“Okay, let me introduce to you, this is Grant Ward.” Ling Xiao pointed to Ward who was standing aside, and said to Ada’s laughed heartily:” I think you should already know him!”

Ling Xiao’s face suddenly changed, which made Ada feel a little uncomfortable for a while. She glanced at the still existing powerful electromagnetic force field, and her heart sank.

“Of course, in the frame world, Ward still exists.” Ada looked at Ling Xiao carefully and said: “I always thought he was dead in reality, didn’t expect him I’m still alive, I’m afraid all the people at SHIELD have been concealed.”

Ada has spied on the memories of Coulson, Melinda, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Fitz and the others, so that they can make a difference to their memories. Those who modify and create the entire world at the same time know that Grant Ward has actually disappeared from the memory of the owner of SHIELD!

“The secrets in this world are much more than you think!” Ling Xiao took a deep look at Ada, his words were full of meaning, and Ada could not help but slightly startled. . At this time, Ling Xiao smiled softly and said: “By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. You can call me the crime master.”

“The crime master?” Ada blinked, Shinobu Can’t help but wonder, such a name implies too much!

Seeing Ida’s confused expression, Ling Xiao knew that oneself had achieved its goal. He stretched out his right hand and wiped it lightly. The electromagnetic array that existed in midair dissipated immediately, and then he was full of meaning. He said: “I forgot to tell you that Ward and I are both Hydra people.”

“Hydra?” Hearing the name again, Ida felt a bit ridiculous for a while. You must know that in the frame world She is the Supreme Leader of Hydra. She couldn’t help asking: “You are from Hydra. Don’t you mean that Hydra has been beaten to pieces by SHIELD, and if you are really from Hydra, why do you want to treat Anton? ·Avennov takes action, he is also from Hydra!”

“What kind of person is he from Hydra!” Ling Xiao sneered, disdainfully said: “I want to be an influence of Hydra, It must be approved by the supervisors of the other parties, at least it is the approval of the supervisor of one party, but as far as I know, none of the other Hydra Branch supervisors know him!”

“Others Bit?” Ida felt that there were more and more accidents today, and she couldn’t help but ask: “Isn’t it said that Hydra is under the pressure of SHIELD, the situation is more difficult?”

“SHIELD, what is SHIELD? Something!” Ling Xiao had a face of disdain, and then he said with a facial expression grave: “We have long stopped treating SHIELD as our opponents, that is, Nick Fury still holds two Helicarriers on the high seas. , This is also a bit of deterrence. Our real opponent is the Interstellar Immigration Bureau, the Interstellar Immigration Bureau led by Ling Xiao, you must know that the bastard has the strength of S Rank.”

I heard the crime master said so. Ida couldn’t help blinked, Ling Xiao she had met, although the other party did not at all take action to her, but her eyes filled with deep meaning made her wonder whether the secret of own had been exposed.

She once discussed this matter with Radcliffe doctor. Radcliffe also has a deep understanding of Ling Xiao’s strength. How powerful Hydra Monster is, but in the end He died in Ling Xiao’s hands, but at that time Ling Xiao hadn’t even broken through to S Rank.

Because of this, Radcliffe had to hold Ada to keep a low profile for a while, and later saw Ling Xiao ignored them and sighed in relief, and Radcliffe also All this is attributed to the disagreement between Interstellar immigration and SHIELD.

Facts have also proved that Ling Xiao not at all intervened in the following things. Unless SHIELD was in great trouble and asked him for help, he would intervene personally. However, after handling all After the incident, he quickly evacuated the SHIELD Headquarters base.

“Do you Hydra do not have an S Rank powerhouse?” Ada was silent awhile later, and then carefully asked such a question.

Actually, Ida Oneself also knows that oneself is not an S Rank, so I am very curious about the S Rank of this World, so I asked such a question implicitly.

“Of course we have own S Rank Powerhouse in Hydra, but he is not on Earth right now.” Ling Xiao glanced at Ada, naturally seeing her purpose clearly, and he followed closely. “The water in this World is much deeper than you think. The Avengers people don’t talk about it. The Professor Charles and Magneto in Mutants, also Phoenix Girl, are both S Rank’s powerhouse and also the very ancient existence of Dark World. , The strength is also above S Rank.”

After a short pause, Ling Xiao raised Darkhold in his hand, and said to Ada with a serious face: “Just like the owner of this book, his will It still exists now. Of course, there is also the Sorcerer Supreme who has been suppressing these dark existences. Some people, if not for themselves, you will not even know their existence. Like Ling Xiao, Knights of If the Round Table doesn’t have the strength to surpass his existence, how can you suppress him.”

Ling Xiao’s this remark opened a new world directly in front of Ada’s eyes. After a long time, she came Back to his senses, he asked in a low voice: “Isn’t it said that Avengers has split, also Mutants’ Professor Charles and Magneto, they are dead one by one…”

“They really are dead Or is it abolished?” Ling Xiao gently shook the head to Ada, and said: “Even you can create such a mental illusion that does not require a body. Professor Charles is dead without a body. As for Magneto, just looking at the Mutants during this period of time there has been no major movement, knowing that there must be something mysterious. But Hydra is not involved in the Mutants, as for Avengers…”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and looked at Ada with a serious face and said: “You need to see the essence of things, don’t just look at the surface. In Avengers, only Thor, Hulk, Stark and Ling Xiao are really valued. Although on the surface See Thor far away in Asgard, Hulk far away from the stars, I Ron Man and Captain America turned against each other, Ling Xiao left British Isles, but looking closely, there is no unreconcilable contradiction between the four. As long as there are two between the four, it is enough! “

The two S Rank powerhouses are enough to suppress the enemies inside Earth that can threaten Earth’s survival. Hydra is deeply touched by this.

Ada nodded, no matter it was Ling Xiao or Tony Stark brought heavy pressure to her heart.

Ward waved her hand, Ward said to Ida: “As far as I know, Hydra still has five Major Branches. , Ward and I are just two of that’s all. We hope to invite you to join Hydra and host a branch, such as the manpower on this submarine. “

“Invite me to join Hydra? “Ada couldn’t help but froze for a moment. In the frame world, she is the Supreme Leader of Hydra. Will she still join Hydra in reality?

If I say that before coming back, this option Ida still Need to consider, but at the SHIELD HQ base, she was so insulted, and now she is already not in thinking about that.

“Hydra, cut off one head, and President has two heads, no An empty talk. “Ling Xiao threw another sentence at this time.

It was this sentence that made Ada make up his mind. This sentence means that once she agrees, she will get Ling Xiao and Ward’s comprehensive support from both sides is very important for her who has lost the support of Anton Ivanov. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the other party decisively killed Anton Ivanov.

“Okay, I can promise you, but that book…” Ida Meng lifts the head, her gaze fell on the “Darkhold” book.

Ling Xiao shook hands In Darkhold, gently shook the head and said: “This book is the spoils of war Ward promised me. If you want to get it back, you need to exchange it with something more valuable. You don’t think I don’t know the true value of “Darkhold”! “

Ling Xiao faint smiled at Ada and looked at her face reddened, but to be honest, Ada wanted to return it before Ling Xiao did not read “Darkhold”. Once Ling Xiao has read “Darkhold” completely, then she really doesn’t want to go back to this book!

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