Bourne looked at Ron, meaning that he had the final say. Ron nodded and agreed to the plan.

Although Ron's marksmanship is good, no matter how good his marksmanship is, he is still just one person. He doesn't think he can fight against the rebels in this city. Of course, if he brings his group of subordinates who are hated and hated by ghosts, it will be hard to say. Let alone a rebel from a small African country, if there is no intervention of five permanent members, he can turn Africa into a mess.

Seeing that everyone had agreed, Leng Feng grabbed his godson and walked in the front: "Follow me! Over here!"

Pushing open the back door of the store, everyone rushed out together while taking advantage of the gunfire. On the street, government troops and the Red Turban Army were constantly exchanging fire. It was already a Shura field.

There was no other way. Everyone could only fight and retreat, and retreated to the outside of the embassy little by little.

"Throw away your weapons, Ron. If you want to enter the Chinese Embassy, ​​you must throw away your weapons." Leng Feng threw away the gun he had just snatched from the Red Scarf Army and motioned Ron to do the same, but Ron put the gun away. He put it behind his back, and when he took it out again, his hands were empty.

Of course, Leng Feng didn't believe that Ron could be so honest. Ron opened his hands and let him search him indifferently. After the search was fruitless, even though he still had some doubts in his heart, he had no choice but to give up.

"This is the Chinese Embassy. I hope you won't cause trouble." I didn't forget to turn around and confess in the cold wind of the bus.

"Don't worry, Leng, I just want to help my friend." Ron turned to look at Bourne: "You have seen the situation here now. Do you want to come back to the United States with me and wait until the decision is made? , continue to look for the owner of the bullet?"

Bourne shook his head and said firmly: "I still want to continue searching here. You said that the owner of the bullet was a group of mercenaries. Now there is a civil strife here. Maybe that group of mercenaries took over here." Where’s the list?”

"That's right." The store owner nodded.

Ron glared at him angrily: "Go, go, go, what's going on here? Your store is gone, how can you still care about other people's business?"

"Didn't I hear this? Can you just ask me?" The store owner muttered dissatisfiedly: "This is a war, who is not the victim? I am also thinking about what I will do to make a living after returning to China? You said why not join you? How about going to the United States? I heard there are U.S. dollars everywhere there? Dao Leer~"

"Are you sure? The United States is the country with the most privately owned guns in the world. Those slum gangsters' favorite targets for robbery are you honest Asians." Looking at the familiar and kind face of the shop owner, Ron couldn't help but I sat next to him and patted him on the shoulder, and spoke in Chinese in a serious and sincere manner, speaking like an authentic Beijing movie.

"Let me tell you, don't think about starting a small business. How much money can you make? The most profitable thing now is business without capital."

After such a long time of globalization, there is an international friend store that talks about Beijing movies well. The uncle was not surprised at all, but was surprised by his suggestion: "What? You want me to rob?"

Bourne glanced at the old man from head to toe and shook his head: "Forget it for your old frame. What I said is that you should engage in literary and artistic work. Believe me, find a fat little black guy who talks about cross talk and partner with him. , praise him, you will definitely become popular in the future."

"When I was a child, my family sent me to study cross talk for a few days. At that time..."

As soon as the shop owner opened his chat box, he started talking non-stop. Except for Bourne, who couldn't understand Chinese, everyone in the car listened with gusto. Even the shop owner couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

Maybe I can actually make a living in cross talk.

Time passed by in the cross talk of the shop owner. The embassy's convoy quickly arrived at the port and began arranging for the expatriates to board the ship to return home. Ron and Byrne, two guys who knew at first glance that they were not theirs, He was thrown outside the port and was stared at bitterly and resentfully by a soldier. Just as Ron was about to pick his ears, he was immediately yelled at by the soldier:

"Don't move, white devil! Don't touch anything. Don't think I don't know you want to secretly photograph our warship!"

Ron smiled helplessly. He was a good Chinese person in his last life, but he has become a white devil in this life. How can he reason with this?

"Relax, comrade, we are our own people."

