Because after a long coma, Alisha’s memory has been affected. Coupled with IGH’s deliberate control, Alisha was gradually trained to be a ruthless killer until she was sent by IGH. To protect the safety of Cal doctor, with the help of Cal doctor, she gradually recovered her feelings.

Don’t think that secret human experiments are as safe. Even for IGH medicine, they must guard against the media and the police on the one hand, and guard against their peers on the other.

If it’s just the media and the police, then they have no way to suppress it, but if they are peers, once they discover their secret base, they will immediately stop the armed forces from conducting raids and killing everyone. It was very cruel to take away all the experimental data.

For years of getting along, Alisha and Cal doctor have familiarity breeds fondness, and Cal doctor is secretly trying to solve Alisha’s problems.

Like all super experiments, IGH’s experiments also have very serious repercussions. The more medicine you use, the more serious the repercussions. The most obvious expressions are anger, violence, and bloodthirsty. Why do they want to train those experimental products to be unsentimental killers.

Alisha is the same. I don’t know how many people have died in her hands over the years. The woman named Luan Mack Luer actually died in her hands, but was experimenting. There was a little rage in the room, and the poor woman was beaten to death by her casually.

There are also many similar things, not just Alisha alone, IGH Pharmaceuticals has all solved them in various ways.

Until recently, it was not entirely due to Patricia’s investigation. The signing of the Sokovia regulatory agreement also caused them trouble. You must know that the goal of IGH’s experiment is to study potions that can cultivate powered individuals. As for Powered individuals were produced during those experiments, some were put back into the city by them, some were kept for their own use, and some were sold by them.

All of these things are illegal. IGH has already prepared to transfer this laboratory. Patricia’s investigation just advanced this step. Hearing this, Jessica couldn’t help but ask. “Where is the laboratory now?”

“An unknown island overseas.” Cal doctor said without hiding: “I don’t know the exact location. The base has not been established yet. We will not be notified until it is established.”

“That means you don’t know anything!” Jessica couldn’t help being frowned. On the side, she just reunited with Jessica. Alisha persuaded in a low voice: “Jesse, you don’t know how powerful IGH is, there is…”

“bang”, before Alisha’s words were finished, Jessica was already violent. A punch fiercely hit Cal doctor’s chest, and he knocked him out.

Alisha is Jessica’s mother. She did a lot of things wrong, and Jessica couldn’t say anything, but Cal doctor didn’t care about it. Among those killed by Alisha, how many were instigated by him. At least for the sins that Alisha has borne over the years, Cal has to bear half of it.

“Jessica!” not even think, Alisha rushed towards Jessica, fiercely’s punch hit her jaw, and the blood shed instantly.

“bang”, Jessica was hit and flew out all at once, but her face was extremely surprised, even a trace of sadness, she couldn’t believe it, her mother beat a dozen for this man Daughter who was missing in the year.

“Sorry, Jesse!” Seeing Jessica fell to the ground with a look of surprise and sadness on her face, Alisha wanted to get closer, but she hesitated very much. She could only apologize and said, “I’m sorry , Jessica, I didn’t mean it, I’m really sorry!”

“Alisha, control her.” Cal doctor’s voice came in from the outside and followed, as if receiving something that couldn’t be refused. The command was the same, Alisha immediately rushed towards Jessica again, and kept saying: “I’m sorry! Jessica…”

“bang” This time it was Alisha who was thrown out, until Now, Jessica is very reserved, and she doesn’t use many things at all.

Be aware that a few years ago, Jessica was transformed into Dao Soldier by Ling Xiao, but over the years, in order to prevent people from discovering her anomaly, a large part of Jessica’s strength was hidden. When I got up, only a small part of it broke out at this time, after all, it knocked Alisha out.

“What did you do to her!” Jessica gnashing teeth chased Cal doctor, and when she rushed out of the bedroom and entered the laboratory, the two Daoist inside and outside the laboratory were at the same time” “Bang” was closed, and a white mist sprayed in from the four corners.

Knowing that this is definitely not a good thing, Jessica immediately slammed fiercely on the door leading to the outside. Cal doctor standing outside the door immediately saw that the door was smashed out. A very obvious fist print, followed by a bump of fist prints, made Cal doctor startled.

But within half a minute, the sound of slamming the door in the room became smaller and smaller, and finally gradually stopped. Cal doctor sighed in relief.

Although Alisha is sent to protect him, sometimes Alisha will be out of control, so Cal doctor only involved such a basement. See Alisha locked in the room before going crazy .

In fact, the reason why Alisha attacked Jessica just now is very simple. It is because IGH Pharmaceuticals has implanted control methods on every powered individual controlled by them. Alisha was sent to protect Cal doctor. , Then naturally her control is in the hands of Cal doctor.

Jessica within the body is very resistant. Although Cal doctor used a lot of hypnotic mist, it took only half an hour to wake up Jessica and soon everything that happened before was Remembering again, just to do something, Jessica found out that oneself was controlled by Cal doctor on the bed with a chain, and it is not easy to break free with her strength, let alone Cal doctor just sitting on the side, dead. Looked at her.

“I’m sorry, Jessica.” Cal doctor stood up and said apologetically: “These chain devices are used to trap your mother.”

“Don’t touch me !” Jessica gave Cal doctor a fierce look, and then continued: “The thing you created is not my mother.”

When Alisha punched her, Jessica was already heartbroken. She feels dead, even though she knows that her mother is under control, she really cannot be sure that that person is her mother. No, she is not like her mother. She is like a killing machine without feelings.

Don’t look at Alisha, who kept apologizing when she started, but when she attacked her, she didn’t hesitate at all. Jessica’s heart was cold.

“I know, all this is not easy.” Cal doctor said to Jessica very patiently: “We are always discussing how to explain to you, believe me, letting you inhale tranquilizers is not what we imagined Way.”

“Then what do you want, do you want to hug?” Jessica looked at Cal doctor with an angry face, cursing: “You forced him to do those things and kill that Many people, you lunatic, pervert, murderer.”

I heard Alisha say that she has been with Cal doctor for some time, so Cal doctor is involved in many things.

So this person’s identity is not simple. On the surface, he said that oneself is just one of the countless experimenters in the IGH laboratory, but an ordinary experimenter deserves a superpower from IGH. The bodyguard, obviously, his status is higher, and it may even be the Chief-In-Charge of this experimental project of IGH Pharmaceuticals. So the medicines on the table and the superpower bodyguards around can be said. It makes sense.

Cal doctor tried to argue: “No one can force Alisha to do anything. You know this better than me.”

“No, I don’t understand that being transformed by you. She passed.” Jessica’s expression is still very angry.

“Of course you should understand that she is still the woman who is willing to hum for you when there is no one.” Cal said emotionally: “She also has a bad sense of humor, also A beautiful and clever brain can appreciate Cubic Root. She still only drinks cheap alcohol as before, and resolutely refuses to smoke my marijuana…”

“Plus a pack of female killers!” Jessica’s face There was a cold ridicule.

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