Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 489 Goodbye Musk and the mysterious woman

Shocked by this shocking news, several friends held their breath at the same time. There was no other way. Although Musk is a businessman, in the hearts of these scientists, his status is no less than that of an academic star.

Of course, all this is not because of how great Musk is, but the result of marketing by the public relations team over the years.

At this moment, Sheldon stumbled back: "The toilet here is so amazing, there are people cooking in it~"

"Well, it looks like Sheldon peed in the kitchen sink. Guys, from now on, don't order any more food because they might be stained with Sheldon's urine."

Ron couldn't help but take the salad just served by the waiter a little further away: "However, if I go to Musk, I need to come up with at least a similar finished product first to have sufficient bargaining chips. In this case, Howard?"

"It only takes one day. I can finish it in one day. We have already made some battery module samples for power mechas. We just need to improve them slightly."

"Speaking of Musk, I think this person is simply amazing," Sheldon said in a daze: "I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always have a feeling of knowing him. His idea of ​​​​recycling rockets is almost the same as It's exactly the same as what I imagined when I was a kid, and I think we would definitely get along well if we met."

"How is that possible? You must be thinking too much about Sheldon." Ron guiltily took a swig of whiskey to suppress his shock: "In the final analysis, Masisk is just a businessman full of copper odor. How could he possibly have a conversation with you?" Come."

"That's right." Sheldon nodded with straight eyes. The alcohol had basically made him lose the ability to think. He could only use his fragile neck to support his big head little by little. It looked like It is extremely perverted to peek under the skirt of a waitress through drunkenness, such as Raj next to him.

"Raj! Raj!" Ron's eyes twitched: "If you are really interested, go up and ask for your phone number. Women may think you are more confident. But now that you are like this, even though I am your good friend, But I have to say it looks a bit obscene.”

"You mean I have a chance to get the phone number of that white-haired angel over there?!" Raj asked expectantly.

"How will you know if you don't try, but our topic today is not about picking up girls." Ron clinked glasses with Howard: "Well done, Howard, look at you, less than a day after you found out that you were a father, you immediately You are going to become a millionaire, and I believe you will be a good father."

"I hope so."

"It's necessary, brothers, do you want to have some fun? I found that this store actually has self-service KTV equipment. Which of you wants to sing a song with me? By the way, Howard, send a message and ask the girls to come together. ~"

Raj went to chat with the waitress for a few words, and when he came back with a small piece of paper with a phone number written on it, he was beaming with joy.

"Then I wish you all a good time. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." When Ron heard that he was going to sing, he felt that he couldn't stay any longer, so he decisively found a reason to run away.

There is no way, the singing of this group of people is really a bit too unique. To put it simply, the high notes cannot go up, and the bass cannot go down, especially in the high notes, each of them makes a shrill cry like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. Ron didn't want to go back and have nightmares at night.

Because Ron is the major shareholder of Space Exploration Company, he did not need Mr. Taosi’s help this time. He just made a phone call and met with Musk again on the third day under the arrangement of his assistant.

"Ron, long time no see. I heard that you have done a lot of big things recently. Even Vice President Bryce was thrown into prison by you. It's amazing~"

Different from the unfamiliarity and defensiveness when they first met, Musk gave Ron a big hug as soon as they met this time. Of course, it’s hard to tell how sincere this was.

The current political situation in the United States has become very strange because of the White House incident.

President Frank is still lying in the hospital receiving treatment for the injuries he sustained in the attack. However, according to the news, whether intentional or unintentional, there is a high probability that he will not be able to continue to perform his duties as president. Frank now has control over his bowels and bladder. No, let alone control the United States.

According to the U.S. Act, the power of the interim president mysteriously fell to the third successor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Republican Speaker Allen Trumbull who supported Ron and Hobbs.

Therefore, many outsiders speculate that Ron has a close relationship with the new interim president and may even have switched to the Republican Party.

In fact, Ron does not belong to any faction. Ron's political views have always been that he will join the faction that benefits from both sides. Ron himself is very powerful, and he can form an alliance with a group of officials from the Finance Department. It seems to have become a conflict between the two parties.

"It was just an accident, Elon," Ron opened his arms: "How is the company doing recently? To be honest, I have begun to regret listening to you and never selling off the company's shares. In so many years, I have not received a single Divide the money and share the dividends.”

Although he was complaining, there was no trace of unhappiness in Ron's eyes. Instead, he was full of smiles, because he knew that the time to really make big money had just begun.

"As long as you are willing to sell your shares, I am now willing to purchase all your shares at 1.5 times the market price. Do you want to sell?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you have money or not. The main thing is that I am very willing to contribute to the human space industry, so keep your money so that it can be put to more useful uses."

"I didn't think you would be so kind." Musk lit a cigar for himself and handed one to Ron as usual: "Last time you came to my place, you took away shares worth one billion from me. , what are you going to take from me this time?"

"Don't say that, Elon. Although I took away the shares last time, I also gave you a completely feasible rocket recovery plan. Now, hasn't this plan become your golden signature? We are a win-win situation."

"Win-win? You mean you won twice by yourself?"

Ron felt a little guilty when he said this. Although on the surface, this statement was okay, only Ron himself knew that he had indeed won twice, yes.

Once I got Sheldon's notebook from Sheldon for almost nothing, and then used Sheldon's notebook to buy Musk's stocks for free. Isn't that just a win twice? You certainly can’t say that.

"Uh... of course not. I mean, you won, and so did I. In fact, I didn't come empty-handed. I even brought you a gift."

