Dance with Darkness and Light

Chapter 28 - The Labyrinth I

"Congratulations to every one that passed the first trial! Two hundred fifty-three competitors are left to take the second trial; each of you may take up to five people from their respective kingdoms as support." The elder from before announced.

Bazuul told Shu Huang to look for some people to support him since he intended to go alone. Although many from Ralun came and offered their service to him, he declined them all.

Half an hour later everyone was settled. The elder saw that there was no movement anymore below the stage and that everyone stood ready. He cleared his throat and unceremoniously declared the start of the second trial saying that they had twelve hours to clear the labyrinth. If they didn't by that time, then they would automatically be disqualified. He warned them not to roam unnecessarily after the twelve hours had passed, they should wait until a judge picked them up.

The competitors finally entered and the second trial officially started with this. Some rushed in; others walked in calmly while a few seemed to be prudent. Although they didn't have the intention to harm others, they felt it was still necessary to be on guard. Bazuul thought the same, but was rather calm on the inside, while his steps looked steady on the outside. A hundred meters in the cave, the first person had not been careful enough, the young man lost his life, electrocuted by a trap. After the initial shock people once again pressed on. The straight path started twisting and curving, offering forks from time to time. Thus the cluster of people within was slowly separated.

One would think of darkness covering the pathways within, and it seemed it was true. The only source of light was a blue hue of dim glow from a crackling plate on the ceiling every fifty meters. Apparently, even the mountain was attached to the electrical grid Bazuul thought.

Only three other competitors were still around Bazuul at this point. Two in front and one behind him, he knew neither of them. He didn't intend to hang around other people and acted as if he was looking for something inside his pocket, letting the one behind him pass. He waited a moment and instantly merged with the shadows; his very essence became one with the surface of the wall. The person that just passed him looked back but didn't see Bazuul anymore. He rushed to where he last saw him, but there was no trace of Bazuul left anymore. His expression turned serious, and he whistled at the other two that were further ahead.

"The prince suddenly vanished," he said the moment the other two reached him. "I just passed him a second ago, and he was gone!"

"How is that possible? How could you be so careless? The prince told us to get rid of him!" One of the two reprimanded.

"Enough! Both of you go back, Kun, you will take the first path that branches off from here and Yun, you will take the second. I will go on further ahead. He can't have gone far! The moment you find him use your sound transmitters."

"Do not forget, this is our initiation into the Fold! The shadow of the blade does not accept failure!" The third man said decisively, making it apparent that he was the leading figure in this group of three.

Kun hesitated for a bit but reminded him.

"A-alright but remember to share any treasures you find!!" Thus both Kun and Yun walked back.

The third young man that remained looked at their backs indifferently as they vanished around the corner.

Bazuul witnessed this whole scene and felt a cold envelop him. He didn't expect those three to be after him. He thought they were regular competitors, even more so, the name "the shadow of the blade" was something he just recently encountered. It was only two days ago, when he found her in that alley, cornered by those three thugs. He was still wondering what these guys had wanted from Elanar, and now another three - apparently initiates of the same organization - were after him. He followed their leader for a while, unable to decide whether he should kill him directly or force information out of him. First, he thought he should kill him instantly and hunt down the other two, but after Bazuul thought for a bit, he realized that the leader must have more information than them. Thus he decided to go for the latter.

Right before the path forked again Bazuul's sword swung out of the wall and into this guy's left shoulder.

He exclaimed in pain before he could see the deep slash. Panic overcame him for a moment, but as a trained initiate of the shadow of the blade he calmed down quickly. Then, Bazuul's sword lashed out again. This time it was his right calf that suffered a deep gash. Both wounds had blood flowing out at a slow but steady rate. He gritted his teeth in pain and growled out. "Who is there, show yourself if you're a man."

A playful chuckle came from beneath him and said. "Well, that's a problem, I'm but a boy!" Nonetheless, Bazuul came out, out of the shadows on the ground he materialized completely back into his human form. The assassin jumped back in a fright. Due to the shock, his body was in and the scene in front of him he fell on his butt. He shivered as a new form of dread overcame him. Never before had he seen such a concealing technique. Not even from the elders of the fold. Bazuul smiled at him, and the young man on the ground exclaimed. "You?! How is that…" before he could finish his sentence Bazuul interrupted him. "So tell me, why are you after me and what is the shadow of the blade?"

The young man felt startled as he heard this question but eventually kept mum. Bazuul looked at him in ridicule and stabbed him in the stomach. Not deep enough to damage his vitals but just enough to make him writhe in pain. He poured a tiny amount of his qi into his sword and it began feeding on the open wound of a slowly dying youth. As the young man saw this his face turned ghastly pale. He remembered something the elders discussed yesterday. Something about a mission that had gone awry. Three of their silver rank assassins had died, and that wasn't everything, all the blood in their bodies was gone too. They had been mutilated and sucked dry, leaving them barely recognizable.

His pupils were saucers as he looked at Bazuul and stuttered, "Yo-you, tw-two days a..go…"

Bazuul interrupted him again, his voice seemed calm but thinking of her and that scene his innards started burning up in anger. A sharp glint slowly manifested in his eyes. "Pleeease, those are old stories, they had it coming, wouldn't you agree? I mean no one should attack her!"

Meanwhile, the young assassin tried to crawl away in fear. It seemed to be his only option, as pitiful an idea it was, he still tried. A kick landed on his right rib, and he turned around laying on his back again. Before he could look up the sword smashed into his right leg and pinned him to the ground. Bazuul grabbed him forcefully by the hair, looked him in the eyes and commanded in an impatient voice. "Now, tell me everything!"

As he looked Bazuul in the eyes a sharp light pierced into him. It hurt in a different way, and he had no choice but to close his eyes for a second.

"Huh, that's the same thing I did with Aran back then…" Bazuul thought and then started. "So the shadow of the blade is the assassins division of the Fold. The Fold is the governing force in the underworld. Aaaand, you three clowns here take part in the hidden dragon trials because the first prince of Donar wants me dead. I wonder, how did I offend that guy? Please do tell me, Ran, is it?"

The leader of the assassins was in complete shock his hand grabbed into his pocket and took out small plate like a button. He screamed "Kun! Yun! He is…"

Before he could finish, his head flew off into the distance.

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