Daisy in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 57 White Tiger Talisman (please collect and recommend)

Daisy couldn't understand why Hill watched a movie and saw so many insights, and thought for a moment: It depends on the situation. If it's an acquaintance, I'll be very sad. If it's someone you don't know, I can at most just apologize.

After saying that, she interrupted Hill who was about to continue questioning: You are thinking too much. Let me ask you instead, if our director and I fall into the water together, who will you save first?

Hill obviously didn't know this allusion. She was a little dazed. Her light blue eyes turned a few times, as if she was thinking about the special meaning in it.

Daisy added: None of us can swim.

Hill seemed to make a comparison: That should be to save you, we are friends. And I guess the director also has backup means of escape. Your self-rescue ability is not strong...

Daisy could only make a face-palming expression in response. Sure enough, there is a generation gap in culture!

Despite this, she continued: So your question just now was inappropriate. Agents have their own methods. Even if they climb the grid, they won't be as reckless as in the movie. As for ordinary people, why would they climb the grid if they have nothing to do? They will automatically stay away from danger, and we who are in danger have all received professional training, so there is no need for you to worry.

Hill thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

Daisy quickly focused her attention on the movie. The plot had to be said to be very compact, and soon Hill was also immersed in the plot.

It wasn't until the movie ended that she breathed a sigh of relief.

The movie is good. Ordinary people really don't have many ways to deal with dinosaurs. If they have some professional skills and know how to set traps, they can... Xierbalabala talked about his idea of ​​hunting dinosaurs.

Daisy was speechless for a while. Is this why the movie had a mediocre response among agents? They think dinosaurs are too weak!

Although the agents didn't buy it, the public thought the movie was good. Thanks to its good reputation and high film screening rate, the movie box office began to show an upward trend.

While relieving stress with Hill, Daisy realized one thing. She had been focusing on high-end enhancements. In fact, many street heroes were not weak, and she could also use their opportunities.

Unfortunately, many opportunities are like luck, requiring nuclear radiation, corrosion by chemical products, biochemical experiments, etc. She can only choose those that do not require luck and will not hinder her future development direction.

Just do it, and after careful checking in her mind, Daisy picked up the phone and called the Puerto Rico police station.

First traveling in search of an underground temple, then to promote a movie, this is now the third time she has contacted the Puerto Rican police.

The local director had a phone call with her. During the call, she specifically reported her FBI number. The other party's tone immediately became respectful, and she was now an acquaintance.

Daisy chatted nonsense with the director in Spanish, and asked seemingly casually, Do you have a man named Hector Ayala here?

The other party hesitated slightly, but still ordered his men to check on the phone. Ten minutes later, a young man's information was faxed to Daisy.

Thanking the director for his help, she took the information and read it carefully.

Hector Ayala is currently just a young man who came to the United States from Puerto Rico to study. The local police station shows that he is going through immigration procedures, so the police department has extremely complete information.

Home address, family relationships, social security number, driver's license, and medical records were presented to her one by one.

It should be this guy. Daisy had some impression of this man. He was the first-generation White Tiger. He became a street hero because he accidentally picked up the White Tiger Amulet. Unfortunately, his end was not good and he was shot to death outside the courthouse.

After his death, the amulet passed into the hands of his niece and turned into the second-generation White Tiger. This heroine also had a tragic ending. She was killed by Ms. Bullseye in the original time and space. Yes, she was killed by the maid next to Daisy now.

This talisman can be used as soon as you take it off, and its ability disappears when you take it off. It can be said that there are no sequelae.

According to police records, Hector Ayala has arrived in New York and is currently studying at Empire State University in New York. Daisy estimates that the time for him to pick up the White Tiger Amulet is almost up.

She began to search for information on the original owner of the amulet on the Internet. This part of her memory was very vague. She could only know these ancient comics in her previous life, but she couldn't remember the names of the people.

The name of the first generation White Tiger has been confirmed several times, but these peripheral characters have not much impression at all.

Daisy only remembers that the earliest talisman was in a team called Tiger Sons. An Easterner held a tiger head, and two foreigners held tiger claws. The three of them formed a team of heroes.

She used big data analysis and screening, used Hector as a breakthrough, studied his radius of activity, narrowed the scope, and then compared the skin colors of the Chinese, white and black people, and finally found the target.

Lin Sun, an Oriental, Bob, a white man, and Abe, a black man, came into her sight.

To rob or to wait? Daisy chose to wait. Since they would throw away the talisman themselves, why should she be the villain.

The White Tiger Talisman comes from the East, and Daisy still respects the East. She doesn't want to make her appearance too ugly.

The three-person team didn't let her wait long, because the conflict between Lin Sun and Bob became increasingly acute due to a woman.

Finally, one night a week later, it all erupted.

Bob, the white man, couldn't bear it and punched and kicked Lin Sun.

The black men are breaking up the fight, and the women are panicking. Daisy, who was hiding in the dark and observing, cursed for a while. The strength of these three people was very weak. They were praised as street heroes, but their actual combat power was only a little stronger than that of the soldiers. Just a little.

All three of them are no match for Daisy.

Maybe the combination of tiger head and tiger claws can be more powerful? She thought for a while, and if it was only at this level, there was really no need to seize it, but even if she didn't need it, it could be given to Hill, so she waited patiently.

There was a noisy fight below, and finally the three of them parted ways. Although the Chinese Lin Sun embraced the beauty, the small team was a thing of the past. The tiger head and tiger claw amulets were still on the roadside, and they went their separate ways.

Daisy jumped out of her hiding place and picked up the amulet generously. The golden tiger head was lifelike and the tiger claws were extremely sharp. The craftsmanship of the maker back then must have been very exquisite.

There was a figure shaking not far away. It should be the first-generation white tiger Hector. Attracted by the sound of fighting here, Daisy jumped up, grabbed the fence on the second floor, climbed over from the other side, and disappeared directly into the night.

When she returned to her residence, she took out the amulet and looked at it carefully. The three parts taken out separately would not strengthen the body very much, but when the three parts were put together, the physical enhancement would be considerable.

The person who wears the amulet is like having a real tiger inside his body, and his strength, speed, endurance, and hunting skills are all enhanced.

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