Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 594 Prisoner Robbery

"Well done, this little magic trick is great. I thought you wanted my help to deal with this guy." Ethan clapped his hands and switched from watching the movie mode to a professional agent. Ron rolled his eyes at him angrily. .

"Please, brother, can you wipe the blood off your face first before you say nice things? Where's the machine? Start scanning his face now." Ron grabbed Lark's hair, lifted his whole head, and Ethan pulled He opened the handbag he had been holding, took out a strange-looking machine, and scanned Lark's face.

But unfortunately, just as the scanning probe turned on, there was a burst of electric sparks from the machine behind, and then a plume of thick smoke rose up.

"Damn it, I think I dropped this thing during the fight and it's broken! What should we do now?!" Ethan grabbed his hair frantically.

"I suggest you let go of the few hairs on your head. You are 1/4 British and are prone to hair loss. I have two employees who look very similar and are only 1/2 British. Already bald at a young age.”

As Ron spoke, he began to search Lark and stuffed all his personal belongings back on himself: "If this is the case, then there is only one way, and that is to make a bet on whether they have seen the real Lark.”

"This is a good idea, but is it too dangerous?" Ethan frowned.

"I believe you would do the same thing if you were on your own. As long as you help me keep an eye on it, it'll be fine." Ron stuffed the handbag it carried into Ethan's hand: "Inside is a vss silent sniper rifle. You are responsible for booking it for me on the outside. I have received information that we are not the only ones looking for White Widow or Lark tonight, there are even people offering rewards on the black market."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it." Ethan had just finished speaking solemnly, and immediately felt something was wrong: "Wait, you have been with me all this time, where did you get the information?"

"I have my special channel, a weird machine that monitors the whole world."

Entering the auditorium hall, Ron immediately separated from Ethan. Ethan carried his handbag and walked around the hall. He chose a spot in the middle of the second floor of the hall and walked over. The view there was excellent and he could overlook the entire hall. It's the best sniping spot.

Ron glanced around the hall and immediately focused on the flaxen-haired woman in the middle, wearing a white evening gown. Ron lowered his head and glanced at the photo. This woman looked exactly like the one in the photo, with the same noble and elegant temperament. A kind of light style is like a fatal poison to men.

Just as the music started, Ron walked up to the white widow naturally, took her hand, and blended into the dancing crowd on the dance floor.

"You must not be Lark."

The White Widow said categorically, and Ron was shocked, but remained calm on his face: "Of course I'm not, Lark is just a pseudonym, one of my many nicknames. If you want, you can call me Spongebob tomorrow, my name is just The code name is not important, is it?"

"Indeed, and the name sounds better than Jane Doe, doesn't it?" The second sentence of the White Widow still made Ron's heart tremble. If it weren't for Ethan's damn mission, he would have been ready to capture the White Widow and torture her. Where did you hear the name Anonymous?

It has been almost a year since Anonymous Doe disappeared. Almost everyone is asking for news about him, but no one knows where he is? This was the first time Ron heard this name from an outsider.

But it's a pity that it can't be done now. Everything must be focused on the mission. This is still a trial for her.

"The name John Doe is too unpleasant. If I have to choose another name now, I would rather be called Unsidisi." Ron continued to play dumb and responded: "Is there somewhere we can talk privately?"

"Why? If we are talking about names, can't we continue talking here?" The White Widow seemed to have found a different kind of fun. Her jade hand followed Ron's arm, gradually climbed up to his shoulder, and touched Ron's cheek.

"Because in a more private place, we can also discuss the name of my future child, of course on the premise that we do some other things, but I think our meeting here should be more than just for this."

Rons unceremoniously put his hand down the white widow's skirt. Sure enough, he touched a hard metal product next to her garter belt. Obviously, this should be his weapon. With a thought, Rons The weapon was not received into the space.

The White Widow was unaware of all this. He only thought that Ron had touched its weapon: "To be honest, I still think the name solicitor is louder. You have a good reputation. I thought you would be more ugly, you know. , most of the lunatics who work in this business don’t look very good.”

"So I gave you a surprise, right?" Ron kissed her gently on the face: "Would you be happier if I told you about tonight's surprise, not just this?"

Ron said, letting go of the White Widow's hand and going around behind her, hugging the White Widow's slender waist, and continued in her ear: "My second surprise is that I plan to protect you. You are now in Do you know that you are in danger?"

"Danger? What danger?"

"There are many people planning to kill you tonight." Ron's fingers wrote a few numbers on White Widow's waist. White Widow looked in the direction of the end point represented by the numbers, and indeed noticed a few malicious looks. As soon as he looked at her, he immediately turned his eyes to other places casually, but the white widow could feel that these people's attention was still on her.

As soon as Ron entered the hall, he noticed the strange looks in these people's eyes, and immediately concluded that these people should be the killers that the machine had warned him about.

Rons unceremoniously put his hand down the white widow's skirt. Sure enough, he touched a hard metal product next to her garter belt. Obviously, this should be his weapon. With a thought, Rons The weapon was not received into the space.

The White Widow was unaware of all this. He only thought that Ron had touched its weapon: "To be honest, I still think the name solicitor is louder. You have a good reputation. I thought you would be more ugly, you know. , most of the lunatics who work in this business don’t look very good.”

"So I gave you a surprise, right?" Ron kissed her gently on the face: "Would you be happier if I told you about tonight's surprise, not just this?"

Ron said, letting go of the White Widow's hand and going around behind her, hugging the White Widow's slender waist, and continued in her ear: "My second surprise is that I plan to protect you. You are now in Do you know that you are in danger?"

