"What kind of high technology in the future world? It looks like this~"

Ron looked at the distorted robot face in the steel ingot and said disdainfully.

"This is a good idea. I will definitely explain it to the leader when I get back to see if it has any promotion value." Gresa said thoughtfully, looking at Dany.

And Dany, who had been staring at her, fell to the ground as if she had lost all her strength since the Terminator could no longer make a sound and died completely. Sarah held her gently in her arms.

No matter how strong Dany is, she is just a young girl now, and her current reaction is completely in line with the confusion that a young girl should have after a big revenge has just been avenged.

"What did you use to fight Terminators in that era? It couldn't be a gun, right? If that were the case, I don't think you would have any chance of winning." Ron asked curiously.

"A dark matter rifle, but with the technological level of this era, it shouldn't be possible yet. This will have to wait until Dr. Sheldon makes a decisive breakthrough in the field of dark matter in 2030." Gresa stroked her chest and replied, "Even I The reactors on his body are all the work of Dr. Sheldon."

"It's Sheldon."

Ron was surprised, but immediately put away his surprise. If it were Sheldon, it might actually work. Although he has not yet achieved representative achievements in academia, it does not mean that it is impossible in the future.

In fact, as someone who watched Sheldon grow up, Ron had more confidence in him than anyone else, even Sheldon himself.

"Now that your mission has been completed, what are you going to do next? Continue to protect Dany?"

This time, Ron didn't feel the strange dizziness of leaving, which surprised him, but after the accident, he immediately began to think about Gresa.

This is a modified person created by serious future technology!

Even the Terminator can deal with it at close range for a few times. Ron has never had such a fierce close combat master under his hands, but unfortunately it backfired.

Gresa shook her head: "No, I'm going back. The time machine can only allow me to stay here for two days, which is just fine so far. Moreover, although I like the peaceful life here very much, I am needed more over there." , mentor, can I ask you one last thing?”

"I know, it must be Dani, right?"

"Yes, thank you in advance, instructor."

"No problem, although I'm not sure whether the future you mentioned will appear now. After all, I will be prepared in advance this time. Maybe, I will get everything done before it happens? But I will still arrange for her Learn various combat techniques from my most powerful subordinates.”

Ron looked at the last person whose future was uncertain...Sarah Connor.

"What about you? What are you going to do in the future? Continue to live in hiding?"

When Gresha's idea failed, Ron turned to target Sarah. Although this woman looked like other harmless old ladies, Ron, who had just cooperated with her, knew very well that this old woman How skilled my wife is in handling firearms, and coupled with the good anti-reconnaissance skills she has developed from hiding in XZ for many years, it will not be a problem for one person to kill an entire CIA branch.

"No, I am already very old. I plan to go back to my hometown in Texas to buy a farm and live a quiet life for a few days. If possible, I will join a country club and find an honest and handsome old man to live. What else can you do better? Any suggestions?" Sarah said angrily.

"Of course, how about you stay in Los Angeles?" Ron rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea: "There is no country club, but I have a retirement club. All the old men there are talented people and they speak nicely. The most important thing is What's more, they are all very handsome! They have any skin color you want."

In order to recruit Sarah, Ron unceremoniously sold out his men. Anyway, there were still several singles in the senior citizen club, so Ron was doing a good deed.


"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, I'll show you the photo." Ron showed Sarah the group photo taken at the club: "And there are all kinds of weapons in my club. As long as you are willing, you can play whatever you want. In addition, I can receive a generous salary every month.”

"Then let me give it a try. Let's make a deal first. If the club is not as good as you say, I will leave at any time."

"Of course, but I believe you will never." Ron said with a confident smile.

"Ron, you're finally back. How about your two big beauties and your super mature girl? Do you need me and Penny to stay there tonight and give you a good place?"

Seeing Ron coming home, Leonard joked in a very strange tone that he had just learned about Ron's new "love affair" from Raj and Howard.

Next to him, Raj and Howard whispered to each other and laughed strangely.

After dealing with Sarah and Dani's affairs, Ron did not go home directly. Instead, he played outside for three days before coming back, which had to make some unfriendly associations among several other friends.

Unexpectedly, Ron's face remained unchanged: "Thank you, Leonard, I haven't slept in my apartment for a long time. Every day when I wake up, the first thing I think about is where am I? Max's house ? The Gallagher family? The Tausi family? Or some new girl’s family whose name I can’t remember?”

"Oh, by the way, I was at Claire's house last night." Ron pretended to suddenly realize it, while several other friends who were about to laugh at Ron were sour.

"So angry! He is actually enjoying the blessings of everyone!"

"Obviously they are all men, but I have only dated one girlfriend, Bernadette, so far, and he has already dated so many!"

"And each one is so beautiful!"

Leonard and the other three were kissing lemons angrily, but Sheldon, who was not interested in gossip at all, turned around in surprise: "What? You and Claire also had sex? She is our cousin! If mom knew , will definitely damn you to hell.”

"No, I'm not talking about that Claire, but this Claire," Ron found the photo and showed it to them: "Waiter Claire, thank you Raj, you left her my number."

In the photo, a woman with white hair and an angelic face was the waiter that Raj went to hook up with when they were discussing new batteries at the bar.

"What! My angel Claire!" Raj yelled in pain.

"It seems that that day at the bar, you took my mobile phone after drinking too much. After you asked for the number, you used my mobile phone to call her and told her it was your number."

Raj's face was ashen. He worked hard to strike up a conversation, but he didn't expect that in the end he would make a wedding dress for Ron. He was obviously the one who went first.

