“en!” Jessica stretched out her smooth arm and gently clapped to her side, but at this time, her side was empty, her dim eyes opened, and only the comfortable bed was left. She was alone, and she couldn’t help but let out a babble.

Although the curtains were pulled tightly, but through the gaps in the curtains, Jessica was sure that it must be very late now. The sun had long been hanging high in the sky, but she was not yet Remember.

In these years back in New York, Jessica did suffer a bit. As a woman with super physical fitness, Jessica also tried to find a male partner, but just hugged each other, powerful strength The oppressive opponent is unbearable, let alone others.

So over the years, Jessica can only turn her desires into incomparable motivation, and painstakingly practice some of the things she learned from Stick, Matt Murdock and Ling Xiao. Compared to when she returned to New York, Jessica’s strength does not know how strong it is.

From this perspective, Jessica’s mother is stronger than the strength. To a certain extent, we can see the horror of the IGH experiment. Jessica’s mother was indeed transformed by them very well, even not inferior. In general A Rank Powerhouse.

When Jessica walked out of the room after taking a shower, there was a bit of food on the dining table in the living room. After opening it, it was all Chinese food, but only half of the food was left. Obviously, someone used it in advance.

Jessica knows in her heart that it must be Patricia who has used it. Ling Xiao will not do such a dishonest event. While eating, Jessica is thinking about what oneself should do next. This matter must be resolved, IGH Has been eyeing Trish.

In the end, everything needs to be attributed to the flow of funds. Every time IGH conducts an experiment, it needs to consume a large amount of funds, and there will be traces of these funds. Patricia helped find it In Jessica’s information, there is a cover-up project carried out by IGH.

Jessica’s mother has been transformed by IGH for so many years, the money needed is definitely not a small amount, and it is very likely that this money has been covered by a project in these years. They were given directions to track down, but only if the files of Jessica mother were found.

It’s not easy to get IGH’s files. Even if it’s Jessica’s own medical files, Patricia found a security guard at the hospital through a special channel, and he was very ashamed to look like Fairy Maiden Hua. At the security’s daughter’s birthday party, I sang a happy birthday song to her, and then I got the files, but after having such a bad experience, Patricia didn’t want to do it again.

But many things don’t need to be so troublesome, especially if you have sufficient financial support, Jessica doesn’t know what Patricia did before. Now she actively participates and only finds an irrelevant The third party came forward, and then used cash to hit it.

Jessica not at all actively stated which file was needed. She just fixed the time to the files that were still being supplemented after the car accident that year. These things are very easy to fall into. Her hands.

While going to fetch the files, Jessica also brought back an iron rod. Patricia was very curious about why she brought back an iron rod, but Jessica just laughed gently, not at all to explain. .

Over the years, IGH is still supplementing no more than ten files, including Jessica Jones, the little fatty who also died before, and a list of several other powered individuals who lost their lives. Of course , Also several are people who are still alive.

After carefully comparing the information, Jessica found that, apart from her, although the few people who are still alive are not controlled by IGH, their identities and backgrounds are very strong, and everyone’s family has a very The huge financial support also revealed another scene of IGH.

The IGH experiment also has another purpose, which is to treat those members of the rich family who have physical problems. This is one of the reasons why they have been able to keep the secret until today. Many things will be automatically Help them cover up, the huge interlaced network of relationships can solve almost everything.

From these information, Jessica found a person named Inez Green. There is no photo. The record only shows that this person and Jessica were sent to the emergency room on the first day without emergency contact. People, no close relatives, almost exactly the same as Jessica’s files.

In the database of the New York Police, Jessica also found a file, the same without photos, only six misdemeanor records, noise, assault, street fighting, etc., all six It happened in the same block, and in that block, most of them were abandoned buildings.

Obviously, IGH’s secret laboratory is there, and it is likely that there are several superhumans as powerful as Jessica’s mother.

Jessica decides to oneself to explore the way first. If in the end she can really confirm that it is a superhuman laboratory, then she will come back to gather Senior Brother Matt Murdock, and perhaps call Ling Xiao , A few people destroyed the magic cave together.

However, on this trip, Patricia also had to follow. In order to show that oneself can also deal with the danger, Patricia also took out a super electric shock device. In order to get Jessica’s consent, Patricia even charged fiercely. She clicked.

With a voltage of tens of thousands of volts, even Jessica was electrocuted to the ground for a while, but this state can only last for half a minute for her.

Patricia’s enthusiasm for this matter is very high. From the very beginning, she is promoting this matter. It’s not funny to say that those people would not have died without her investigation. After all, Patricia is not just a simple radio anchor. Her family background determines that once she uses this energy, the whole thing will soon be out of control.

With this thing, Jessica can only agree to let Patricia go with him, but he doesn’t know that the super electric shock device is just one of Patria’s methods, she still I got a more powerful thing from another channel.

IGH’s secret laboratory is not difficult to find. Just lock the general area and track down where there is a large-scale power input. It is easy to find the specific building in which building. It didn’t take long, Jessica And Patricia came to an abandoned old bank building.

There is nothing valuable in the building not at all, but an old bank building that was almost evacuated. Neither Jessica nor Patricia paid much attention, because they both knew that the real secret was hidden underground, and the real adventure had just begun.

It took a while before the two of them found the secret door into the underground space, but at this time, Jessica let Patricia stay on it. On the one hand, it started because of the real danger. On the other hand, she also needs Patricia to stay on it, and while guarding her escape route, she also needs to stop those who try to escape from it.

Despite some reluctance, Patricia still responded. It is not the time for her to play sexually. She is really in danger. She must be a burden to Jessica, precisely because she knows this. Patricia took the iron rod she brought with her and stayed on it.

Although I have found this place, it’s a pity that Jessica is still a step late. It is obvious that IGH has evacuated their secret laboratory after being investigated, and it didn’t take long. The entire laboratory was a panic and chaotic scene, and it was obvious that they were evacuating in a hurry.

However, when Jessica started to search slowly, suddenly, a black silhouette came out from the side and threw her directly to the ground, holding a sharp scalpel in her hand, facing She stabbed it fiercely.

Jessica, who was thrown to the ground, directly leg raised, kicking the black shadow in front of her, and then a carp stiffened and turned directly.

At this time, through the pale light, Jessica clearly saw that this was not her mother, but a strange woman panting heavily, revealing madness in the eyes of this strange woman With a roar of her killing intent, she once again held a sharp scalpel and rushed towards Jessica.

The silver light in front of Blink kept on. Jessica was not at all so stupid that he rushed up directly. Instead, he kicked a medical tray and smashed it fiercely.

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