more reliable way is to buy an elixir through the system’s mall.

The elixir of life is such a thing that really does not exist in this world.

But in the system mall, there are indeed.

No way, the system is awesome, there is something that the system can’t do, only the unthinkable~.

However, to buy this elixir, you need a super large number of national fortune points, and it will take a lot of time to save up these national fortune points.

Since there’s no way to do it in a short time, let’s take it slowly.

However, idle to win the clouds is indeed idle.

“Yes, Father, I thought about it for a while during this time, and I still want to go and get another country.”

“After those powerful Western empires see the strength of our Qin State, they will definitely not sit still.”

“Each of them is a powerful empire, and their kings also have very good skills, with lofty ideals and ambitions.”

“They can’t watch their country become a subordinate of other countries, and they must have acted in this time.”

“So I wanted to see how far they had done and knocked a country down by the way.”

Hey, people are more than people, it’s really going to people off.

If you don’t know the strength of Ying Yunxiao, you will definitely feel that the person who can say such a thing is somewhat insufficient.

But this sentence came out of Ying Yunxiao’s mouth, there was nothing wrong with it.

He does have such strength, knocking a country down, it is indeed a convenient thing for him.

Think about him, and then think about his Laozi, the gap is too big.

In the past, it took a lot of time and effort not to say that it was necessary to get an empire, but just to get a country.

How much time did it take the kings of Qin to lay the foundation for winning the government to dominate the world, and when the winning government had this foundation, it took so many years to unify the six countries.

And he won the clouds, and getting an empire is just a casual thing, sure enough, the times are progressing, but this progress is a little fast, it is a world of difference.

“Hey, Xiao’er, did you listen to what you said?”

“Your father and I, how many years and how many schemes have it taken to get a country, and you are the result~”

When Yun Zheng said this, there was no way to suppress the happy expression on his face.

He is really proud to have such a son.

It is really not easy for this phrase to be used on his body because of the blue.

“Hey, father, don’t think too much, there are some things that children can’t do, such as the operation of this country, the son’s current subordinates, it’s true, there are no extra people.”

“Defeating them and eliminating them is not the ultimate goal, the ultimate purpose is to let them create value for our Qin State, and it is also for the ultimate peace.”

“As for the sons, there are still some deficiencies in these aspects, so the final finishing work must be handed over to the father and emperor.”

This can be regarded as the basic respect for winning the government, and it is also that he is humble in winning Yunxiao.

He doesn’t understand this?

Gai Nie thought to himself: What are you pretending to be? I see that you are well versed in the way of emperors, and in such a short period of time, you can only destroy the remnants of so many six countries and beat them all.

People don’t say they don’t hate you, but they especially thank you, and now they are still desperately doing things for the Qin State, you say that you don’t understand this aspect? Who believes?

“Xiao’er, okay, okay, this matter will come slowly, if you want to go, then go ~”

“Anyway, wherever you are, the father and emperor are relieved and supportive~”

Yun Zheng thought in his heart that the reason why this son of his was able to achieve so much in such a few short years was definitely not an easy day.

He was able to achieve so much now, and to gain such great strength, it must be inseparable from his own efforts.

With dozens of times shorter than others to obtain dozens of times or even hundreds of times stronger than others, thousands of times more powerful, he must not be idle, he must be cultivating all the time.


In fact, the situation, not to say exactly the same, is not at all involved.

If there is no system, even if you work hard, what if you work?

The talent for cultivation that has already broken an arm can be said to be gone, in this case, what is the use of you working harder?

A person’s physical strength and a person’s energy are always limited.

Because of this, Win Zheng did not have any retaining, and directly let him go.

To completely conquer a people, it is not by violence, but by absolute strength.

If you want to completely conquer a nation, you want this nation to completely obey you, there is only one reason, that is, the lifeblood of this nation is pinched by you.

Ying Yunxiao is not a butcher, and the reason why he exterminated the Xiongnu is entirely because what the Xiongnu usually do is too much.

And that Mao Dun, doing such a big contrarian thing, can even become the pride of the Huns.

Think about their ethical relationship again, people and gods are angry, do you have wood? If such a nation is not destroyed, why should it be kept?

But other countries are different.

They still talk about some principles in their work.

For example, this time Win Yunxiao is eyeing the British Empire.

Whether it is the people of this country or the emperor of this country, the reputation in history is quite good.

Just such a country, there is no need to destroy them, make them obey, that’s it.

But this is not a simple matter, so, before the war, Win Yunxiao wants to visit the British Empire.

At this time, several major empires are indeed preparing to join forces.

During a live broadcast of the Heavenly Dao, they successfully recorded the map, thinking that when their country was strong enough, they would go and destroy other countries.

When the time comes, I don’t know where other countries are, just follow this map.

I didn’t expect to use it so quickly, but the use is not to find a target to eliminate it, but to find a country in the same situation, and everyone huddles together to keep warm.

In this era, all countries, transportation is generally underdeveloped thousands.

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