Chapter 75 Zhu Yunmi’s Premeditation!!


“Your Majesty, before the Third Highness sensed that the number of people in the temple was wrong, let Wei Chen secretly count.”

Hearing this, Hongye Zen Master looked at Zhu Yunxi and wanted to cry without tears.

You don’t have anything to come to the temple to order someone, isn’t it good to study and study the Dharma?

“After Wei Chen counted, it is indeed different from the number of monks recorded by the Sanglu Division, and the gap is very large!”


Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly.

“There are only one hundred and two people allowed by the monk, and now, there are three hundred and twenty-seven!”


Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly, “We heard a saying before, the troubled Taoist priest went down the mountain to save people, and the temple of the prosperous world opened its doors to welcome guests!” ”

This is true. Twenty-five years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, under our noses, the monks of Huangjue Temple have exceeded three times! ”

“What about the places we can’t see?”

“There are corrupt officials at work here!”

“Pass on the decree, don’t care about the first day of the seventh month, from now on, the officials will send inspectors to various places, based on the “Records of Zhouzhi” and the records of the Sanglu Division, the prisoners will give us pressure to respond to the heavens, and those who are not within the degree will all be restored!”

“The abbot was demoted to a minor monk on the spot, and all the abbot’s assistants were executed!”

“To show emulation!”

“Let’s start here.”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Hongye Zen Master, “Who is your assistant?” ”

Jue Mingden’s body trembled, his eyes trembled, and his cheeks were full of cold sweat.

“The four monks are empty, and you are afraid of death.”

Zhu Yunjiao hurriedly knelt on the ground: “Grandpa Huang, is it too much to kill like this?” ”

Killing too much? He seemed to see Zhu Biao kneeling in front of him and pleading bitterly.

Zhu Biao was already dead, he wanted to be soft-hearted, but Pei’s temper attacked again!

“Let’s tell you!”

“The monks in the temple don’t produce, if there are more monks, then my Daming farmers will be fewer!” If we don’t punish and don’t show the determination of the imperial court, won’t there be more Diao people hiding in the temple to avoid paying taxes? ”

“This is the foundation of digging our Daming again!”

“Jiang Ying!”

“Wei Chen obeys the order!”

Jiang Ying’s strength was endless, grabbing Jueming like a chicken boy and pulling it aside, swinging the embroidered spring knife, and the head fell to the ground.

Wuji Zen Master chanted Amitabha Buddha.

Hongye Zen Master and these people can’t see current events clearly, the temple is indisputable to the world, but they want to wrestle with the real dragon!

What a lot of greed!

Zhu Yunxi reminded: “Grandpa Huang wants to spread the will to the world? ”

“What do you mean?”

“I think it’s better to let the inspector go by himself with the holy decree, so that you can catch them by surprise.”

“After going, first surrender the military power of the commander, and then go to the Buzheng Department and the Inspector Division, and ask them to cooperate with their own actions!”

“Strictly check the road guidance in all places, and do not relax!”

“In this way, even if some people who are seduced by the temple want to make trouble, they can’t do it!”

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: “It is indeed well considered. ”

“Grandpa Huang, think it through, many monks in the Huangjue Temple have heard what I just said, it’s better to let the Huangjue Temple directly close the temple and be supervised by Jinyiwei.”

“In this way, only you, my second brother and Jiang Ying know!”

“If things are revealed, it is…”

Zhu Yunxi looked at Jiang Ying and Zhu Yunjiang…

The meaning is clear, that’s what you two said!

Jiang Ying hurriedly knelt down to express his loyalty: “Wei Chen is a lackey under the door, how dare he leak such an important matter!” ”

“Grandpa Huang, so are grandchildren!”

Zhu Yunxi reminded: “Why don’t you swear? ”

“How about it at the cost of five thunderbolts in the sky?”

Zhu Yuanzhang:…

The sky hit five thunders, and the legend has it that the small merchant king of the Great Song Dynasty did a lot of evil, almost committing all the laws of the Great Song Dynasty, and finally fell into the sky to hit five thunders.

Swear in this name, is it excessive.

“Grandpa Huang…”

Zhu Yunjiang wanted to be coquettish.

“It’s okay to send it.”

Grandpa Huang! Didn’t you say that you want to correct Zhu Yunxi’s steady character? When did he become as steady as he was!

Zhu Yuanzhang also noticed a little, and his old face blushed.

He decided to frustrate Zhu Yunxi’s spirit.

“Xi’er, don’t think about things perfectly, a person’s mind is limited after all.”

“It’s like, let’s ask a question, do you see if you’ve thought about it?”

“Even if you confinate all the monks of the Huangjue Temple, what about those inspectors? They know! ”

“If an inspector is anxious, and the whole Daming is mobile, then won’t the whole world know about it?”

“At that time, the strong crossbow was in hand, but a squib was fired!”