"Are you talking about the car you parked at the door?" There is something unusual about Musk's success in today's career. He noticed the car Ron drove today early on.

It is a car with a Toyota shell, but does not emit the operating noise of a fuel engine that is unique to ordinary cars. It is obvious that this is also an electric car.

"If your purpose is to sell electric vehicle technology to Tesla, then I think you have made the wrong calculation," Musk said confidently: "Although I don't know what interesting technology you have come up with, my Tesla The main selling point is not the technology of the electric vehicle itself, but the platform, an autonomous driving platform that can learn and evolve on its own based on the vehicle itself."

“This is Tesla’s core competitiveness. If AI continues to learn on its own, sooner or later, it can completely replace the driver’s role. People only need to tell the car where he is going, and then the car will be safe. Take him to his destination.”

"Of course not, what I want to talk to you about is the stuff inside the car," Ron smiled mysteriously: "If I tell you, it is equipped with a lithium battery with three times the energy density and can run perfectly in low temperature environments. What about the battery? Have all the most criticized problems of electric vehicles been solved?"

"How can it be?"

At this moment, Musk finally lost his composure and was so frightened that he even dropped his cigar from his hand and burned holes in the expensive carpet.

The two most well-known companies under Musk's name are the Space Exploration Company and the electric vehicle and energy company whose main products are Tesla.

Space Exploration Company is mainly engaged in satellite launches, transporting supplies to the International Space Station, and space tourism that will be carried out in the future. These businesses are very profitable. However, including the high research and development costs of the Falcon rocket itself, it is currently only about to recover its capital. level has always relied on the transfusion of electric vehicles and energy companies.

But electric vehicles are electric vehicles after all, and they can never compete with fuel vehicles in terms of driving range. In the past two years, Tesla's domestic market has become saturated.

If what Ron said is true, it means that electric vehicles led by Tesla will have the possibility to completely use fuel vehicles!

The United States is known as a country on wheels. Almost every household is inseparable from cars. If it really replaces fuel vehicles, you will know what a piece of cake this will be. Musk can't help but be excited.

"I didn't think you would believe it, so I simply drove the prototype car over. I believe that after you test it, you can give me a price that satisfies me and save me from having to make another trip to other places."

After taking in Musk's reaction, Ron nodded with satisfaction and said meaningfully.

"Howard, do you remember the white-haired beauty we met at the bar that night? She was actually a screenwriter! She also took the initiative to invite me out for a drink. She wanted me to help her improve some of the science-related things in the script. "

On the rooftop of Ron's apartment in Pasadena, Raj shouted excitedly to Howard.

"Calm down, Raj, calm down, do you need me to wake you up? You have a girlfriend." Howard said while holding the machine at hand.

"so what?"

Howard raised his head and said, "So, how do you think she would feel knowing that you helped a beautiful woman write a script?"

"Man, I don't think she's a beauty, do you?" Raj concealed his guilt.

"Really? Don't you think she's charming?" Howard expressed doubts.

"I think it's just that I won't tell my girlfriend." Raj's true nature as a scumbag was clearly exposed: "I just helped her improve the script. She took the initiative to ask me out. Do you know what this means? It means , finally there is a woman who is not approaching me just to get close to Ron! I think she is in love with me!"

"Then have you ever thought about what to do with Emily?"

"It's hard to say. Before the day before yesterday, we had been making good progress, but now, I'm starting to think about whether Emily is my rightful daughter?" Raj said whimsically: "Or, I can be like Ron, Have more than one woman?”

"I think you are thinking nonsense. Not every man can be Ron. Just look at his women and you will know that even their kidneys can't stand it." Howard shook his head and reminded kindly.

If before getting married, he still envied Ron's playboy-like life, but after getting married, he no longer had such thoughts. His small body could hardly bear just one Bernadette, let alone another one. .

"Hey! You are looking down on me!" Raj waved his arms dissatisfiedly, as if he was playing an accordion: "I am an Indian. No one in the world understands XX better than us. The world's earliest XX textbook " The Kama Sutra was written by us Indians! My fighting power can be controlled by any woman!"

If Ron were here, he would definitely complain, let alone a woman, he would believe you even if you said you could kill a lizard, but Howard was not Ron, he was a comrade who had shared combat experience with Raj.

Apart from those women, he knows best how Raj's true fighting ability is.

"It's not like I don't know what your level is. When we used to play with that little fat girl at the comic exhibition, I was the main output."

However, what the two bickering people didn't notice was that as they were talking, a ball of light above their heads was getting brighter and brighter...

"I'm obviously better! If a woman falls from the sky right now, I promise to show you what Indian technology is..."

Before Raj finished speaking, the ball of light above their heads suddenly exploded silently, and from it fell a naked woman, who happened to fall into Raj's arms.

The two people who were bragging were so frightened that they were stunned.

"Raj, have you ever spoken so openly? Tell me honestly, are you God's illegitimate son?! As soon as you said you wanted a woman, a woman fell from the sky!"

"Nonsense, I believe in Hinduism. Even if he is an illegitimate child, he is still the illegitimate son of Lord Shiva!"

Raj turned around and poked the woman in his arms with his hand in disbelief.

Live! This is really a living person! He just said it casually, but he didn't expect it to come true just after he said it! Suddenly he was at a loss.

"Howard, what do we do now?!"

Howard pointed at the woman in his arms. This woman has short blond hair, a beautiful face and an absolutely hot figure. Anyone who looks at her will say she is a beauty.

"Please begin your performance."

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