Damn Academy

Chapter 140

140 – Ghost of the Guardian Tree (19)

The atmosphere has subsided further.

It was a disrespectful answer that could be interpreted as a way of taking pleasure in working with the princess.

The expressions of the servants and bodyguards lined up around her were distorted in an instant.

Damian wasn’t joking. Facing the heir of the principality, his eyes were as intense as boiling lava.

A boy who has nothing but the label of Silverin’s disciple. What is the basis for this bravery?

Bibi showed off her nasty feelings without filtering.

“You look confident and arrogant at the same time. I expect that he will show his skills that match his words.”

Even if she was hiding her abilities, she wouldn’t be overwhelmingly superior to others. Since he was a freshman in the first year, he couldn’t even compare with Vivi’s elite escort.

Even the famous escorts fall flat in front of Bibi.

She didn’t know that maybe because she was ignorant and immature, only emotions took precedence.

Bibi continued.

“I, Bibi Gainax, the legitimate successor of the monarch of the Principality of Yulicia and the eldest daughter of the Grand Duke of Gainax, will hire her Damian from this time onwards and have her escort me. Your body and sword will work for me, and I will entrust my neck to your sword and body. Remember that even though you are a mercenary, you have a heavier mission than any other knight in the principality.”

Bibi rose from her seat.

She walked in front of Damian and held out the back of her hand. This was part of the contract process.

“Oath of allegiance by kissing the back of her hand, declare your resolve in front of my eyes.”

Damian looked up at Bibi. He smiled bitterly at her lightly, then raised her hand and kissed her tightly on the lips.

Looking closer, his handsome features stood out even more. There was no way that Silverin would have been able to win just because she was pitiful. The witch was not a philanthropist.

“Although I am a lowly and insignificant existence, I will dedicate myself to fighting for you. Even if fate betrays you, I will rescue you.”

“… “

It was a grand resolution that did not fit the theme. He is determined as if he were the last remaining knight of the kingdom. I wanted to make sure that I would really keep my words, but unfortunately I would not be able to meet that level of hardship on my journey with Vivi.

She didn’t know that perhaps she had discovered the boy’s enormous potential as a political tool. As she thought about it, Bibi shook her hand rather roughly.

“I will remember your determination. Your body will move for me from today.”

The contract was concluded.

He will have to do the dirty and dirty work in place of his master.


“Sit down.”

Professor Candinella sat with her legs crossed and pressed the tips of her fingers to her temples to see if her hair was pounding.

“… “

“You turned down the princess’ proposal and eventually accepted it?”


“I am still against your selection. It’s still early in the semester, and you’re in a position where you shouldn’t wander around. Know?”

“I know.”

“The day before yesterday, all of a sudden, Silverine ran amok and asked what happened to you. So I replied, “I’m fine.” But how long does it take for something to happen?”

Oh no, Silverin was really fooled by my poor pun.

“Thank you in advance.”

“Such a cheeky and spoiled brat. Do you want me to trick Silverin well in the future? Have you ever seen Silverine angry?”

“… “

“No. Not safe. In the first place, this mission will never be completed. Because Eternia’s decision takes precedence over your doctor. Even if it brings dishonor, I will nullify it all, so prepare for the next class.”

“It’s okay. I wasn’t… safe on Eternia either.”

“Yes, so the professors left the North alone and returned to Eternia. Eternia is safe now, so stay still.”

I couldn’t reverse a decision that had already been made.

“I had a precognitive dream.”


“That dream led me to Professor Silverin and eventually to Eternia. And as if the foresight, which had been dying some time ago, squeezed out its last strength, it showed me the future.”

Professor Candinella’s attitude changed when he brought up the story of precognitive dreams.

“…What, you don’t have any magical abilities. What are you talking about?”

“I have to go.”

Professor Candinella’s pupils widened.

“You have no magic at all… No, yes, it’s a different story if it’s a precognitive dream. There’s no way Silverin doesn’t know this. So let me ask you one thing. Are you sure? Do you have definite plans and a future?”

I shook my head.

“I am not sure of anything.”

Candinella swept her hair back in her complex face.

“You are honest. If you said you had a perfect plan, I would have stopped you. The future always betrays and deceives human expectations. Hmm… But you can’t completely ignore it either. Because that power still has something to say to you.”

“Are you giving me permission?”

Candinella tightened her brow and stared into my eyes. After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth again.

“…… Yes, i will allow it hahahaha, do you need anything or ask for something?”

“I just need one thing.”


Cecile walked through the darkened campus, clutching a thick book. The class schedule was over, and the students were all staying in the dormitory, so the road was empty.

As we were moving forward relying on the moonlight, a light twinkled between the trees. It was like watching a goblin fire. Cecile, intrigued by the sound of her footsteps, followed the light.

“… ?”

Looking closer, it was a bird the size of a fist.

Judging by the embers spewing out every time it flapped its blade, it was a spirit. Because of his plump weight, the flapping of his wings seemed a bit cumbersome.

The bird flew eagerly and disappeared behind a tree.

Cecil cautiously followed him and encountered Candy, who was hiding in a tree.

The plump spirit was sitting on Candyi’s hand and breathing.

Cecile said gladly to see him.

“Let’s make a secret place just for the two of us. In a quiet place where no sound leaks out and out of sight.”

“It would be nice if it was a place where I could take you to the dormitory right away even if I was drunk.”

Cecile hit Candy on the shoulder with the book she was holding.

