Dark Dimension, New York City, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, also daggers and cloaks, several of the nearest superhero have seen appearing in midair Ranchi, and hurried over to him quickly.

Actually, Strange was originally going to join them, and the distance between the two was not far away!

A group of people stood on the ground in Central Park, looking at Strange above their heads, nervously surrounding all around, preventing all possible sudden attacks.

The cloak and the dagger are a pair of lovers. Both were originally potential Mutants. Later, they were forced to inject a new type of synthetic potion by the chemist Simon Marshall, which accidentally activated their superpower, and eventually they became It became a cloak and a dagger.

These two superheros who were not very strong in the past have exploded with amazing power in Dark Dimension. It is precisely because of their appearance that the entire New York City has been supported until now. To put it mildly, apart from Strange, the two of them contributed the most.

The body of the cloak is the entrance to the dark power dimension, a world full of peculiar dark energy. The cloak can use the dark power channel to create a dark energy field near him, and can be controlled by his cloak Energy field.

In Dark Dimension, if ordinary humans are trapped in the dark energy field for a long time, they will see disturbing illusion, feel cold, fear, lose consciousness, and even suffer serious harm. An abnormality will eventually deplete lifeforce until Death.

Because of the appearance of the cloak, he can absorb the power of this Dark Dimension, especially when someone is corroded by the power of Dark Dimension, the cloak can also heal them in time. Most New Yorker survived because of him.

In the Dark Dimension, the cloak can enter the dark world for teleportation, and move a few miles in the dark dimension equivalent to Earth.

It is precisely because of this ability that the cloak can save as many innocents as possible. Otherwise, the New York City in Dark Dimension is so big, how could he be able to make it by himself? To save that many people.

In addition, the cloak can also use the dark power channel to create a dark energy field near him, and can control the energy field through his cloak, thereby resisting and killing rare beasts from Dark Dimension, in Dark In Dimension, the power of the cloak becomes very powerful, and it is the strongest person remaining in Dark Dimension.

The light produced by the dagger is immune to the dark energy field of the dagger. She can also extend the rays of light to protect others from the energy field of the cloak.

If the cloak is the shield and the Doctor to protect everyone, and the dagger is the only visible hope in everyone’s eyes.

The dagger can produce the light of life, which is actually a form of lifeforce. Although she produces more lifeforce than ordinary human, she uses it very carefully, and overuse of this ability can make her fatal. The dagger can automatically generate and store the light of life. If she does not use her power for more than a week, she will have a high fever and become unconscious, and will instinctively release the light of life energy.

Under normal circumstances, the dagger can condense the light of life into a light dagger, she can throw the light dagger out to attack the target, she can control the light dagger to fly, and can control them to find and track the target , Which is the most effective tracking cloak.

If it is on normal Earth, neither of these two abilities can be considered very strong, but in the current situation, in Dark Dimension, the power of the two of them will be more important. Especially the dagger. With the light of life emitted by her lifeforce, she can illuminate most of New York City, allowing everyone to see hope, maintaining order, and not becoming a dark Beast.

In Dark Dimension, the power law of the human world has long been invalidated. Only the rays of light emitted by extraordinary strength can be seen by everyone, but even so, these rays of light can penetrate Dark Dimension is also very limited, and can’t do much except to protect oneself.

But the light of life of the dagger can easily penetrate the Dark Dimension and illuminate most of New York City, and New York City can still maintain order and not fall into absolute chaos. On the one hand, it depends on Kingpin’s strength to sustain, on the other hand, it is the light of life transformed by the dagger.

After discovering the effect of own ability, the dagger has been staying with Claire Temple on the top floor of the Central Building, spending eight hours a day to illuminate New York and let people To sustain life.

In fact, at the first time, the dagger was emitting the light of own life 24 hours a day, but within a few days, she could not bear it anymore, and she almost fell into a coma. At that time, New York also fell into a massive chaos for the second time.

The first large-scale chaos was actually the first time entering Dark Dimension before the dagger discovered its own ability. Everyone panicked. After a while, it was discovered that Dark Dimension had not been lifted. Sins began to breed, and large-scale chaos had begun, that is, at this time, the dagger emitted the light of own life, illuminating more than half of New York City, the darkness began to recede, and the hearts of people began to stabilize.

After helping the residents of New York City through the initial difficulties, the dagger began to be unable to hold on, and finally fell into a coma.

That was this time, large-scale chaos happened again, even Strange and Human Torch could only maintain order in a small area.

At this time, Kingpin stood up before the dagger came to life. He used iron and blood to maintain the order of New York City. Although it was very ruthless, more people were It was rescued until the dagger woke up again and gave out the light of life again.

In fact, it doesn’t need anyone to say that all superhero are keenly aware of the importance of daggers, and they also know that they can’t continue like this. If the life power of daggers is exhausted again, then she will be very There may be life-threatening, even if it is strong support, it will not last a few times.

It is in this situation, after Strange and Mister Fantastic discussed, they began to formulate an accurate timetable for the dagger to release the light of life, releasing it for four hours every day from 8 to 12 o’clock. , Rest for four hours, release for another four hours from 16:00 to 20:00 in the afternoon, and then rest for twelve hours on 2nd day and start again, and during this time illuminated by the light of life, everyone can move freely Supplies supplies, and after this time, you must rest at home.

Nevertheless, the consumption of the life power of the dagger became more and more severe with the erosion of Dark Dimension. Later, the time to release the light of life became seven hours, six hours, and even After four hours, there is no doubt that in the end, the dagger will definitely fall into the dead of life power exhaustion.

At this time, news from Stark came in. In a very short time, the entire New York City power system resumed operation, that is, at this time, they took the dagger from The top of the central building took it down, and then joined Strange to discuss the next move.

In a sense, both the dagger and the cloak are equivalent to half a sorcerer. They are very sensitive to the operation of energy, that is, after Strange stayed in midair for half an hour, The drawing of the magic array is almost at the end.

“Strange, how about it, will you have a chance to succeed this time?” Claire Temple couldn’t help but asked Strange in midair.

“Well, it should be possible.” The magic array has basically been drawn, only the corners and corners need to be added. Strange moves and explains to everyone: “Just now Tony’s information Bringing a trace of Time Stone energy, with the help of gem energy, plus the incantion I just got, I can pull the entire New York back into the real world. Of course, cloak, dagger, I need you two Help.”

“But Strange, I’m afraid the dagger won’t last much time.” Claire Temple looked back and closed her eyes, her eyes full of worry.

“Don’t worry.” Strange fell slowly from high in the sky, and then said to the dagger and cloak: “The incantion I got can simultaneously enhance the abilities of you two and the light ability of the dagger. And the transmission ability of the cloak, through this, we can break through Dark Dimension.”

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