Chapter 0088 – Wedding Night, Time for Fun!!

Chang Yifeng soon left the Anqing County King Mansion.

From now on, Chang Fengyi left the Chang family and married into the Zhu family.

He and Chang’s family no longer see each other day and night, and they don’t even see each other several times a year. She also went from ‘following her father at home’ to the stage of ‘marrying and following her husband’.

From now on, all she can rely on is Zhu Biao.

Just when Chang Yifeng was sitting on the colorful public opinion, with mixed feelings in his heart, the eight-carried palanquin stopped at the gate of the palace.

The voice of the female official came.

“Please the crown princess, descend public opinion to ride the phoenix sedan car.”

This step means that Chang Fengyi will get down from the Chang family’s ‘Caiyu’ and ride on the ‘phoenix palanquin’ exclusive to the crown prince.

It means that Chang Yifeng has changed from the daughter of the Chang family to the daughter-in-law of their old Zhu family and has become a royal person.

Of course, this step had to be done by Zhu Biao to personally greet Chang Yifeng in front of Caiyu to show respect.

“Yifeng, I want to ride the phoenix sedan car.”

Zhejiang Fan, Zero Qi.

This action of ‘unveiling’ is similar to the folk ‘unveiling the head’, which means Zhu Biao’s recognition of Chang Yifeng, the crown princess.

Seeing Zhu Biao’s actions, Chang Yifeng had long blushed shyly.

“Thank you, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.”

Chang Yifeng handed his hand to Zhu Biao’s hand, and was helped by him to sit on the phoenix sedan car.

“The prince starts!”

“Crown Princess get up!”

With the shouting, Zhu Biao’s prince ‘Yuyuan’ was in front, and Chang Fengyi’s ‘phoenix palanquin’ was behind.

More than 8,000 people marched to the Kunning Palace, where Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying were now.

After Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng arrived at the harem, the two could not sit in the palanquin.

Under the service of the female official, the two disembarked on the jade and phoenix palanquins respectively, preparing to enter the Kunning Palace by themselves.

Chang Yifeng consciously lagged behind Zhu Biao by half a step, and Zhu Biao stepped forward and directly took Chang Yifeng’s hand.

“You and my husband and wife, since you should hold the hand of your son, white heads and old together.”

Hearing Zhu Biao’s words, Chang Yifeng’s face turned even redder.

The two walked into the Kunning Palace hand in hand.

In Kunning Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying were already sitting on the main throne and waiting.

Seeing Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng coming, both of them had a smile on their faces.

Soon, under the witness of Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying, Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng held a wedding ceremony.

Most of them are similar to Zhu Biao’s ‘marriage trial’ exercise, but the ‘Marriage Ceremony’ has not been practiced.

The gourd is a gourd, and separating the gourd is a scoop, which can be used to hold water and drink.

The husband and wife drink with the same scoop, which means that they get married, which is equivalent to combining the separate ‘scoop’ into one ‘scoop’, and since then husband and wife are one, and woe and fortune are shared.

That is, the ‘exchange of wine’ in later generations.

At that time, Zhu Biao’s wedding still used ‘scoop’.

When Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng finished drinking the ‘combined wine’, it was time for the two to meet Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying.

Soon, someone stepped forward and put Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng to Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying three things: dates, chestnuts, and fences, and put them in the hands of Zhu Biao and his wife

Jujube is an ordinary red date.

Chestnuts are ordinary chestnuts.

笄, in fact, is an ordinary hairpin, but it is called ‘笄’ in the ancient language.

“Zao Li Zhuan”, the homonym is ‘Zaolizi’.

Takako early!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying received the things offered by the husband and wife, and they were really happy.

Zhu Yuanzhang put the fence aside with a smile on his face and ate the big red dates and cooked chestnuts.

Ma Xiuying also smiled happily and ate a lot.

When the two of them had almost eaten, it was time for Chang Yifeng to do the last step here today at Ma Xiuying and Zhu Yuanzhang.

As a daughter-in-law, she toasted tea to Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying.

Don’t look at Chang Yifeng, she was canonized as a crown princess early.

Today’s two cups of tea are the ones that really determine whether she can really be this crown princess in the future.

These two cups of tea represent the attitude of Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying.

If the two refused to drink Chang Yifeng’s cup of tea, even if she was the crown princess, I am afraid that she would not be able to get any benefits in Zhu Biao’s backyard.

Soon, a female official brought two cups of tea with just the right water temperature and put them in Chang Yifeng’s hand.

“Father, please drink tea.”

Chang Yifeng knelt on the ground, respectfully performed the big salute of three knees and nine bows, and took the teacup.

“Good, good.”

Zhu Yuanzhang would not be embarrassed for Chang Yifeng at that time, after all, this crown princess was chosen by him, and he was not dissatisfied.

