Daomu Biji

Chapter 276: Snake Ghost Town · Third Night: Mire

This fall was completely unprepared. Compared to the fall of trekking in the jungle, I had already rolled down the cliff without any reaction time. In the chaos, I tried to catch behind, trying to catch anything. Something can stop me, but all the hands touched the bare mossy rock surface, the hand slid directly, and then the knee hit the stone again, I could n’t keep my posture and fell over. To the bottom of the cliff.

Fortunately, this section is not high, and there is water and silt below, and there is no fatal injury, but I found the water flow is very urgent, and I dragged me to the downstream, and I immediately threw a few times, grabbed the water. Knowing something, clenching his teeth and standing up hard, he found that the miner's lamp was hanging in the high place of the cliff, which was out of reach.

After slowing down, I felt that there was no fracture in any place. I looked at the surrounding environment and could not see clearly. I could only feel that I was standing in the swamp, my feet were stuck in the mud, and the area illuminated by the miner's lamp above, I saw a fall The rock face coming down should be part of a ruin.

I was wondering, why the tree behind it would be a cliff, where did the man speak just now, is it lying on the tree like a gecko?

So I yelled, but there was no response. It seems that the man just wanted to seduce me to fall. I thought again of hearing the sound during the day, and my heart was over. I really heard it a little bit. Did the forest here disturb my nerves?

After a few more strokes, I swam to the edge of the cliff, grabbed a protruding stone to fix my body, and then the extremely weak light reflected by the mine light from the stone wall began to want to climb up, but the moss was too slippery. There is nothing else to borrow and slide down after climbing a few times.

I can't change a few sides, the only place I can move forward is to follow the rock wall to the downstream of the swamp, there is darkness. But the water flow is so fast here. There is either a wellhead or a steep fault nearby. Once I stumble, it is likely that the vortex of the wellhead will be entangled in, or washed down a small waterfall.

After hesitating for a while, I found that my situation was actually trapped. I had to wait until dawn, or someone came to save me. When dawn dawned, I absolutely refused, and immediately pulled my throat and shouted for help .

They may be not far away, it is so quiet here, they may hear it when they shout.

But the sky did not do what people wanted, shouted, shouted for a long time, my throat was dumb, but there was no echo at all, there was silence all around, and the silence was ridiculous, and there was no imagination in the darkness. .

I couldn't stop shouting. Don't mention the depression in my heart. I thought about what happened to me. I took a deep breath and calmed down. I looked at the watch and wanted to see when the mist would dissipate. After the fog has dissipated, the visibility will increase, and the light of the miner's lamp will be wider, so maybe I can climb up, or I can find something under the water and smash the miner's lamp.

I looked at my watch. According to yesterday ’s experience, the fog should not last for a few hours, and the time can be tolerated. I touched the stone protrusion on one side to maintain a more comfortable posture, looked around, and said what Can't even see, how to pass these few hours.

My feet are in the mud, which makes me very uncomfortable. This kind of feeling is definitely not good. The story that Pan Zi told me, I still remember, at this time I also feel that the feet in the mud are drilling for insects and lifting from time to time. When I came out to touch it, I realized it was just an illusion.

This illusion made me uneasy. I tried to climb up on the rock and let my feet out of the water, but every time I failed, I summoned the courage and touched the rock wall to lean on the side with my feet close, thinking It ’s better to look for something under water, let me step on the water. Or I can step on some branch debris or something, I can use it to smash the miner's lamp.

My feet moved, and I stepped on something, but that was not a branch, and that kind of feeling made me a little clever.

Thin hair, like human hair.

I started sweating at once. I now have an extremely disgusting memory of my hair. For the first few weeks after I returned from Xisha, I almost felt nauseated when I touched my hair.

Immediately pulled his foot back, I dared not stretch it over again, but when the foot moved, I kicked again. This time it was soft. I suddenly realized that there might be something big in the mud.

To be cautious, I picked up the blue light of the watch and took it underwater. This blue light was originally designed to allow people to see the value of the electronic watch in the dark. The light barely enters the water, so I had to squat Come down and sink the watch into the water.

Then I was stunned. Under the ghostly blue light, I saw a person sinking in the mud, buried in the mud, and his hair dancing along the waves like a grass.

My hand trembling and moving, I found that it was a corpse, and a fresh corpse, although it was completely wrapped in mud, but it can be seen that the military uniform he was wearing was very similar to the fat one.

Then, I found something was amiss, turning the direction of the watch, I darted forward, and found that the mud under the front was all dead, all sunk in the mud, and the limbs were intertwined, just like after the slaughter. The mass burial is general. And all the people were just dead.

I pulled the corpse in front of me out of the silt, and found that it was like a lead, and I saw all the equipment around the man's waist, just like the fat man and Pan Zi.

I was trembling, and suddenly I understood what was going on—the team of the third uncle was here!

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