Zhao Che put down the melon fruit in his hand and sat in the car with the First Emperor.

The upholstery in the car is all silk leather, which is comfortable to lean on.

This is the personal car of the First Emperor, basically no one can enter except Zhao Che, as for receiving the courtiers, it is in another place, so the interior decoration of the carriage does not need to consider whether it is rude.

In order to make the first emperor’s long journey more comfortable, everything was based on comfort, although some aspects of the layout did not conform to the aesthetics of this era.

Perhaps because of the emergence of tools such as tables and chairs, the first emperor was more likely to accept this kind of thing beyond conventional aesthetics.

For Zhao Che to study such a comfortable carriage, the First Emperor did not have the slightest doubt.

Zhao Che’s layout for several years is not in vain, although the first emperor has not thought that there is any great use in these things, but Zhao Che has made some small inventions and the like, which is already reasonable.

After all, Zhao Che drilled into the General Young Mansion whenever he had time, and he liked to study the truth of everything.

Zhao Che sat for a while, probed his head out of the carriage, and then signaled the coachman to temporarily retire and personally drive for the First Emperor.

Driving and riding a horse are two different things.

However, driving as an essential skill for nobles, Zhao Che has also learned, so there is no rustiness.

Zhao Che doesn’t like to stay in a confined space, the first emperor can’t help, the king of a country can’t show up without trouble, and he must also consider safety.

In the name of driving for the First Emperor, Zhao Che came out to observe Xianyang City, where he had lived for eight years.

There were no people on the road, because the convoy of the first emperor needed to be avoided.

But such a huge convoy is still bustling.

Wang Yiling stood behind the road with Wang Yan and slowly sent each other.

Zhao Che saw Wang Yan, and Wang Yan also saw Zhao Che.

Zhao Che waved his hand.

“Little childish slave!” Wang Yan waved his hand towards Zhao Che.

Zhao Che also smiled and waved in response.

“Come back and marry me!” Wang Yan shouted loudly and without shyness.

In fact, the atmosphere in the Guanzhong region is relatively open, which stems from the fact that Daqin has been fighting for many years, and many men have died in battle…

Therefore, it is more common for men to go into the woods or give birth to offspring before leaving, and the heavy shackles that weigh on women’s heads in this era are not so excessive.

However, Wang Yan’s childlike confession still made everyone in the team notice this scene and showed a joking smile.

As Zhao Che grew older, he gradually exposed everyone’s vision, plus the matter of being a city manager, everyone was not so strange to Zhao Che.

Many short stories about Zhao Che also circulated naturally.

When the first emperor received his own son Hu Hai, Zhao Che was sleeping, and he couldn’t bear to scare Zhao Che to sleep.

What Zhao Che once said that he wanted Jinya to hide the girl.

No matter how Wang Yan is also a little girl, she didn’t think so much when she shouted, but in the face of so many people’s laughter and ridicule, she still blushed.

The political struggle is all in secret, and on the bright side, everyone is still harmonious.

“Good!” Zhao Che responded loudly.

This time it took a year to go out to survey the sky!

When he came back, Zhao Che was ten years old!

According to the marriage customs of this era, it takes more than two years to complete the process of six rites.

Therefore, marrying Wang Yan is indeed not an empty vernacular.

With Zhao Che’s response, there was another burst of laughter from the crowd, and Wang Yan also blushed, but her face was clearly full of joy.

Only Meng Wu was sour…

“You are still embarrassed to laugh, if you work harder and give birth to a few more women, now the little prince is marrying our girl!” Meng Wu looked at Meng Wu who was cheerful and scolded.


Meng Yi lay down on the gun, and did not raise the bar with his father, Meng Wu was purely stunned.

The First Emperor in the midst of the chasing, listening to the bold confession outside and the laughter of the crowd, naturally showed a smile.

Although the relationship between Zhao Che and Wang Yan was deliberately promoted by the First Emperor and Wang Yi, why is it not a joy to see the two young children’s childhood sweethearts agree?

Although most arranged marriages are arbitrary, this does not mean that the elders do not want their offspring to have a happy marriage.


Hao Hao left Xianyang!

Xianyang City, which was gradually moving away, gradually lengthened and shrunk in Zhao Che’s eyes, until finally turned around a forest and disappeared!

This is the first time that Zhao Che has really gone out!

In the past, the farthest road he traveled was probably from Xianyang to Xiaye.

The familiar road fades away…

In its place was the completely unfamiliar Qin Chidao!

Needless to say, Qin Chidao in the Guanzhong area is a key project in Daqin, and it is maintained almost day and night,

So the carriage and horse are moving very smoothly…

And because Guanzhong has been ruled by Daqin for a relatively long time, there is naturally no need to talk about public security issues!

In the few days of marching, the stall economy was also vigorously carried out in various parts of Guanzhong Province!

The first emperor did not go out of Xianyang for a few years, and now it can be said that where people go, where the policy is implemented!

So the people of Guanzhong and the poor men fell into a carnival!

First of all, the comprehensive development of the stall economy, the ban on commerce in Guanzhong for a long time, both the powerful and the people have fallen into a consumption frenzy.

For the poor, the circulation of a large number of books and paper allowed them to find a new way to learn.

Paper, a cheap and easy-to-use writing tool, quickly banned the simple and heavy tool of bamboo tubes.

The power of the state apparatus of Daqin is not covered!

Will be a young mansion, plus the hidden palace, plus the Lishan prisoners who are gradually sent …

With the efforts of hundreds of thousands of people, the production of paper and the printing of books completely kept pace with the march of the first emperor.

Of course, also because the literacy rate in this era was not very high … So the demand is not as great as imagined.

In short, from the recent stage, although there are many complaints from the powerful and powerful scholars in Guanzhong Province, from the perspective of society as a whole, with the advent of the stall economy and cheap paper.

The economic and social vitality of the Guanzhong region has increased dramatically.

But that’s just the pass!

There is a fundamental difference between Guanzhong and the land of the Six Kingdoms that was recently conquered!

Out of the pass, passing through the old Chu land, this situation took a sharp turn!

The first emperor’s route of travel was from Guanzhong to Chu, Han, Wei, Zhao, Yan, Qi…

Of course, this is just Zhao Che’s way of dividing, not that the first emperor went to the Han country after walking through the Chu country.

The first emperor has already destroyed the six kingdoms and unified them, and the route of travel must be divided according to the counties, not simply according to the seven kingdoms.

When he passed Ying Chen, the first emperor’s convoy suffered its first assassination!

Assassination not like assassination, to be precise!

Zhao Che’s Yulin took the initiative and killed dozens of assassins on the spot…

Pack…… An assassin who can’t help himself!

Strange to say, this group of assassins were still obsessed with reporting their homes before they died, and then they killed themselves after seeing that they were hopeless…

It’s funny to say, they don’t seem to be assassinated, because their business is not skilled enough, and Zhao Che saw a stupid assassination for the first time in front of the road.

It’s not so much an assassination as a show?

It’s just a show of life!

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