He happily took the tea handed over by Chang Yifeng.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang took it, Chang Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, another big gift, and took another cup of tea and handed it to Ma Xiuying.

“Queen Mother, please drink tea.”

“Okay, good boy.”

Ma Xiuying also took the tea happily and put it to her mouth and took a sip.

“Good boy, get up quickly.”

Zhu Yuanzhang also took a sip of tea and quickly called Chang Yifeng up.

“I hope that the two of you husband and wife, in harmony and love, will give birth to a grandson for Xu as soon as possible.”

Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang’s words, Zhu Biao felt embarrassed on the side.

I’m only fifteen years old, and I started giving birth on the first day of marriage?

Zhu Biao felt embarrassed, and Chang Yifeng was shy.

Before she got married, she had read the pamphlets.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked her to give birth to a grandson quickly, wouldn’t giving birth to a child mean doing the things in the pamphlet?

When Chang Yifeng thought of this, he was immediately shy.

Zhu Yuanzhang has already given birth, and Ma Xiuying has not been born again.

After drinking tea, he instructed the two to say a few words, and let the two go back to the Crown Prince’s East Palace.

Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng soon retreated.

Zhu Biao and Chang Yifeng sat on the ‘Jade Yuan’ and ‘Phoenix Palanquin’ again, and the group walked towards the Crown Prince’s East Palace.

When they arrived at the Spring Peace Hall, Xu Da, Shao Rong and the others could not go any further, and everyone congratulated Zhu Biao on his wedding in front of the Spring Peace Hall and left.

Only the eunuch and the female official followed the palanquin of the two and walked in.

It was not until the Spring and Palace that Zhu Biao ordered the ‘Jade Yuan’, and then took Chang Fengyi from the ‘Phoenix Palanquin’.

Holding hands with her and coming to the Shunyi Hall.

The Chengqian Hall is the Crown Prince’s Dormitory, and the Shunyi Hall is the Crown Prince’s Dormitory.

According to the rules, Zhu Biao got married.

For three days, he will rest in the Shunyi Hall and be with Chang Yifeng.

As for three days later, it depends on Chang Yifeng’s liking of Zhu Biao.

If Zhu Biao was not so satisfied with Chang Yifeng, then he might only come to the Shunyi Hall on the fifteenth day of the first year.

If you’re satisfied, maybe five or ten days a month.

The two returned to the Shunyi Hall, and the first thing they did was to have a meal together.

After all, both of them got up early and worked a tiring day.

Not to mention lunch, it’s almost evening now, both of them have only eaten a few pieces in the morning, and after this meal, every move must be in accordance with the etiquette meal, and after dinner, the whole wedding is almost carried out.

Later, Zhu Biao and Chang Fengyi took off the grand dresses they were wearing in the two small rooms of the Shunyi Hall, washed themselves under the service of the maids, and changed into the ‘Yan clothes’ at home.

Then, the couple walked out of the small room and went to the main hall of the Shunyi Hall, Chang Yifeng’s bedroom.

“You all go down.”


Zhu Biao spoke, and the female officials and maids in the Shunyi Hall all retreated.

Left the space for this newlyweds.

“Your Highness…”

Seeing that only he and Zhu Biao were in the room, Chang Yifeng’s mind uncontrollably appeared the picture on the pamphlet he had read, and his pretty face turned red.

Zhu Biao heard Chang Yifeng’s voice and also turned to look at his new wife.

This was the first time, Zhu Biaozi carefully looked at Chang Yifeng.

Chang Yifeng is not a particularly slender beauty, she is slightly plump, and her long and attractive appearance.

The most rare thing is that she has a temperament that ordinary people do not have.

It may be that she has been cultivated according to the standards of the crown princess since she was a child, and Chang Yifeng’s whole person looks luxurious and sensible.

“You and I are husband and wife, when there is no one, you just call me husband.”

Zhu Biao finally had a daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law kept shouting herself, “His Royal Highness the Prince is indeed a little too rusty.” ”

“Yes, husband-kun.”

Hearing Zhu Biao’s words, Chang Yifeng’s face turned even redder.

Today she finally married the husband she had set since she was a child.

He is high-ranking and handsome.

Every year on Zhu Biao’s birthday and major holidays, she prepares a gift for Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao will also give her a gift on her birthday and major holidays, not only that, but on weekdays, Zhu Biao will also give her a copy of what is delicious, fun, and easy to use.

The two of them have also met Ma Xiuying many times.

Although the two are not particularly familiar, they are by no means strangers.

Chang Yifeng had done a lot of mental construction for himself before today.