"Who is one of your own?!" The soldier involuntarily tightened his grip on the rifle: "Don't think that just because you can speak Chinese, you are one of our own. The leader said that the devils like you who can speak our language are the most cunning!"

Ron was on the point of crying but gave Bourne a hard look. It was all his fault that he had to wait for Leng Feng to look for mercenaries, otherwise Ron wouldn't have to be squeezed here.

Fortunately, Leng Feng didn't keep them waiting for long. Not long after, he drove an off-road vehicle out of the port.

"Sorry, friends, I have some other things to do. Can you leave me your contact information? When I finish my work here, I will join you immediately and we will find the whereabouts of Director Bullet."

"There's no rush, I'm more curious, what are you going to do now? You should know that the entire country is now a war zone, right?"

"I know, but we still have to pick up Dr. Chen, the non-aid expert, and the workers in the Chinese-owned factory. I'm sorry, this is what I should do." Leng Feng said apologetically.

"In your own words, it's too dangerous. I think you need at least one partner." Ron said, throwing his backpack into the car: "Bourne, do you want to come?"

"Of course." Bourne nodded, opened the door and got in. A temporary rescue team composed of three elites was instantly formed.

Just as Leng Feng was about to drive, Ron grabbed the steering wheel: "Wait a minute, you're not just going to drive someone back in a car, are you? We need some weapons and equipment."

"I'm sorry, we won't have any supporting allies for this operation. Everything depends on ourselves. If you regret it now, it's still too late to withdraw." Leng Feng said with an apologetic smile.

"Who said I want equipment from you? I have my own equipment, over there!" As early as when he stopped Leng Feng, he had already seen a cargo ship with the Husky flag floating on the sea. It's Yuri's arms smuggling ship: "Let's go and unload the cargo, and I'll change you into something nice~"

"I'm more accustomed to using things produced in our country, so let's forget it." Leng Feng refused unhappily.

Ron patted him nonchalantly: "Don't worry, you are very familiar with every piece of equipment I sent you."

St. Kuja Town, St. Fran's Chinese-owned Hospital, the hospital where Ron's team was ordered to go, had already been occupied by the Red Scarf Army. The patients were locked in their respective wards waiting to die, and all the medical staff were pulled away. Go to the hall and squat in two rows.

A mercenary with a sinister face, Zheng Yaowu, stood in front of these medical staff: "Listen! My boss told me to find Dr. Chen, but you didn't respond at all. Now I can only try my luck, because I have a special eyesight."

When she said this, her heart almost felt empty. Just like most Asians can't tell the difference between the appearance of white people and black people, in the eyes of white people, most yellow people also look the same.

"Let me guess, are you Dr. Chen?" The big mercenary put a pistol on a young man's head.

At the same time, the off-road vehicle carrying Ron's team had just entered the town.

"Ron, have you noticed what's going on here? Something's wrong?" Bourne glanced at the strange eyes of the soldiers on the roadside and said.

Although the African army has always been known for its lack of military discipline and low combat effectiveness, the government troops of a country still have some appearance. They can never be the playful and carefree faces they saw along the way.

To put it bluntly, it was like a group of village gangsters armed with guns.

"Of course I noticed it. As expected, this place is already under the control of the Red Scarf Army. These young men should be recruits of the Red Scarf Army, but they haven't had time to change their clothes yet."

The car continued to drive forward, and when they approached the hospital, they finally saw a few soldiers wearing Red Scarf Army uniforms, which further confirmed Ron's judgment just now.

At this time, these Red Army soldiers were looking at their car strangely. Before they could react, Ron quickly kicked Leng Feng's driver's seat: "Turn at the intersection ahead.

Drive to the patient living area next to us, so that they will think that we are a caring organization that delivers food to patients. "

"Then what?" Leng Feng asked as he turned the car and drove into the alley ahead.

"Then of course we'll fight over!" An excited smile appeared on Ron's lips, and he stretched out his hand to pull away the rain cloth behind the off-road vehicle.

Behind the off-road vehicle is of course Ron's favorite six-pack version of the 107mm rocket launcher.