However, even though Raj had entered the autistic mode, Ron did not forget to give him the one who was laughing the most just now and give him another stab.

"But, Raj, you don't have to feel too bad. She originally called just to ask you for my number. But because of your mistake, we just saved an intermediate link. Thank you, Lajie. Jay.”

Ron patted Raj on the shoulder sincerely, and Raj...

If reality were a comic book, Raj would look like his whole body was petrified at this moment, and then shattered into powder, and when blown by the wind, there would be nothing left.

"Why are there so many people tonight? What's wrong?"

"Of course," Sheldon finally got up from the computer desk: "You have to take me to the airport tomorrow. Mom is coming tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I remember she came here not long ago. What's the reason this time?"

"Because of my wedding." Leonard came over and grabbed Ron's shoulders excitedly: "Can you believe it? I'm getting married tomorrow!"

"Wait! Aren't you and Petunia already married?" Ron asked in surprise: "Didn't it seem that in the few days I was gone, you and Petunia had gone through marriage changes, divorce, and then each found a new love and got married? Is this the process? God, this is too fast! Who is the marriage partner this time? "

"Penny, still Penny."

"Leonard, don't you think it's a bit boring to get married to the same person twice?" Ron hooked his arm around Leonard's neck and said earnestly: "If you really can't find a new girlfriend, I can bring one with you. How many times have you gone to a bar, the kind of bar that is opened next to a university and is full of nerds, I think there will be girls who will like you because of your talent."

"It's impossible. We've already tried the bar near the university. It's impossible." Howard said bitterly, and Raj nodded in sympathy.

"No, you misunderstood, Ron, Penny and I didn't break up," Leonard said helplessly, "It's all because of my mother."

"In order to please my mother, she was probably a little unhappy because we didn't notify her before we got married, so Petunia suggested that we hold another wedding, a formal wedding. I now formally extend an invitation to you, Ron, are you willing to come again?" Witness our wedding?"

"Although it's a bit like taking off my pants and farting, YES, I will definitely go."

Ron yawned and prepared to go back to his room to sleep. During the past few days outside, although he spent most of the time in bed, he really didn't sleep much.

At noon the next day, Ron picked up Mary from the airport on time when they returned to the apartment. Leonard's mother, Beverly, has been waiting on the sofa for a long time.

The person Beverly is waiting for should be Sheldon. Because of his personality and other reasons, Beverly treats Sheldon better than his own son Leonard.

But even so, when she saw Mary next to Ron, Beverly's face suddenly fell.

The two of them faced each other but didn't say a word. The other person didn't dare to say anything about the vague feeling of eating, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Fortunately, Penny took the initiative to liven up the atmosphere, chatting with the two mothers. It was not until Leonard brought his father in that the situation changed.

"We're here." Leonard opened the door and took the initiative to introduce his father: "This is my roommate, Sheldon, and that is Ron. He lives with Penny across the street, and over there is their mother Mary. , and lastly my mother Beverly, I guess I don’t need to introduce you anymore, right?”

"Of course, hello, my disgusting poisonous ex-wife." Leonard's father took the initiative to challenge his mother.

By the way, Leonard's parents have been divorced for a long time. The apparent reason is because Leonard's father cheated on the restaurant waiter. It sounds like all the fault lies with this man.

But in fact, when Leonard was on the phone with his father, Ron once heard that due to Beverly's overpowering, the couple had not been intimate for nearly 20 years.

This intimacy does not only refer to that level of intimacy. In fact, this poor old man has never heard even a word of appreciation from his wife. All communication is like cold diplomatic rhetoric, simple and efficient but yet unreasonable.

Ron even sympathized with the old man.

"You too, you wrinkled old bastard." Beverly shot back, not to be outdone, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

"Okay, stop arguing. Penny and I are holding another wedding just for you. Please, don't ruin it, okay?" Leonard said helplessly.

"Yes, today is a special day. I think we might be able to put aside our prejudices for the time being. Are you all hungry? How about eating something first?"

Ron took advantage of the opportunity to bring the conversation to dinner, and Leonard gave him a grateful look. No one felt more uncomfortable than him being caught between divorced parents.

"Okay, let's go eat first."

"OK, Sheldon, send Amy a message and ask her to meet directly at the restaurant, Leonard?"

"I know, I sent the location to Howard, and he will bring Raj and Bernadette with him."

The Cooper family, Leonard family, and Penny, a total of seven people, went to the restaurant together in two cars.

Because Leonard's parents were at odds, the two of them could only be separated and made one car. Ron took the initiative to invite Leonard's father to sit in his car. However, after a while, he began to regret it.

For some reason, Mary and Leonard's father got on surprisingly well with each other. Although one of them was an anthropologist and the other was a devout Christian, they had surprisingly consistent views on Leonard's mother.

Their topics ranged from the Great Flood to the Bible, and then from the significance of religion to human beings to how much Beverly hates him. I don’t know why, but seeing them talking happily, Ron always felt that his father George Sr. The head is a little green.

"Sheldon, do you think mom is a little unusual today?" Ron asked Sheldon in a low voice.

"Of course," Sheldon nodded and began to defend Beverly: "They shouldn't say that about Beverly. Beverly is the greatest neuropsychologist in modern times, and Leonard's father is just a showoff. Humanists, humanists! You can hardly be called a scientist. As long as your memory is good enough and you can memorize what others have written in books, anyone can be a humanist."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Ron muttered in a low voice. At that moment, Mary laughed at a joke made by Leonard's father: "I mean, do you think mom is a little too close to him? "

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