Damn Academy

Chapter 148

148 – Taming the Madman (8)

There was only a slight difference, except for Vivi and me, all suffered major and minor internal injuries.

Even Nielen and Gerald, who only had alcohol and a few sips of cold water, couldn’t avoid it.

Drinking contaminated water was cited as the cause. It was unknown whether it would end as a one-time symptom or continue to follow and cause pain. Because no one had ever heard of what would happen if you drink water contaminated enough to react with holy water.

The scout who recovered his body the fastest went to look for villagers and came back in vain.

“The village and the priest are all empty. No matter how much I search, I can’t find anyone.”

“I should have killed all those crazy things.”

Nielen lamented belatedly, but it was after the situation had already happened.

It was the face that realized that they had crawled into the devil’s cave only after everyone had vomited.

I had to cross several waterways to head to the principality, but the rain doesn’t seem to stop at all. It is useless to wait for the water to subside. Because the escort’s time and provisions are not infinite.

I had to move whether I liked it or not. The answer was to continue through the rain and move to a place as close to the principality as possible.

Gerald braced himself and ordered follow-up. He briskly replenished emergency potions and sent stitches to the home country to request emergency aid.

I watched the petals wash away in the muddy water. I don’t know if God was really angry, but spring ended early. Barbisia was gradually changing into the hellish scene she had been familiar with.

I will do everything I can to deal with it, but I have a hunch that it will be a tougher fight than I ever imagined.


Even at dawn, the escorts continued to move in the rain. Everyone was tired from working all night.

The wagon wheels got stuck in the wet dirt, so we abandoned the entire wagon and moved with only our belongings. Even with one step, the carriage was locked up to the shin, but there was no jaw to move the carriage.

The escorts gathered food, tents for camping, and a few other necessities for survival, and abandoned everything else.

Bibbi’s appearance was not even a word.

Her luxurious clothes she was wearing were all rags in her muddy water, so she had to discard her clothes and change into her maid’s clothes, which were comfortable for her activities.

“Someone take a look at this.”

The baboon lifted her robes, revealing her white flanks.

A leech the size of a thumb was attached to it, sucking the most precious blood in the principality.

All the knights hesitated, unable to dare to touch her body.

“It’s okay, so go ahead and get these f*cking leeches off.”

I, worse than

, Removed the leech and stopped the bleeding with a potion.

Bibi was also struggling to adapt to the harsh environment, giving up on class and formality.

The level of leeches is just a taster. Already other soldiers were plagued by mosquitoes and other venomous insects, and their necks and forearms were covered in hives, as if plagued.

All sorts of pests attacked as if they were waiting for us to come and set up an ambush.

A guard who went out on patrol grabbed a middle-aged villager and returned to his base.

Finally, they caught a person related to the divine spirit festival.

Nielen and his lieutenants interrogated with violence bordering on torture.

It was all planned for the princess. Who is the instigator Who is the one who oversees the priest?

But I couldn’t get a proper answer.

“You have to get away from the princess… You have to get away right away.”

It wasn’t until after repeating the poultice with the club that he gave another answer.

“The curse, the curse has already begun. There is no turning back. All we can do is get as far away from the cursed princess as possible. We must leave before anger consumes this place. If you want to live, abandon the princess and run away. God will take the princess away.”

Until then, no one believed that the curse would come true. The problem was that the residents poisoned them, because the rain was the only sign of the curse.

The escort set up camp that night in an abandoned village. Inside the village, traces of life remained as if it had been less than a week. Bedding and cutlery were all the same. Only people evaporated as they were.

And the next morning, a scout and two soldiers on night watch went missing.

“I listened carefully. Cow, I said I was going to urinate, but I didn’t come back.”

I didn’t know if I had fallen into a swamp, been caught by a beast, or had deserted. After a thorough search of the surroundings, not even a trace was found.

Hearing the news, Bibi sat down as if her legs were weak.

Gerald pushed her.

“My lady, you shouldn’t be weak in this situation.”

The first departure no one expected. But that was just the beginning.

At noon, the soldiers once again vomited black fluid. I was unable to eat anything properly.

The escort was slowly disintegrating.


It was a swampy area covered in muddy water and mud all around.

“Elisha? Elisha!”

A knight broke away from the ranks during the march and ran into the swamp. A group of people around him grabbed him and slapped him on the cheek several times, and he regained his sanity.

“I’m sure Elisha is…”

“There is nothing here. Wake.”

The symptoms started to spread like an epidemic. Even Gerald, who seemed to hold on to his reason the longest, occasionally glanced back as if hearing something.

Every time he asked me.

“Did you hear that too?”

“I didn’t hear.”

Gerald was at least able to distinguish between hallucinations and reality, and the rest could not.

“I saw it. I saw it carefully. The decapitated priest is alive and standing behind that tree! I have to tell the princess. We must slit the head of that evil demon.”

I couldn’t distinguish between a knight and a wizard, and I was getting more and more crazy.

I had a more serious problem.


I also started to vomit black liquid.

What could be the cause? Could it be because I dipped my hand in contaminated water? Or was it because they drank rainwater because there was no drinking water?

There was no stockpile of drinking water in the escort. If I hadn’t even drank the rainwater, I would have probably died of dehydration before I even noticed anything wrong.

If drinking rainwater is the cause, the problem becomes even more serious.

This is because all of this is not poisoning caused by drinking pond water, but is caused by the contamination of the entire Barbisia area.