Because of Ron's urgent need, even a powerful arms dealer like Yuri would find it difficult to find heavy weapons that could meet the demand in a short period of time, so he could only settle for the next best thing and use this ordinary version. .

In addition to this rocket launcher, Yuri also sent many other equipment. On the African continent, the most indispensable thing is arms. Yuri only transferred part of the goods originally sold to another warlord to satisfy Ron. She needed everything she needed, but because the trunk space of the off-road vehicle was limited, she could only throw away most of them with tears, and only chose the most convenient ones to take with her.

Leng Feng quickly braked and stopped the car on the side of the road. He grabbed Ron's wrist and said nervously: "Hell, you can't attack the hospital indiscriminately. There are many patients and medical staff inside, especially our target this time. , Dr. Chen is also inside, he must not be harmed in any way."

"Then what do you think we should do? Should we just wait here?" Ron rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Of course not! We must rescue Dr. Chen!" Leng Feng said decisively.

Ron spread his hands helplessly: "Okay, then there is only one way left, and that is to go in recklessly!" "Leng, turn at the next intersection, we will turn back, and then you just have to step on the accelerator to the bottom, Let’s rush right in!”

Ron fished out the weapons from the space under the back seat and began distributing them.

On the other side, the situation in the hospital began to take a turn for the worse. After guessing wrong several times in a row, the big mercenary finally became furious and prepared to kill to vent his anger. At this time, a mixed-race female doctor stood up from the hostage: "I am Chen PhD!"

The big mercenary laughed angrily: "Are you Dr. Chen? Why does Dr. Chen have no balls? I clearly remember that the information said he is a man."

"What do you want?" the female doctor asked calmly, ignoring the mercenary's ridicule.

Dr. Chen is an expert in this hospital, or she may be the top epidemiologist on the entire African continent. In order to protect this expert, she is ready to sacrifice herself.

However, she only misjudged one thing, that is, her morning erection was due to her male nature.

While the big mercenary was talking to the female doctor, a middle-aged doctor who was squatting on the ground suddenly jumped up with a scalpel, but before he could stab the scalpel into the mercenary's aorta, another mercenary next to him suddenly jumped up. The soldier quickly shot him with a short burst of fire.

"Tu tu tu tu."

Three bullets neatly drew a horizontal line on Dr. Chen's chest. The one on the far left happened to be where the heart was. Everyone exclaimed loudly. Someone accidentally called out Dr. Chen's name. The big mercenary turned around in annoyance. He glanced at the person who fired the gun and said, "Look! It's all your fault! How can I go back and deal with the boss now?"

But the female mercenary who was scolded showed no concern at all and instead blew him a kiss.

Just as everyone was hurriedly giving final first aid to Dr. Chen, the wall of the hospital was suddenly knocked open by an off-road vehicle. The experienced mercenaries quickly found the nearest bunker and hid.

But they were fast, and someone was faster than them. While the off-road vehicle was still flying in the air, two rifles stretched out from the windows on the left and right sides and began to shoot wildly at the soldiers in the hospital lobby.


By the time the car landed, half of the mercenaries had been killed.

"Leave the woman to you! Leave the big one to me!"

The rifle bullets were empty, and the mercenaries had emerged from behind the bunker. The two closest ones happened to be hiding behind the two pillars where the car stopped. Seeing the sinister smiles on the mercenaries' faces getting closer and closer, Ron yelled With a sound, the big mercenary who had just shown off his power in disguise rushed over.

At this time, there is no time to change bullets. The fastest and most effective way is...

Ron's body that jumped out of the car was still in the air, and he had already raised the M16 rifle like a knife. As the gravity of the earth took effect on his body again, Ron swung down his hands heavily, and hit the big guy with the butt of the rifle. On the mercenary's shoulders.

"Ah!" The big man screamed in pain, but Ron curled his lips.

This guy, despite his size, reacts very quickly. Ron's gun butt was originally aimed at his head, but he dodged it at the critical moment.

This guy must not be underestimated!

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