After the victory in the battle with Chen Youcheng Longwan, Zhu Yuanzhang had dozens of fierce generals and an elite navy division of nearly 60,000 people, and the situation was very good.

Zhu Yuanzhang repaired for three months and decided to pursue with victory.

As for the imperial government, Zhu Yuanzhang directly announced in the early dynasty that he would pursue with several generals and an army of 100,000.

The government of the dynasty was in charge of Shizi, assisted by Li Shanchang and Deng Yue.

It also directly stipulates that the rights of Shizi Zhu Biao are the same as his own.

That is to say, in addition to the 100,000 troops and a few generals that Zhu Yuanzhang took away. When the whole country responds to major military and political affairs, they are all at the disposal of the world!

What was Zhu Yuanzhang’s status when he was in the DPRK. Shizi is now in charge of the country, what is the status!

Although everyone was surprised, there was no reason to dissuade, so they could only accept it helplessly.

Ten days later, Zhu Yuanzhang led Shao Rong, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Tang He, Liao Yongzhong, Yu Tonghai, Hu Mei and other generals, with an army of 100,000 people, to march north against Chen Youcheng and launch an attack on the remnants of Chen Han

At the same time, except for the military power of the 100,000-strong army of the Wu State, all major and small matters of the Wu State were decided by Zhu Biao with a word.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang left Ying Tian, in order to prevent Li Shanchang from refusing to obey the right of love, he not only left behind five thousand broken wolf army and blue jade, but even left Zhu Biao his own sword and three wills.

If someone disobeys the yin and disobeys, Zhu Biao can directly cut him.

Even Li Shanchang is no exception.

At this moment, even if Zhu Biao wanted to take advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang’s absence to directly usurp the throne and ascend the throne, he could easily succeed, let alone suppress the courtiers.


The next day, Yin Shi.

At this time, it is the darkest time of the day, and most people are still immersed in sweet sleep.

In Wu Guo Shizi’s mansion, the lights were bright, and almost no one slept.

“Is the son of the world up? Don’t miss the hour! ”

“Aren’t you bothering about it? Sister Ruyi and Sister Jixiang are waiting in front of them, can they miss the hour? ”

“Aren’t I worried, thousands of miles of land in the Wu Kingdom, tens of millions of people, hundreds of military and political affairs, all waiting for the son of the world to make a decision, delay is not a joke!”

“Put your heart back in your belly, there are people staring at the world.”

In Shizi’s mansion, all the maids and guards couldn’t sleep with excitement.

It is said that the seventh-grade officials in front of the prime minister’s door, as the maids of the Shizi Mansion, I don’t know how many people rushed to scold them

Now that their masters are young and overseeing the country, can they not be excited?

“How about preparing it early, don’t prepare a big taste, don’t be too cold, beware of the uncomfortable eating of the world.”

“Go and check the clothes of the son of the world, and if something goes wrong, be careful with your skin.”

“Let people look forward to the time, don’t be too late.”

“Be careful today, whoever misses the great thing of the world, I will not spare him.”

Yao Guangxiao was even busier with his feet on the ground, and he looked everywhere several times.

“Don’t worry, let’s all be careful.”

“Don’t relax, check carefully, you can’t make a mistake.”

Yao Guangxiao really did not expect that Zhu Biao was so powerful in this world, and he was so trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang.

This is a full overseer! It even has the ability to directly kill Quan Chen.

This simply made him very excited in his heart, and he couldn’t worry about not being able to realize his ambitions with Zhu Biao.

Therefore, Yao Guangxiao is more attentive, he can’t make a mistake at this time.

If you can’t do such a small thing, I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to be a big task in Zhu Biao’s heart.

Zhu Biao himself, but far less excited than these people.

He just lamented that he got up too early.

“Don’t panic!”

Looking at the auspicious and wishful waiting for his clothes, Zhu Biao couldn’t laugh or cry.

“Don’t panic, just be the same as usual. No matter how panicked you are, you can’t help me much!” ”

“Even if you can’t help Shizi anything, you can’t drag Shizi’s hind legs.”

Ruyi said while putting socks on Zhu Biao.

“Shizi, don’t you know, how many times Mr. Song and Chief Manager Yao have told us, we must not miss the hour today.”

“It’s not just Mr. Song and Chief Yao, everyone who can speak in Shizi’s mansion has been told many times with the slave maid and sister Ruyi, if the slaves delay Shizi’s affairs today, the slave maid will have to find a place to wipe her neck by herself.”

Ruyi also answered a sentence while cleaning up the bed.

Since yesterday, they don’t know how many times they have been stopped, all of them are telling them not to miss the hour.

Ji Xiang and Ruyizi carefully dressed Zhu Biao and Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao washed up, barely ate two snacks, and hurried out.

There, Yao Guangxiao had been waiting for a long time with thirty guards.

Further to the second gate, thirty more guards waited.

When he reached the gate, Zhu Biao was already followed by a hundred guards.

“Weichen Maoqi, see the son of the world!”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s great secretary, that is, Mao Qi, who was the governor of Quan Li Zhongshu, did not accompany Zhu Yuanzhang on his western expedition, but was left by Zhu Yuanzhang to assist Zhu Biao in overseeing the country, and by the way, helped him deter the courtiers.

He led five hundred sergeants, each holding a flag and holding torches, waiting outside the gate.

The most striking thing is a pair of palanquins carried by twelve people parked in front of Shizifu.

Although the palanquin is not very magnificent, it is engraved with nine dragon patterns, which looks majestic.

This is exactly Zhu Yuanzhang’s palanquin, although he hardly does it.

But this palanquin can be said to be a symbol of status, except for Zhu Yuanzhang himself, others are sitting on the trespass.

And now, Zhu Biao is also going to sit on this palanquin.

The only difference is probably that Zhu Yuanzhang wants to ride on this palanquin for sixteen people, while Zhu Biao, as the son of the world, only has twelve carries.

“Why bother.”

Mao Qi led the full ceremonial guard of the son of the world today to greet Zhu Biao, and Zhu Biao knew it.

The prison country must be different from the son of the world who is not in power, and he must have enough prestige.

However, this large sedan carried by twelve people was really beyond Zhu Biao’s expectations.

He frowned.

“My father used to ride to Zhongshu Province, so why should I change to a public opinion sedan today?”

“Qiyu Shizi, this is the order of the grandfather.”

Mao Qi stepped forward and whispered in front of Zhu Biao.

“This was specially ordered yesterday before the ascendant left. In fact, the upper position is not willing to take the public sedan car, which is slow and uncomfortable. But among the monarchs, pay attention to the word of etiquette. The utensils and colors used by the king should be different from those of his subordinates, so as to show the difference between the prince and his subjects. The son of the world is just a normal time, but now that he is young and in the country, he should observe the courtesy of a king. ”

After Zhu Biao listened, he could only nod and get on the palanquin.

Mao Qi saw that Zhu Biao was sitting steadily, lowered the car curtain, and shouted.

“Get started.”

“The son of the world starts.”

With the shouting, the whole honor guard moved, mighty, and came to Zhongshu Province.

At three moments, Zhu Biao had already arrived outside the main hall of Zhongshu Province.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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