Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 578 Counterattack Plan

"How about starting with this?" Ron took out a hammer from the tool box.

An hour ago, with the support of Finch's powerful intelligence capabilities, Ron's plane had just landed. Don't immediately find the torture master who was about to go to the base to assist in the interrogation. Ron killed it casually and came over to play with his identity. He learned Li Daitao's trick.

"That's a good idea. I know this. You're planning to use a hammer to break its bones bit by bit so you can extract information, right? I'm starting to like you." A cruel smile appeared on the short-haired man's face.

Ron also smiled and said: "Of course, I like you too, especially the way you look like your brains are splattering."

"Brain? What do you mean?" The short-haired man was still confused, but Ron's hammer had already hit his head.

"That's what I mean!"


The hammer came into heavy contact with the head, and the short-haired man was hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes. Ron was bragging. He didn't hit the short-haired man until his brains were scattered, only his head was broken and bleeding. But even so, ordinary people still find it difficult to resist. The short-haired man was knocked to his knees by the sudden blow.

"What are you going to do?"

The short-haired man next to him had a shocked look on his face. Ron didn't hesitate and swung the hammer hard. The hammer spun several times in the air and hit the man who was speaking hard on the jaw.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course I will kill you!" Ron said. Without waiting for this, his men swarmed up and quickly took out a glass bottle from the tool box and threw it to the ground. For a moment, the pungent smoke filled the eyes. He jumped up and his men retreated one after another.

But Ron calmly took out two gas masks and put them on his and Ethan's faces, and chopped off Ethan's handcuffs and anklets with an axe. Before Ethan could say thank you, the ax had already been chopped off. On the head of a subordinate who just rushed into the smoke.

"What are you going to do?"

The short-haired man next to him had a shocked look on his face. Ron didn't hesitate and swung the hammer hard. The hammer spun several times in the air and hit the man who was speaking hard on the jaw.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course I will kill you!" Ron said. Without waiting for this, his men swarmed up and quickly took out a glass bottle from the tool box and threw it to the ground. For a moment, the pungent smoke filled the eyes. He jumped up and his men retreated one after another.

Ron, however, calmly took out two gas masks and put them on his and Ethan's faces. He cut off Ethan's handcuffs and anklets with an axe. Before Ethan could say thank you, the ax had already cut off Ethan's handcuffs and anklets. The men who rushed into the smoke had their heads split open.

"Ugh~ That's disgusting."

While complaining, Ron kicked his subordinate in the stomach and rubbed it on a piece of cloth next to him in disgust. He turned around and met Ethan's sad eyes: "These are my clothes."

"I know, I didn't ask for your clothes," Ron swung his ax to kill another one, then grabbed the clothes on the table and threw them on Ethan: "Put them on quickly! I don't want to see you shaking when you run away. Chests!”

Ron kicked away a subordinate who had just climbed out of the smoke, inserted the handle of the ax into the crack of another large iron door, and pushed it hard, and the iron door was opened.

"Come on, let's go this way! We don't have much time to waste, there are people outside."

Behind the iron gate was a path similar to a sewer. The ground was wet everywhere and exuded an unpleasant stench, but Ethan had no time to mind it. When he heard Ron calling, he immediately followed the direction of his finger and plunged in. .

"Goodbye, bastards~" When Ethan walked into the passage, Ronlik took out two grenades from his pocket, pulled out the bolts, threw them into the room, turned around and got into the passage, and closed the door smoothly.


The shock wave of the explosion hit the iron door hard and created a bulge. Ethan turned back in confusion: "You actually brought the bomb in?"

"How is it possible? With so many people staring at me, where can I hide it? In the anus?" Ron rolled his eyes: "That's what I took out from them just now. You know, I'm very good at stealing things."

As he said that, Ron raised the belt in his hand towards Ethan. Ethan lowered his head and found that his belt had disappeared long ago, and he didn't even notice it at all.

