Dance with Darkness and Light

Chapter 19 - Redrum, Come And Get Some!

"How is that...where is he?" A young familiar voice asked which was then followed by an ominous chuckle.

"Who..who is there? SHOW YOURSELF!!" The young man hollered, but his voice already indicated that a tinge of fear rose in him.

"Three old men, the woman from the tavern and a prince. Haha, I wonder, where is my horse?" Surged a voice - clearly full of ridicule - seemingly enveloping them.

The pupils of the young man that spoke before contracted, "They wore black clothes and a mask. How could he know?" He thought to himself. After centering himself he took off the mask and threw it to the side.

"Well little brother, come on out, and face your dea…" The clanging sound of a sword that hit the ground could be heard, followed by the gurgling sound from one of the old man. The prince, Aurelius to be exact, looked toward his partner in crime in confusion. Only to see him fall to his knees a second later and then face first on the ground. From the silence, it was clear that he was already dead. Aurelius took a step back in shock.

A moment later the head of the other man came flying toward him, the female assassin from the tavern shrieked in shock. The reason wasn't that one of her elders fell within seconds. But because of the horror she felt when the sanguine fluid sprayed out the elder's neck, and showered her in his blood.

"Two dead men, a whore and an idiot prince." Bazuul once more said. The woman fell to her knees and begged for mercy at once. "Mercy? If things would have been different, would you have shown me mercy? What a pity, such a beauty, but her heart has long been rotten to the core." Bazuul mocked.

She realized that begging wouldn't save her and stood up to retaliate, but before she could fully stand she felt pain in her chest. She traced her chest with her hand but only found a hole where her heart once was. Just as her elder before, she fell to the ground, lying there lifeless. Bazuul subsequently came out of the shadows and showed himself, looking intensively at his elder brother. Aurelius almost let the water go between his legs, he never saw something like the resurgence his little brother just displayed. He came out of the shadows with his sword in hand, as if the darkness were flames that slowly diminished on the surface of his body.

The feeling his little brother gave off was unfathomable to him.

"My prince, I will take care of him. You should take some distance." The third man said.

At once he turned around to run, fear had overtaken his rational thinking. Because, as far as he knew, his cultivation was far higher than the one of his little brother.

Bazuul chuckled again and used [Flash Steps] to give chase. Meanwhile, Aurelius reached the end of the alley and turned around the corner, but he only found his little brother standing right in front of him, blocking his path. Bazuul looked at him with his head slightly tilted and a mocking expression of ridicule on his face. He threw something indiscernible in the night toward Aurelius, but as it landed at his feet, Aurelius realized it was the head of the third man.

"RUDIGER!!!" Aurelius exclaimed. Rudiger Kern, had not only been a confidant of his for years, but also a friend. Always present when needed and completely willing to get his hands dirty. Not only that, he was also Aurelius's money machine. Minister of Finance in the western-city, Minster Kern. Yes, in fact, and unbeknownst to him, Bazuul had just killed one of the conspirators that had poisoned him.

Bazuul put his sword back into its sheath and said with faked worry in his eyes.

"What is it brother, you look scared, that...what is that between your legs brother? It looks wet and sticky!" He questioned whilst chuckling.

"LITTLE ZUUL, how dare you treat me like this!" Aurelius roared, trying to cover his shame. Never had he felt nor been treated like that.

"Welcome to the real world big brother. The safety net that is the royal court cannot keep you in your silly flights of fancy out here!" Bazuul answered with a cold smile.

Aurelius finally had enough, out of rage he dashed and attacked his little brother. He pushed all of his qi into his fist and lashed out. Bazuul, on the other hand, charged both elbows with his qi and used a layer of darkness as a barrier for both of them. He lifted his left elbow to block his brother's fist. As Aurelius's fist landed on the underarm side of his brother's elbow something broke, his fist. He wanted to scream in pain but only a second later the other elbow crashed onto his jaw, also breaking it. He again wanted to cry in pain but all that came out of his mouth was blood and teeth.