But getting married today, coupled with Zhu Biao’s asking him not to call him ‘His Royal Highness the Crown Prince’, suddenly made Chang Yifeng’s heart sweet and didn’t know what to say.

Zhu Biao is her husband, the only man she can rely on for the rest of her life, that is, his heaven…

“Husband, rest assured, the concubine will definitely learn from the queen mother in the future and become a virtuous and generous crown princess.”

Before Chang Yifeng was canonized as crown prince.

What Chang Jia and Chang Yifeng are most worried about is whether Zhu Yuanzhang will be because of Chang Yifeng’s mother Lan.

Do not give Chang Yifeng the seat of wife.

After all, Lan’s jealousy is too famous.

Regarding the question of whether Chang Yifeng would inherit Lan’s jealousy, many people ran to Chang Yuchun to chew the root of their tongue.

Chang Jia and Chang Yifeng are not guaranteed.

Will Zhu Yuanzhang care about this.

If Zhu Yuanzhang was worried that Chang Yifeng would be jealous, the Crown Prince Donggong would lose peace.

May only give Chang Yifeng a position as a side concubine, or even directly prevent her from marrying Zhu Biao.

If Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to repent, even if he had agreed with Chang Yuchun about marriage, he could not admit it.

Is it called a trick on the emperor? That must have misheard.

The emperor must have never said anything like that, everything must be just your imagination.

Even when she was in the Kunning Palace, Chang Yifeng was very worried, if Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying did not like her, then how could she gain a foothold in the palace?

“The husband can rest assured, the concubine will definitely learn from the queen mother in the future, not good at jealousy, fair and just.”

Chang Yifeng has been educated since childhood.

She and Zhu Biao will be husband and wife in the future, but they are even more monarchs.

Zhu Biao is Jun, she is Zhu Biao’s crown princess, but she is also Zhu Biao’s courtier.

In the royal family, jealousy is a big mistake.

“Xiaoyi rest assured, we are also the same original couple as our father and queen, and we will also support each other and have deep feelings like the two of them.”

Of course, Zhu Biao also felt Chang Yifeng’s trepidation and unease, and he opened his mouth to calm her.

In his heart, his wife is the one who wants to live and die in the same cave with him, and he also hopes that his relationship with Chang Yifeng can be as good as Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying.

“We are also the original couple, and we will be as good as the father and queen…”

Hearing Zhu Biao’s assurance, Chang Yifeng’s eyes turned red with excitement.

Zhu Biao saw Chang Yifeng’s red eyes with excitement and spoke.

“Xiaoyi, you come with me.”

Zhu Biao pulled Chang Yifeng, led her to the table, and picked up the scissors set aside to cut the wick of the candle.

Chang Fengyi looked at the scissors in Zhu Biao’s hand and was puzzled.

“This is…”

“The ancients called the original couple, also called the married couple. Nowadays, it is said that the parents who receive the skin of the body, the hair ceremony, is no longer popular. There is no such ritual in the ceremonial ceremony. But I want to make up this ritual with you Feng Yi. Feng Yi, you cut a handful of hair for me first. ”

When Chang Yifeng heard this, he gently cut a handful of hair from the back of Zhu Biao’s head.

Hold it tightly in your hand.

Zhu Biao also took the scissors and cut a handful of 0.3 hair on Chang Yifeng’s head, and Zhu Biao tied the hair of the two together with a red rope.

“I hope Xiaoyi and I can do it, get married as a couple, and love both.”

Hearing Zhu Biao’s words, Chang Yifeng’s blush that had just dispersed surged up again.

“Don’t worry, husband, I will definitely keep our hair well.”

Chang Yifeng took the hair handed over by Zhu Biao and put it in his dressing box.

“I will definitely save them and take them to our next life, so that I can meet you in my next life.”

Chang Yifeng was moved for a while.

Zhu Biao also specially cut off his hair, wanting to marry him and his love.

How could she not be moved?

Seeing that all the processes were almost the same, Zhu Biao stepped forward and squeezed Chang Yifeng’s hand.

“Xiaoyi, the process of grand marriage is still far from the last step.”

Hearing Zhu Biao’s words, Chang Yifeng immediately became shy.


“The Spring Festival is worth thousands of dollars, and I shouldn’t wait to live up to this good time.”

Zhu Biao immediately picked Chang Yifeng up, and Chang Yifeng hugged Zhu Biao’s neck with a red face.

Until he walked to the bed, Zhu Biao put Chang Yifeng down. For a moment, the whole room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Zhu Biao’s trial marriage palace maid Chanyue was also guarding outside the door.

Listening to the familiar voice coming out of the house, I was sad for a while.

When was the person in it still himself?

Now that the crown princess is here, the crown princess has another jealous mother.

I don’t know what the nature of this crown princess is.

Can I still have a good life?

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