After running along the passage for about two kilometers, they finally found a ladder leading to the top and pushed open the iron cover above their heads. Outside were the streets of London. They were indeed in the sewer just now.

"Thank you for saving me, Ron, but just send me here. You have no idea how dangerous your opponent is this time. I don't want to involve you."

"Who said I came here specially to save you?" Ron twisted his face and denied: "I followed Aidian all the way because I was tracking down information about Aideen. Otherwise, how do you think I lurked among them? of?"

"Okay, if you're not worried about being implicated, then just follow." Ethan spread his hands helplessly: "Now that the entire British intelligence system has been destroyed, we will not get any support, not even me. Know of somewhere I can stay for a while, do you have any acquaintances in London?"

"If it's anywhere else, there really isn't, but in London..." Ron glanced at the familiar streets in front of him, and his eyes were unconsciously attracted to the street signs.

"Baker Street, here, I happen to know an interesting guy. I think he will be happy to take us in for a night."

When Ron and Ethan finally entered the door under Holmes's disgusting eyes, far away in the Pentagon in Washington, USA, the discussion on whether to ban the CIA's secret agency IMF reached a heated stage.

"Dear Mr. Chairman, the IMF's violations can be traced back to when I first joined the CIA. At that time, the IMF broke into the CIA and borrowed a list of undercover agents. Recently, they actually built a Russian nuclear bomb!" A CIA representative stood up and began to accuse the IMF of crimes.

"Let me correct you, it is the dismantling of a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb whose launch code was cut off by terrorists. It was through the efforts of IMF agents that the detonating device was successfully disarmed, allowing our country to successfully avoid a war." IMF's The minister also stood up and argued his case.

"But how did I hear that you, the IMF, were rescued by the IRS after you messed up the matter?" The CIA representative showed a playful smile on his face: "It was the very famous Ron from the IRS, and even the explosive maniac could do it at a critical moment. You are trying to turn the tide and prevent an imminent war, but what about your IMF? Apart from spending a lot of money and poking trouble everywhere, you can hardly see any use."

This is heartbreaking, but at least half of the content is true. Due to confidentiality issues, even the chairman of the meeting who presided over the meeting was not qualified to listen to the untrue part, so the IMF minister could only be questioned by this question. Speechless.

The CIA representative turned to the rostrum with satisfaction, and said his final summary with a proud smile on his face: "Mr. Chairman, this so-called Impossible Task Force is not only a rogue organization, but also an outdated organization, a politically opaque and A product of an era of unfavorable regulation, it is time to disband the IMF team."

The IMF minister was so anxious that he stood up unwillingly and was about to defend himself, but the chairman had already dropped his hammer: "Calm down!"

"The Pentagon is well aware of the contribution of the IMF team to world peace over the years, but what the CIA representative stated is also true. Therefore, I announce the dissolution of the IMF team from today. Well, the meeting is over."

The final verdict came down, and the IMF minister felt like he was struck by lightning. Just as he walked out of the conference room in a daze, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Report to the headquarters. The local intelligence agency in London was destroyed and intelligence personnel were killed. Request for evacuation." It was Ethan's voice on the phone.

"What?" The minister was immediately shocked by the shocking news: "Do you have any clues?"

"I can draw a face for you. He personally killed our intelligence personnel in our intelligence agency, but very strangely he didn't kill me but just knocked me out. My previous guess was right, Aideen. Really exist, and they know who we are and how we operate!

Even when I woke up, I saw an agent named Yannick Winter, nicknamed the Orthopedic Surgeon, who was supposed to be dead for three years! Now I finally understand why it is so difficult to track them down, because they are our people! They know everything about us! We now need to try our best to collect the list of agents who have been declared dead and missing. Some of these people must have joined Aideen. "

"Sorry, I can't do it now." The minister said disappointedly.

Ethan vaguely felt something was wrong: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"The Commission just shut us down, turned all operations over to the CIA, and I'm now under orders to recall everyone."