Zhu Yunxi nodded: “Grandpa Huang is right, I have also considered this issue~”

Zhu Yuanzhang:??? Did you think of all that?

“Xi’er, tell us, did you already think about attacking the temple?”


Zhu Yunxi hurriedly shook his head, even if there was, he had to say no.

“Hmph! You think we’ll believe you…”

Before the words were finished, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have thought of something and directly slapped Zhu Yunxi’s butt: “We just understood, Zhou Zhilu has thought of the title of this book, and you also said that you didn’t think about starting with the temple!” ”

“Oh… This…”

Zhu Yunxi smiled awkwardly: “Grandpa Huang, I said that this wonderful hand is occasionally believed by you?” ”


Zhu Yuanzhang gave him a look, you pretend, you pretend!

“Tell me, how do you plan to control the inspectors so that they don’t go out early or later?”

“Grandpa Huang also asked me to buy a pass, and I will naturally know when the inspector leaves.”

Zhu Yuanzhang was angry in his heart, but he was suddenly frustrated, and a picture appeared in front of his eyes.

In the first year of Hongwu, Empress Ma asked him who he planned to make the prime minister of Zhongshu Province, and everyone in the court thought it was Li Shanchang.

He also had the victory in hand, just like Zhu Yunxi now, he smiled mysteriously and said to Empress Ma: “Let us sell a pass.” ”

The last prime minister of Zhongshu Province was Xu Da, who no one expected! This kid…

It’s really like us.

“Jiang Ying listened to the order and surrounded the Huangjue Temple! Huangjue Temple will be closed from today to see visitors, wait until we finish dealing with the temple of the world! ”

“Wei Chen obeys the order.”

“Back to the palace.”

“There are still many things waiting for us to deal with in the palace!”

Wuji Zen Master sent them to the door: “Poor monk send Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live!” ”

After Zhu Yuanzhang left, the gate of the Huangjue Temple was closed, and Jiang Ying put a seal on it, not allowing anyone to enter or leave!

After returning to the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang sat in front of the stove and didn’t know what to think, his legs were very afraid of cold because of years of fighting, and Song He intimately covered him with a blanket.


“Our grandson, everything is good, it’s too stable.”

Song He said: “The old slave thinks that the character of His Royal Highness the Third Emperor Sun is quite gratifying, after all, the great affairs of the imperial court, which one does not need to be thought through?” ”

“If you think about it thoroughly, the possibility of mistakes is small.”

“You’d say it.”

“When the old slave was chatting with Ma Sanbao once, he told the old slave about it, saying that His Highness likes to investigate things thoroughly before making a decision!”

“It’s like what’s called big data and what kind of analysis.”

“The more complete the investigation, the more accurate the analysis will be. This time, His Highness’s second and fifth rent reduction edict is refreshing. ”

“But Ma Sanbao said that he didn’t think about this at the beginning, but another more grand policy!”

“It was only after investigating Daming’s account that his mind changed.”

Zhu Yuanzhang sat up and said in amazement: “Another magnificent policy? What the? ”

“The old slave doesn’t know, Ma Sanbao didn’t say! But Ma Sanbao said the time. ”

“What time?”

“His Highness estimates that this policy will be implemented in twenty years!”

“Twenty years?”

Zhu Yuanzhang silently deleted five years in his heart.

Fifteen years…

He certainly won’t live to that time.

He is like a cat’s scratch in his heart, what is the policy? Also, how does Zhu Yunxi plan to get the inspectors to act at the same time? This kid, there are too many secrets!

Zhu Yunxi came to the Criminal Department, and Yang Jing personally went out to greet him: “Your Highness.” ”

“Grandpa Huang has a decree to make you use the sketch method to draw the portraits of all the fugitives in the Criminal Department, resulting in the book “Zhou Zhilu”, and you must do this in the shortest possible time.”

“Shortest time?”

Yang Jing thought that the method provided by His Highness was very convenient, many people had simply learned to sketch, if all Ying Tian’s painters were summoned, and then Xu Miaojin would help correct it.

“Wei Chen obeys the order! Thirty days is absolutely fine! ”


Zhu Yunxi nodded.

Yang Jing smiled bitterly and said, “Your Highness, if you could teach me sketching earlier, I would definitely be able to shorten it to a shorter time!” ”

“Isn’t this a crash manual for sketching all the time?”

“With that manual, isn’t it quick to learn?”

“Hurry is fast, just feel…”

“Did you also hang Qin Da with cement back then and let him take the bait step by step?”

Zhu Yunxi did not answer: “Who knows? The most important thing is to do the affairs of the imperial grandfather! ”

“I’ll go first.”

“Your Highness go slowly.”

Looking at Zhu Yunxi’s departing back, Yang Jing shook his head slightly, turned around and returned to the duty room.

“Take my post and go to the Duke of Wei’s Mansion!”

(Crotch pulling results)

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