"Danger? What danger?"

"There are many people planning to kill you tonight." Ron's fingers wrote a few numbers on White Widow's waist. White Widow looked in the direction of the end point represented by the numbers, and indeed noticed a few malicious looks. As soon as he looked at her, he immediately turned his eyes to other places casually, but the white widow could feel that these people's attention was still on her.

As soon as Ron entered the hall, he noticed the strange looks in these people's eyes, and immediately concluded that these people should be the killers that the machine had warned him about.

Ron looked at the proud smile on White Widow's face with admiration, put the dagger confiscated from White Widow back into his hand, and said sincere invitation.

Near them, with the first person setting an example, other killers with malicious intentions were getting closer to them.

The killer who had just been killed was forgotten by the dancers who were enjoying themselves as if he had never appeared. At this time, the orchestra in the hall happened to play the Waltz of Flowers.

This is the most famous waltz from the famous musical Nutcracker by Russian musician Tchaikovsky. The White Widow nodded happily and held Ron's hand again. At this time, two killers were approaching, one behind the other. They gathered around.

When the music started playing, Ron immediately followed the rhythm and lifted the White Widow up. He did a difficult spin, and the special heel of his high-heeled shoes was dripping with blood. Like a sharp sword, it scratched the arm of the killer behind him. A long wound appeared.

The wound was bleeding with black blood, which was a sign of poisoning. The killer rolled his eyes and fell directly to the ground. At this time, the third killer had already killed beside Ron. Ron put the white widow down calmly, With a tug on her little hand, the White Widow spun around like a top and changed places with Ron.

At this moment, the dagger that had just been handed over to her hand also rotated and instantly cut the neck of the person behind her.

During the relaxing waltz, Ron and the White Widow joined forces and easily killed the three killers. The remaining killers looked at each other and decisively chose to withdraw from the task, leaving Ethan who had been watching on the second floor to worry in vain.

When they came in, in order to cope with the security check at the door, they did not bring any weapons. All the weapons were things they collected at the banquet. They thought they could kill the target with the strength of the crowd, but they never expected it. The target turned out to be so difficult.

The killers were only looking for money, but they did not have the sense of mission that they would not give up until they achieved their goals. After Ron and White Widow took down these killers, they did not forget to glance at them in a demonstrative manner before walking out of the banquet hall in a swaggering manner.

"It's been a pleasure working with you, Mr. Lark. I hope our future cooperation will be even more pleasant." Leading Ron to her secret base, the White Widow said with a charming smile.

This is a warehouse not far from the hotel. The warehouse is full of White Widow's men, playing with all kinds of firearms. Anyway, Ethan is outside, and Ron is sitting opposite her confidently.

"So can we start trading now? I heard that you have three ring bombs here, which are important materials for making new nuclear weapons. What price are you going to offer?"

"I don't plan to ask for money. I need you to rescue a person as a trade." White Widow placed a map in front of Ron: "The French government received a prisoner at noon today and will transport it to the prisoner by air at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Finance Ministry, an armored convoy with tight police protection will transport him via this route.”

The White Widow drew on the map with her hand: "We will use a blindfold at this intersection. The convoy will automatically use a pre-arranged alternative route to travel here. You have to help me pick up the prisoner here. It cost a lot of money to know this name." Information about the prisoner, you don’t happen to know who he is, do you?”

Ron looked at the photo pressed under the map: "Solomon Lane, a former British special agent, later became an anarchist. He used rebellious secret agents to establish a terrorist network called the Syndicate. Not long ago, he was captured by the United States. Agent caught."

That's right, the identity of this prisoner is the syndicate leader who caused a lot of trouble for Ron in the UK. In exchange for Mycroft, Ron left him in the UK. He never expected that in the UK... We can meet him again here.

"Maybe my assistant didn't explain the matter clearly when communicating with you. I came to Paris for only one thing, and that is nuclear materials."

"Of course I know, but my job is just to connect buyers and sellers, and my sellers are not interested in cash, so if you want ring bombs, you have to accept this assignment."

"Okay, I accept this mission," Ron thought for a moment and could only reluctantly agree: "But I still have two conditions. First, I need to make sure that you really have what I want in your hands?"

"Of course, it's here." The widow snapped her fingers, and her subordinates sent a suitcase with only one ring bomb in it: "I'll give you this as a deposit. After the matter is completed, I will give you the other two. You What about the second condition?”

"Arrange food, accommodation, and beauties for me. I like women wearing white evening gowns and flaxen hair." Ron's aggressive eyes looked back and forth at the White Widow unscrupulously. Not only was the White Widow not angry, but she deliberately stood up Hold your chest out so that your figure is more clearly visible.

"No problem, you'll get what you want."

A night of silence.

When Ron appeared in front of Ethan the next day, he felt much more refreshed: "You shouldn't have been waiting for me here all night, right? I thought you would find a place to rest. "

"I'm not like you who can go anywhere and have fun, let alone I have an oil bottle over there," Ethan said with two black circles under his eyes, full of resentment: "You got our stuff. ?"

Ron pushed the suitcase in front of Ethan: "We only got 1/3. This is the deposit they paid. The rest will be given to us after we complete their conditions."

"How much are they asking for? I'll call the headquarters now and ask the headquarters to remit the money." Ethan took out his mobile phone with a face full of joy. He didn't expect that the mission went so smoothly, but Ron's next words knocked him back into the abyss.

"No, they don't want money, they want us to help them rob a prisoner."

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