Without waiting Bazuul lifted his right leg, leaned to the left and kicked to the side. Again, the sound of bones breaking clapped like a drum in the silence of the night. This time it was Aurelius's right knee that broke. He moaned and lost balance, but before he could hit the ground Bazuul grabbed him by the hair and held on to him.

Actually able to speak a bit in broken language, he begged his little brother for mercy. "Pwease s(t)op, I...I unders(t)and!"

At this time, seeing his "brother" in pain, the memories ingrained in his body from the former Bazuul made him hesitate and he felt pain in his heart. Bazuul scoffed and thought, "No wonder you died, too soft, too weak. I shed myself from mercy when I slaughtered those five pigs back on Earth."

When he mentioned those "five pigs", he was, of course, thinking about the ones that raped her back then, cut and colored her hair like she was some doll. Whilst disgracing her until her light broke. After her death, a while passed, and Bazuul recuperated from the shock making it his mission to hunt them down. Never would he let them roam free without suffering from the consequences. Just because the town and the judge wanted to sweep such news under the rug. Because, of course, something like that would never happen in the nice and quaint little town of theirs. Fearing that it would destroy the tourism in the area, they even went as far as to suppress her parents from mentioning it, and if they did they would be fined.

At this time, back then, Bazuul succumbed to a state so vicious that even when he killed the first, his first kill, he felt nothing. Neither did he throw up, somewhat of a stereotype that did not apply to him. By the fourth, he became so extreme that only torturing them to death, fed his hunger for vengeance...for a while that is. As he did the same with the fourth he relished in the feeling of hearing him beg and whine in pain as he bathed in his blood.

The police first suspected her father of course, but his alibi was solid and because there was no known connection between both Bazuul and her, no one suspected him.

After that though, there was nothing left for him, and all he felt was empty.

Back in the present.

As he held his brother by his hair he grinned as killing intent seeped out of him. Aurelius couldn't help but see a devil instead of his once weak and timid little brother. He even wondered if this really was his brother or a demon from another world.

"Mercy is for those that deserve it, and you do not!" Bazuul said, devoid of any emotion. He then struck his brother in the chest without holding back, a solid punch that snapped two of Aurelius's meridians. Subsequently, Aurelius threw up at least three mouths full of blood as his eyes lost all color. Barely conscious, he still managed to groan in pain from time to time. Bazuul just kept holding onto his hair as he dragged him back to the alley and threw him to his partners. He then walked away whistling an old song back from Earth and left him lying in his own, and the blood of his companions.

Back in the castle, he walked around as if nothing had happened. As he passed the door of the throne room he could hear the king roaring in rage. "Outrageous, how dare the crown-prince! Since when does he think to have the audacity to make a decision like that!!"

"Please calm yourself your Highness, it is not that the crown-prince wants to renege on his father's promise. It is just that the princess is unwilling to." An unfamiliar voice said. Yet, even among this person's intention to pacify the king, he was unable to wash that little smirk off his face.

Bazuul opened the door but before he could enter his father roared once more. "SHUT UP!!!"

The pressure was so strong that the unknown person was slammed out of the throne room and onto the wall behind Bazuul. A line of blood flowed out of his mouth and as he looked up disdain filled his eyes. Then he noticed someone stood in front of him.

With a devilish grin on his face, Bazuul looked down on him, he crouched close to him and asked, "And who might you be". The person on the ground, a messenger of the crown-prince of Ibera, felt icy-coldness flow through his spine at this look he was given. There was blood on that youngsters hands, and his eyes were similar to a hungry, almost famished, predator which looked down at its latest meal. Before he could even answer, Bazuul grabbed him by the neck and dragged him back into the throne room.

"Now, now father, no need to be so rude to a guest. Look at him, he is about to cry from fear! Ha ha ha!" Bazuul than said to his father. Of course, his father, with his cultivation, could easily detect the faint smell of blood on his son and the vicious glint of a feral beast in his eyes.

"If I may ask, what seems to be the problem, father" Bazuul then asked.

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