"I can't believe you hit your head on the water fountain."

In Sheldon's apartment, Amy looked at Sheldon who was applying an ice pack to his head wound and said helplessly.

"No, I originally planned to punch the water dispenser, but I stepped on a puddle of water in front of the water dispenser and slipped, so I bumped into the water dispenser."

Sheldon said innocently that when he was at school this afternoon, he finally went to bless Bert who won the award, but unexpectedly, the content of the chat made her even more jealous, so he was dissatisfied and vented his anger on the water dispenser. The result was such a tragedy.

"I'm so disappointed in myself and there's really no logic to being jealous."

"This is a normal human feeling, Sheldon, everyone will be jealous," Raj said while walking with the water: "I am often jealous of Leonard and Penny, and the blind date between Howard and Bernadette. A loving relationship.”

Amy heard something wrong in Raj's words: "Aren't you jealous of Sheldon and me?"

"Uh...just think that I'm jealous too."

"I've always been jealous of Ron. He has a confidante who strengthens the company." Howard said fascinatedly, but was immediately pinched hard by Bernadette sitting next to him.

"Thank you, but when you really have it, you will find that it is also a sweet burden. Maybe then you will miss the time when you don't have it now."

The apartment door was pushed open and Ron said with lingering fear.

"Ron, are you discharged from the hospital? How are you? Are you feeling better? You look very bad." Leonard asked worriedly.

"Thank you for your concern, but I have to be discharged from the hospital. If I don't leave the hospital, I may be transferred to the critical ward soon."

Ron looked scared. During the days when he was hospitalized, his confidantes took turns coming to the hospital to "visit" him. Every time they visited, Ron had to be forced to work hard. The most terrifying thing was, They haven't agreed on a time for each other to visit. Sometimes, Ron would visit several times a day.

After staying in the hospital for a few days, Ron not only did not gain weight, but actually lost several pounds. Can you believe this?

So he had to go through the discharge procedures quickly and get out of the hospital.

"Okay, I've been hospitalized for almost half a week, haven't you dealt with your jealousy yet?" Ron looked at Sheldon and asked.

"Of course not, and because of her foot injury, she now walks more like the robot in Star Wars. This is the second biggest source of happiness in our school now." Raj teased.

"Then what's the number one?"

"That's it." Howard took out the remote control from next to the sofa and pressed it. A remote-controlled toy belonging to a person in a wheelchair came quickly from the corner of the room. Ron took a closer look and saw that the person in the wheelchair was... Is Sheldon's idol Hawking?

"Just when you came back, I was about to ask you, do you think this toy is boring? I have worked with Hawking. He is a person with a very good sense of humor and will definitely like this toy, but Leonard and the others all said this toy Very boring and cheesy.”

"Well, I thought you would surprise me in the laboratory these days when I'm not here. It seems I was overthinking it. I want to know the answer. Wouldn't it be nice to make a video call to Hawking to ask?" Ron shrugged indifferently and squeezed out a seat on the sofa to sit down: "By the way, I can also let Sheldon chat with him and relax."

"This is a good idea," Bernadette's eyes lit up, and she pushed the laptop in front of Howard: "Don't you want to prove that this toy is not that low-level? Then call Hawking!"

"Who says I don't dare? I'll fight now."

Howard pretended to make a call, and Ron picked up the remote control with interest and pressed it. The wheelchair spun a few times and turned somersaults.

"Cool! When you call Hawking later, don't forget to ask me to fix this trick for him. It's really cool."

"Uh... I'm not in a hurry. I think Sheldon's mood is more important and we should let him talk to Hawking on the phone first." Howard was timid.

"Besides, I have something to tell Ron." Howard stood up and took out a player from his pocket. Ron recognized it at a glance as a one-time player used exclusively by secret service agencies. It requires a password to activate and can be played once. After that, the above information disappeared automatically and could never be restored: "This was sent to the laboratory when you were hospitalized, and it was said to be for you. Raj and I tried it, but nothing could be opened. What is this? ?”

When Ron saw this, he immediately snatched it and stuffed it into his pocket: "Nothing, this is not important. I really want to see you call Hawking. When he sees this little toy you made, his expression will be very... Wonderful."

While Ron was laughing at Howard with everyone, on the other hand, he began to make rapid calculations in his mind.

Ron knew many people who had the ability to get such an encrypted player, but there was only one person who would leave him an encrypted player at this time, and that was Anonymous.

Thinking of his recent disappearance, Ron felt that he must have had a premonition that something would happen to him, and had reserved information for himself in advance as a clue. However, this matter was too involved, so he could only investigate it secretly by himself.

"Hi! Sheldon, I've called Hawking." Ron turned the computer to Sheldon, and Howard, who was not far away from him, quickly hid with his toys in his arms.

"Hi! Professor Hawking!" Sheldon couldn't help shouting in surprise when he saw his idol.

"I understand your feelings of struggling with career jealousy..."

When Hawking said this, Sheldon quickly covered the camera with his hand and glared at Ron: "It's all your fault, Ron, now he thinks I'm not cool."

Ron rolled his eyes: "Come on, you've never been cool."

Professor Hawking's mechanical voice continued: "Don't worry, I understand how you feel. I have never won a Nobel Prize, but it doesn't matter, I have been in the movie Star Trek."

"How do you face the success of your colleagues?" Sheldon asked his doubts.

"I remind myself that every scientific advance is a victory, and I've been on Futurama and none of them have."

Star Trek and Futurama are both very well-known film and television works. At Hilton, these science fiction stars have an unshakable position.

Sheldon's mouth twitched. If it weren't for Hawking being his idol, he would be jealous of Hawking now.

"Look, even Hawking praises you for being smart, so what else are you dissatisfied with?" Ron said, patting Sheldon's shoulder.

"Thank you, Professor Hawking," Dayton thanked Hawking: "You are the light of mankind, and there should be statues of you everywhere."

"It would be great if there was another toy in my image," Hawking said.

"Don't tell Howard." Ron patted Leonard and pointed to the bathroom and said, letting him know that the toy he made coincided with Hawking's idea, and he didn't know how proud he would be.

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