Ethan hung up the phone uncomfortably, turned around, and met Ron's half-smiling smile: "I guess the unlucky urging team you worked for has been disbanded, right?"

"You already know?"

"I'm sorry, I heard your call, but even if I didn't hear it, I can still guess it." Ron took out a bottle of whiskey stolen from the wine cabinet of Holmes' house and poured Ethan a glass: "The situation recently is very... Something is wrong, the NSA's anonymous person has disappeared, and the heads of the CIA and FBI have changed at the same time. Anyone who is not blind can see that something is going to happen recently. According to the intelligence I collected, all clues point to the organization called Aideen. I feel like they have already infiltrated us and are everywhere.”

If all the current intelligence in the United States is combined to form an intelligence organization called SHIELD, then Aideen is like Hydra in Marvel comics. Although it has no entity, it cannot be found no matter how hard it is searched. But in fact, it has already lurked in every corner and is everywhere.

"I know, that's why I don't plan to go back and accept the leadership of the CIA, but now all our logistical support is gone, and everything has become difficult." Ethan drank the whiskey in one gulp and said in despair.

"Correction, you only lost the IMF's logistical support, not mine. You just said you could kill the person who was your intelligence officer, right?"

"Yes, can you find him?" Ethan's eyes regained their light.

"Of course, the premise is that you draw it carefully enough, so fine that it is difficult to tell whether it is genuine or not from the photo." Ron said, taking a pen and paper from the desk and handing it to Ethan.

30 minutes later, an extremely realistic sketch portrait was transmitted to the computer in the abandoned library of Los Angeles. Then, under the control of Finch, the genius of the computer, the portrait was turned into a photo, which was transmitted to the Sky Eye system and matched with the data of all cameras in the world. The network is connected, and the coordinate information of several similar people obtained through face comparison is transmitted back to Ron's mobile phone in real time.

Ron showed Ethan the photos one by one.

"This one's not, this one's not, this one's eyes are too small, and it's not, this..." When Ethan came across a picture of a man with glasses, his hand suddenly stopped: "That's this guy! It's him who killed me. The contact person who knocked me out and sent me to that underground room! That’s absolutely right!”

"OK, let me see, yo~ This guy actually has more than 100 identities corresponding to him. He is indeed no ordinary person. Three hours ago, when you were in a coma, he used one of his identities to get on a plane and fly to Vienna, Austria, and then used another identity to buy a ticket for the Golden Hall, tonight's opera "Turandot", if he doesn't have ulterior motives, he is quite a tasteful guy."

Ron looked at the information on his phone and joked with a smile. Ethan was full of surprise: "I didn't know you actually watch operas?"

"Not often, but at least Turandot knows about it, especially the last part of Nessun Dorma, which is simply a classic among classics, Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza..."

As Ron spoke, he actually started singing, so Ethan had to spend four difficult hours while Ron was half-hearted in opera singing, and came to Vienna, the capital of Austria.

"That's enough, Ron! It's really enough! Can you stop singing?" Ethan covered his ears frantically: "I admit that your voice is really nice when singing pop music, but opera is really not who you are. I'm good at it. If you really want to get involved with elegant art, you can try painting. I beg you, okay?"

"Tch, you have no taste." Ron stopped singing and straightened his collar.

On the glass curtain wall at the entrance of the opera house, two jealous middle-aged gentlemen were reflected. Even after changing their disguises, their appearance still attracted the side glances of the ladies who came to attend the concert.

But unlike American girls, who are enthusiastic and bold in asking for phone numbers directly, these European ladies are more accustomed to more subtle expressions, such as writing the phone number on a silk handkerchief and asking the servant to hand it over.

In just ten minutes, the two of them each received no less than ten handkerchiefs.

"But this is Vienna. Are you really sure you want me to engage in art? God knows what I will do if I fail to pass the Academy of Fine Arts."

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