“I will never drink with you again.”

She said moderately violently, brushing her disheveled hair back behind her.

“So, why did you suddenly appear?”

“Just four degrees….”

“If you’re going to say you need help, I’ll just go on my way.”

He deftly changed his words.

“… The night roads are a bit spooky, but I’ll take you to the dorm.”

Cecil said with a smile.


She walked with candy. I gently folded my arms around him.

He had a light conversation.

“You study late.”

“Magic scholars have too much to study. I’m especially busy these days because of a strange friend who asks me a difficult favor.”

“… I have a bad friend Don’t play with that kid.”

“The problem is that my heart is too weak. Even if it wasn’t cute, I would have broken off the relationship. By the way, what was that sparrow?”

“My spirit.”

“I don’t think I can fly well because I’ve gained weight…Is it okay? I’ve never seen such a chubby spirit.”

“I’m going to do some exercise soon.”

“It’s so funny to think you’re training that little sparrow.”

As we talked, we soon arrived in front of the Widrup House.

“It’s all over. Great job!”

“Come on in.”

After Cecil untied her arms, she left him behind and climbed the stairs to the dormitory.

I grabbed the doorknob and tried to push in, then stopped for a moment. Then he sighed and turned around.

“Aww, I lost. So, what was it you were asking for?”

“I came to pick you up.”

“Really go in? Don’t be shy, just tell me.”

Candy paused for a while and said.

“… I need the Circulation Magic Stone and the Frostwind Bomb that I entrusted to you.”

“How many bombs do you need?”

“As much as possible.”

“Where are you going to use it? Are you going to war?”

“I thought it would be useful when making the spirit exercise.”

It was an obvious lie. Cecile narrowed her eyes and glared at him suspiciously before sighing deeply.

“Candy, do you know how much a bomb costs? It’s not something that’s made just because you want it. Are you using it to lose belly fat?”

“… Put it on the ledger. He also pays a lot of interest.”

From noble mtl dot com

He’s plotting something, but he didn’t seem willing to share his plans.

“… Okay. I’ll bring it. I don’t know what you’re up to, but don’t get hurt.”


I packed my things in Thorn Garden in preparation for the escort mission. Other recovery potions including Elizabeth’s bracelet, wooden sword, Gryphon potion. I had to take everything I could. It was not a masters class, but a mere combat club student, so it was necessary to hide it tightly.

Then, I briefly recalled the dream of last night. I was holding the princess’s hand and running away. And those who were chasing us were the gongnyeo’s guards whom we met today.

No matter how much I think about it, I can’t understand it. Am I kidnapping the princess? It was a situation that could not come out of the general flow. How tangled are the dreams? Will the scene really happen as it is?

While I was deep in thought, the door to my room suddenly opened without knocking. I stopped tidying up and looked at the door.

Tricia entered the room without saying a word, with her gray hair undone.

In one hand, he was dragging a thick pillow on the floor. Is there something bad going on? Her expression was dark, unlike Trisha’s.

“What happened?”

“I heard a rumor. He said he was going on an escort mission.”

“Yeah, by chance.”

She came in front of me and swung her pillow out of nowhere. Fluffy hits my body.

“… !”

“You! A little! I have to get scolded! You only worry like an asshole, don’t listen to words, do strange things by yourself, don’t say a word to your friends when you go out, why do you live worrying like this!”

The pillow hits my body mercilessly.

Trisha swung her pillow a few times and missed it. She didn’t stop there, though, and clenched her fists and slapped my body with her random strokes.

She wasn’t very sick because she was weak, but she didn’t feel comfortable.

I hurriedly grabbed her wrist.

Even so, she waved her arms and resisted her haphazardly, as if her excitement wasn’t resolved.

“Let go! Let go! You should be more fit!”


“I am a fool for saying that I will be friends with you!”


“Let go! Let go!”

She gradually realized that no matter how much she waved her arms, she was powerless. Soon after, her resistance faded a bit.

I hurriedly poured out her words to calm her down.

“… I will learn to cook court cuisine in the Duchy of Yulisia.”

“I’m not going to play with you!”

“Okay, if I don’t play for two weeks, he’ll be back.”


“I’ll help you practice the script then.”

He still had a pouting face, so he made another promise.

“… ….”

“What do you want to eat?”

Trisha struggled inside her and reluctantly opened her mouth.

“…… Pumpkin Cream Cheese Pie.”

“I’ll leave it in the morning.”


The next morning, an attendant from the principality pulled a carriage to the living quarters to meet me. Because the princess’s schedule was tightly planned, I had to prepare frantically as well. The longer my schedule, the longer my study gap would be, so it was better to be busy.

I finished packing my clothes at the Widrup House. Cecil’s Frostwind Bomb and Circulatory Magic Stone were all taken, and the last one was left.

I came down to the first floor and stood in front of the fireplace in the central lounge. It was early, so no one was there and it was quiet.

I held in one hand a birthday gift box that I hadn’t been able to organize. I didn’t even open it, and the ‘happy birthday’ note written in a familiar handwriting was still there.

Memories of the past bite their tails and crawl out again.

Those memories no longer give me a sense of happiness.

Liza and I have been running apart for a long time.

It’s so far away that now nothing can ever go back the way it used to.

He tilted his palm slowly towards the fireplace. This little box slid slowly and fell onto a roaring log fire.

The box was engulfed in flames and distorted in an instant. It soon turned into unrecognizable ashes along with the contents.

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