Daisy in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 24 Target Practice

Daisy had a headache. Neither he nor she in the previous life liked to learn, but in this world it was impossible not to learn.

Anyone who does well in this world basically has a high degree of education, such as Iron Man, Hulk, Professor X, and Mr. Fantastic. Some of them are either PhDs or professors. Even Black Panther had nothing to do and got a PhD in physics from Oxford University.

The same is true for the villains. Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, including Madam Gao who was just beaten away, also claim to know all languages. They are all academic masters.

Daisy is now limited by knowledge and has a very low level of power development. She initially only wanted to learn scientific knowledge, but she saw that many things like disguise, personal fighting, and the use of electronic equipment, including the use of hacking techniques that she is very good at, are all on the study list. It seems too pity to just give up these knowledge that cannot be learned from the outside world.

The staff knew that she had just arrived, so they handed her several study plans as if introducing a package, all of which were divided into courses based on different positions. Daisy took a quick glance and saw that there were at least fifty courses in total!

There seemed to be two villains fighting in her mind. One of them just asked her to learn a little bit, and then she could conquer the world with her superpowers. The other reminded her how dangerous the future was, and that maybe someday, the knowledge she was learning now could save her life.

After thinking about it over and over, she asked Sharon: Do you find it stressful to study so many courses at the same time?

Sharon didn't seem to expect Daisy to be so big-hearted. She had been trained since she was a child and knew her future path very well. Under the planning of her elders, she had always been trained according to the optimal plan. It was obviously different from Daisy who became a monk halfway. I can learn all the courses because I have a good foundation, but it is difficult for others to jump to conclusions casually.

Knowing that her previous words were a bit misleading, she thought for a while before explaining: The pressure must be very high, you have to judge based on your actual situation, and the tuition will be very high.

Seeing that Daisy was not wearing makeup or jewelry, Sharon guessed that the economy was not good, so she used money as an excuse to try to dispel her idea.

She eats, drinks and has fun every day, but is actually very poor. As one of the invisible poor, Daisy is certainly not rich.

But this time the tuition fee was said to be free of charge, and she felt that the director of SHIELD's promise was still credible. You can't believe what a beautiful woman says. Mr. Director is obviously not in this category.

There was no financial pressure at all. She was only worried that she would not be able to study so many courses.

Finally, he made up his mind and handed over his student card, I have signed up for all these courses.

On the way back to her room, Sharon felt a little embarrassed, as if she felt like she had led someone into a ditch.

How are your shooting and fighting skills? If you pass the test, you can reduce the public classes and spend your energy on professional classes. The blonde beauty tried to make suggestions.

Daisy was a little surprised. There are public courses and professional courses here.

She didn't want to brag, saying that she killed three enemies with four bullets, but her modest expression was average.

Sharon was skeptical about this. Women were naturally weaker in gun fighting and other aspects. And unlike Sharon, who had a pony body, Daisy didn't seem to have much strength.

Wanting to help this new neighbor realize the reality, she forced Daisy to go to the underground shooting range.

well? Looking at the canteen around the corner, but she had to take the elevator to practice shooting underground, Daisy wanted to cry without tears.

In order not to leave a good reputation as a loser, she could only follow Sharon in depression.

At the same time, he secretly complained that these foreigners were too unsociable. It was so pleasant to talk at the dinner table, but they had to go to the shooting range to make friends...

However, she couldn't refuse the other party's kindness, so she resisted her hunger and followed her to the shooting range.

What pistol are you good at? Sharon asked.

There was no recoil problem, so Daisy could use any gun, including a large-caliber revolver. However, there was no need to show off her powers at this time. She chose a Glock 17 with a 9 mm caliber. This gun is generally more suitable for women.

But when she saw the pistol, she also realized that she should have an exclusive gun. The 92F she had robbed from a gang had mediocre performance.

Large-caliber weapons always make people's blood boil. The Ziappa Rhino revolver owned by DC Harley Quinn next door is very handsome. I should modify it when I get a chance.

When she picked the gun, Sharon had already put on her glasses and earmuffs, found a shooting path, and fired ten shots at the target with bang bang.

All ten rings.

Awesome! Daisy's sigh came from the bottom of her heart. This is the result of hard training.

However, she was not afraid. She also put on protective gear and stood in front of the gun lane. Time seemed to have returned to the beginning of time travel, when she was practicing shooting in the gun studio.

Without using any superpower, he held the gun with both hands, pointed it at the target, and fired ten shots in a row, all ten shots hitting the target.

Miss Carter was a little surprised. How could a random student have such sharp marksmanship?

But it was just a little accident. The agents were all good at shooting. Even the logistics staff who focused on experiments could still fire a few shots when encountering a battle scene.

Want to try the target in a sports battle? she asked in a normal tone.

Daisy wanted to say let's go to dinner, but she still picked up the gun in the eyes of the other party's eager eyes.

Looking around from the corner of his eye, there were not many people training on site, but almost all of them were able to hit the target with perfect accuracy. Unless they deflected the bullets themselves, they wouldn't be able to do anything too extraordinary.

Come on. She agreed calmly.

It is a fairly common pattern. Targets representing criminals and hostages are erected from time to time. However, unlike ordinary shooting ranges, they are not moving at a stupid uniform speed, but rather like some kind of computer-controlled irregular movement. Several targets accelerate and decelerate without any change. As a sign, sometimes the target representing the hostage will run in front of the criminal.

Sharon still gave a demonstration. She didn't know how many times she had practiced it, and she was so skilled that she easily passed the test by killing ten criminals.

But it was much more difficult for Daisy, a wild person. Fortunately, her overall quality was higher than that of ordinary people, and her reflexes could make up for her lack of experience. Ten criminals were killed with ten gunshots.

At this time, Sharon Carter, the second generation special agent, finally knew that her neighbor was not an ordinary person. When Daisy introduced herself before, she never said that she had such good marksmanship. Do ordinary New Yorkers have such marksmanship? Then I'm afraid there aren't many ordinary people in New York City.

Sharon believed that what Daisy told was a lie, at least partly a lie. She thought that her superiors had a deep intention in arranging the two of them together.

In fact, Daisy had already thought of this question and guessed the conclusion when she learned Sharon Carter's name for the first time. This was also the main reason why she was hungry and shooting targets with her here.

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