“I think this is an opportunity for us to permanently destroy Hydra.” Ward tapped the table lightly, and said in a deep tone: “This video is the closest I It means that through it, people will finally awaken, see the falsehood of Hydra, and destroy it fundamentally.”

Once people think Hydra is not at all as powerful as imagined, even Hydra is also If you need to lie to the world to maintain their rule, then the roots of this organization will be shaken completely. At this time, the resistance organization will come out from the dark and raise its arms. Then, with the support of the people, they will have grown and grown. The opportunity to have the strength to completely destroy Hydra.

For Ward’s this remark, Burns, Trip, also Alphonso Mackenzie and subconsciously nodded, this is indeed a good opportunity.

But Skye and Simmons don’t take it seriously. In their opinion, everything in this World is false. As long as they can smoothly return to the real world and destroy the foundation of Ada’s construction of this framework world, then the whole The frame world will be destroyed.

These matters have already been discussed internally, Coulson nodded, agreeing to say: “I also think it is necessary to act together, because it is related to today’s second issue. Skye and Simmons have been Trying to find a hidden place hidden by Mrs. Hydra. Before, when Skye was locked in the Hydra confinement room, he had obtained the specific location of that place from the prisoner in the compartment.”

“We If you need to get there, then you need to have other places to attract Hydra’s attention.” Skye took the conversation and said solemnly: “Hydra in that place is very guarded, and we must find a way to move some of the guards there.”

“So we have to do this time action.” Ward said in a final word: “But before that, I need to be fully prepared.”

Want to shake Hydra The foundation of this world, then it is necessary to maximize the dissemination of the video in hand to the people’s ears, and then it is necessary to choose the most suitable communication platform, and who is in charge of the most extensive communication platform in this world? , It’s Bakshi, it’s his China Central Radio and Television Station.

“For the actions at this time, we still need to shift Hydra’s attention to other places, so that we can alleviate the resistance when we capture the CCTV.” Coulson followed closely and said: “This is our third topic today. According to the blueprint provided by Trip, Simmons found a place where Hydra’s secret project is located. I suggest sending a small team to detect and harass it.”

“I agree.” Ward nodded, he said intently: “I and Simmons, also Trip and the three of us go together. You stay and make a plan to conquer CCTV. This is the most important thing.”

For the resistance organization, whether it is the location of the mirror project found by Simmons or the place where Skye and the others leave this World, it is not the most important thing. For them, the most important thing is only the overthrow of Hydra Dominate such an item.

From Skye’s point of view alone, they can find a way to destroy the mirror project, which can also serve the purpose of attracting Hydra’s attention, but in this way, Ida’s keenness may be able to guess immediately To their true purpose, they strengthened the protection on the “back door” side.

In this case, it will be more difficult for them to leave this World. And for them, if these things are not helped by the resistance organization, many things are difficult to carry out, so they must consider the willingness of the resistance organization.

In the end, the two sides compromised each other and formulated this One after another plan came out.

“Let’s go with me, too.” Skye suddenly said at this moment, “With me, things will be easier to handle.”

“Alright.” Coulson slightly nodded, said: “This is more secure, I need you all to come back safely.”

“Okay!” Ward pondered for a moment, and finally said with approval: “Go, but you have to Make sure to follow the command.”

Skye and Simmons often fail to consider some details. Let’s take the case of the Radcliffe doctor on the island and his party. If Simmons follows His suggestion is to leave the island earlier, so there will be no future events.

Agnes was killed and Radcliffe doctor was captured by Hydra. Simmons has some unshirkable responsibilities in it. What’s more terrifying is that she didn’t realize this at all. She was completely I was immersed in Fitz’s huge changes, completely unaware of his own mistakes.

Compared to Simmons, Skye has to do things more cleanly, perhaps because she is responsible for the action, which is one of the reasons Ward finally agreed that she also participates, and in contrast to Simmons, After all, Skye personally participated in the battle to wipe out Eli Morro.

In the night sky of pitch-black as ink, the only Quinjet of the resistance organization is rapidly approaching the oil base in the Baltic Sea.

There are not many people on the plane. Except for Ward, who is in charge of flying the plane, there are only Skye, Simmons and Trip. The purpose of their business is only to detect and harass, and not to destroy the Mirror Project. . Of course, if there is an opportunity, they will not give up. After all, there is Skye on the plane. If necessary, she can destroy the entire oil rig alone.

There is not only one oil rig in the Baltic Sea oil base. Nine oil rigs form a circle. It is not at all easy to find the location of the Mirror Project. If it was only done by people from the original resistance organization, it would probably take a lot of time, and in the end, nothing would happen, but fortunately Simmons followed this time.

“Look at this!” Simmons called Ward, Trip, and Skye over and let them look towards the computer in front of them.

“It looks no different from other oil rigs!” Trip looked at the radar scan image on the computer with some confusion.

“It’s not the same.” Simmons shook the head, pointing to the rig marked by her, and said: “The top-down scan here shows a building that is much more complicated than other oil rigs. “

“Do you mean that the density is greater?” Trip is a layman. He doesn’t understand the meaning of the radar scan image display.

“It’s not dense.” Skye couldn’t help laughing and said: “Simmons means that the main body of this rig is much deeper than others.”

” In other words, there is a deep secret hidden in this oil rig.” Ward nodded and took a deep breath and said, “Well, we will go to this oil rig now and be ready for battle. “

If the real secret is in this oil rig, maybe their arrival has attracted Hydra’s attention.

Quinjet slowly stopped on the drilling platform. In the gloomy night, there was no one on the oil platform.

Ward took the lead to get off the plane, holding a submachine gun and a facial expression grave. The one parked behind him was Trip. Trip was also armed with him.

Simmons walked with Skye with a pistol in his hand. Among the four, she was the only one who didn’t hold anything, but even if she didn’t hold any weapons, she was four of them. The most threatening one.

Quickly rushing into the drilling platform, Ward and Trip took the lead. The drilling platform here is still operating, but at night, all the workers in charge of maintenance have gone to rest except for the production shift. So the entire group entered the elevator on the platform smoothly.

The elevator went down quickly, and there was one more person in the entire group. This person was the night manager of the drilling team. According to his account, a certain part of the deep layer of the drilling rig is indeed not under their jurisdiction. Someone did not stop transporting supplies here a while ago, but the movement of transporting supplies has been suspended recently. As for now there is People who are not also will not be under their control.

Skye and Simmons glanced at each other, and their faces became solemn at the same time. In this way, it is very likely that Hydra has completed the preliminary assembly of the mirror project. Then they are likely to Start at any time, and the reason why it is delayed now is because Skye and the others hit Ida hard when they flee the Triskelion Headquters.

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