Perhaps the vomiting, hallucinations, hallucinations, and paranoia that the soldiers were experiencing were among the processes that soon became part of the circulatory system.

You may not be able to escape no matter what you do.

Fortunately, I haven’t experienced hallucinations or hallucinations yet. I wasn’t sure how long this would last.

When even I, who was perfectly fine, showed signs of abnormality, the baboon was also greatly shaken.

Now only one baboon is fine, and everyone around him has had problems. As if a phrase of the old woman’s curse had come true, the people around her were suffering.

That evening the escort had to face despair.

It all started with the remains of a stitch found by a knight.

“That… It’s the stitch of the principality.”

The Principality’s Stitch was hanging from a tree with its wings torn to shreds. That’s what Gerald sent a request for support, and he couldn’t head to the Principality and crashed.

There were claw marks on the stitches.

The escort was isolated.

Hope that support from the principality would come if I just held on was completely shattered.

The escort may have been shaken more easily because they couldn’t keep their sanity at all.

From then on, doubts began to bloom in the escort that the princess might really be cursed.

During the march, out of nowhere, a knight fell to the ground, his eyes turned white, and he had a seizure.

Then he started pouring out strange words as if possessed.

“Dedicate the most precious thing to you guys. Cut off its head, gut it, and scatter it over the earth.”

It was an inexplicable phenomenon. I didn’t even know if I was actually indirectly confirming the reality of the transcendental existence that I was dubious about.

After that, even Nielen, the commander-in-chief, suddenly went out of his mind and started slashing at random in the air, and the escort’s hopes were completely dashed.

Because everyone was going crazy.

And me too.


He began to vomit black fluid again. It seemed that my body was also causing a chain reaction following them.

My head became dizzy and my body leaned forward against my will.

The last thing I heard was the baboon’s urgent cry.


And I lost my mind.


The escorts set up camp on top of the hill.

Bibi was frozen in the tent, her hands covering her face.

Everything was slipping and deteriorating rapidly. She couldn’t understand what was going on with her common sense.

Even if Ellen, whom you trusted the most, collapsed, and even if the sky collapsed, Damien, who seemed unlikely to wink an eye at her, couldn’t stand it either.

I couldn’t find the same loyalty as before in the eyes of the soldiers looking at Bibi.

It was also painful that Bibi had no problems. If she had been sick like the soldiers, she could have encouraged her to get through it together.

In the meantime, Nielen came into the tent.

“My lady, did you call?”

Bibi said, erasing the painful expression from her face.

“How is Silverin’s disciple?”

“It was a long way from waking up. It was weaker than it looked. But I have good news for you.”

“… What is it?”

“The missing knights are back.”

Bibi jumped up.

“Are you really back? Is that okay?”

“Yes. He is healthy with no injuries. They want to see her princess now.”

Bibi put her hand on her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

“I’m so glad. Please tell me to come.”

“Not only they, but other soldiers also want to see the princess.”

“… ?”

It was only then that Vivi noticed something strange.

Nielen’s eyes, which were clear and unwavering whether it rained or snowed, were out of focus.

“He wants to deliver the word of God.”

Nielen threw the door of her tent wide open.

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And beyond the entrance, all of the princess’ escorts were waiting with her weapons out.

“… Why.”

Feeling life in their eyes, the baboon slowly backed away.

And Ni Ellen also drew her sword and looked at her princess.

“The owner of this land says he needs a sacrifice.”


“You want a bloody festival.”

“The master wants the blood of the goddess.”

In a makeshift hospital bed, his eyes widen. Someone muttered nearby. Did you have a dream? Or am I hearing hallucinations too?

She turned her head. A person could be seen through the gap at the slightly open tent entrance. Not one. Several people gathered and moved to one place in a row.

While swaying as if intoxicated. And, they had swords in their hands.

“Offer her princess as her sacrifice.”

What I heard wasn’t hallucinations. Those were definitely words from the mouth of the escort. Something was about to happen

I could intuit that the scene I had seen in Precognitive Dream was now right in front of me.

I tried to get up, but I didn’t listen. After coming out of the hospital bed, I fell face down on the road because of dizziness.

Potion. You need to find a potion.

I moved toward the baggage stowed in a corner of the tent.

I managed to pull out my personal luggage box from there.

I opened the box and checked the contents. My wooden sword wrapped in cloth. And Griffin Potion and Chillwind Bomb. Fortunately, it was the same as when I first brought it.

In this situation, it was not a situation to hide your identity and sleep.

I immediately drank the griffon potion and picked up the wooden sword.

The arms holding the sword trembled. It is difficult to stand properly, let alone fight, as if all energy has been sucked out.

In the meantime, I found something strange in the box. A small leather pouch I had unintentionally brought. A faint blue light leaked from within.

I opened the pouch as if possessed.

Inside it was a green glowing herb.

That was the blue soul weed obtained at the end of the circulatory system practice.


Nielen took a step closer to Vivi, who was stepping back.

“Why, why are you doing this? Everyone wake up!”

She cried as if she would shed tears any moment.

“You swore allegiance to me and my father.”

She then fell backwards. Vivi’s face grew darker in despair.

Nielen didn’t care.

“You must pay the price to the gods.”

At the same time, a sphere rolled under the tent and touched Nielen’s feet.

He lowered his head and looked at the object.

Nielen sensed her condensed mana within and pulled her body back with quick reflexes.

Soon after, the sphere exploded spewing white frost in all directions.

And someone tore open the tent and ran into the flurry of frost.

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