Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 470 Looking for Finch

Log number: 0613

Record: The experimental robot killer T800 tried to attack the target, but failed as predicted. According to the feedback images, the target seems to have mastered a special space technology, and the threat level of the target needs to be re-evaluated.

The application for reassessment of the target threat has been approved. The threat level of the target immortal Ron Lee Cooper is now adjusted to level A, and all plans for it are suspended...

The second underground floor of the Los Angeles IRS Special Operations Team. Ever since Ron began to engage in independent scientific research, this floor was completely transformed into a laboratory according to Howard's design, which can conduct research in physics, mechanics, materials science and other disciplines. Research, some of the experimental equipment, are even more advanced than Caltech's laboratories.

As for how much it cost to build this laboratory? Ron will be very proud to tell you that it didn’t cost him a penny~

Of course, if you have to include the cost of remodeling the basement, it's not much, only about 20,000 US dollars.

As for those precious experimental instruments...

If there are scientists from MIT or other top universities in the United States such as Harvard who walk into this underground laboratory, they will definitely feel familiar with the things inside.

That's right, these precious instruments cannot be said to look very similar to those stolen from their laboratory, they can only be said to be exactly the same. They are all "Torettos" that Ron arranged to help the IRS special operations teams in other states. They brought it back from the university.

"Why does this spectrum analyzer look so familiar? I remember when I was on an exchange visit at MIT, there seemed to be an exact same one in their laboratory."

Leonard stared at the machine in front of him in a daze.

"Things like machines are all produced in factories, so there's nothing strange about them looking the same, right?"

"It's impossible. This kind of instrument is very special and requires a lot of precision equipment. Each one is custom-made..."

"Whatever, I bought it on the second-hand market. Maybe MIT just bought a new one~" Ron hugged the shoulders of several scientists: "Let's have a good chat about this robot. You guys can develop it." Is there anything good you can use for me?”

On the table in front of them, the T800 had been disassembled into various parts and laid out on a table.

"The first is its chip. This is not the traditional silicon-based chip we use, but a carbon-based chip with a multi-layer structure of graphene. Although many scientists have pointed out that graphene chips have more advantages than silicon-based chips. It’s a good prospect, but no organization has made a breakthrough in this area yet. If the chip of this robot is released, the whole world will go crazy!”

"How crazy?" Ron asked casually.

With a crazy expression, Howard held the chip with tweezers and placed it under the light for observation. Ron could guarantee that he had never been so focused when looking at his wife: "It's such a small thing, its calculation capacity can easily reach the level of the world today." It’s more than tens of thousands times faster than the best chip, how crazy do you think it is?”

Well, even if Ron knew little about scientific things, he knew that this was really great: "Can it be copied?"

"Impossible," Sheldon shook his head and poured cold water on Ron: "Although we can know information such as its architecture through reverse research and development of this chip, we have not yet mastered the large-scale industrial production of graphene. Even if there is a method, how to make graphene into a chip is still a difficulty. Generally speaking, it cannot be copied."

"Okay, does that mean this thing is completely useless?"

"No, at least you can still use this chip, for example, use it to make a supercomputer or something."

"Then just watch and have fun," Ron said, showing little interest in the supercomputer project: "I still prefer technology that can be used immediately. Raj, have you analyzed the composition of these metals? Can this be replicated?"

"This is a new type of alloy, and it's even more hopeless. There's no way to reverse-engineer smelting technology on metals. You might as well ask Howard to do more research on the mechanical structure to see if there's anything worth learning from."

Ring ring ring~

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. If you need anything, tell Andy and Andy will arrange everything for you. I have something to do and I'll go out for a while."

"What's the matter?" After walking out of the laboratory, Ron found a secluded place and called back the number he just gave.

"We were deceived by the machine. That number was not Finch's clue at all, but another unlucky guy whose life was in danger! It's unbelievable! We are the machine's emergency plan and backup candidates!"

"So? What do you want to express?" Ron stroked his forehead and was so busy dealing with the Terminator that he even forgot to go find Finch.

"Once an accident occurs, he doesn't want us to go find him at all. He just wants us to continue saving people."

"So what kind of guy is this time?" Ron asked curiously.

"A Chinese who stole eight million dollars from a drug dealer. I just rescued him and my police friend from the drug dealer. By the way, can you temporarily help foster a dog? Belgian Malinois, trained It’s a military dog ​​that can understand commands in Dutch, so it won’t be very troublesome.”

"Wait a minute," Ron shouted into the laboratory: "Sheldon, do any of you know Dutch?"

"Of course, Howard and I can, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. I'll bring a friend over later who only understands Dutch."

"Oh~ did you bring a Dutch scientist to do research with us? Who is he?" Sheldon poked his head out of the laboratory excitedly.

Ron smiled mysteriously: "You'll know in a moment."

"Here, this is your new friend. I have to go out for something, so I will leave this guy to you."

When Ron was a child, he led a military dog ​​with a gaping mouth back to the laboratory. Sheldon was so frightened that his face changed. Sheldon's fighting ability was that he couldn't even beat a chicken.

"No! Sit down, stupid dog, sit down, wait, Ron, don't go! Or take it away with you..."

However, Ron didn't wait for Sheldon to hide and closed the door first, shut Sheldon and the dog into the house and went out. Outside the door, Reese had been waiting for a long time.

"I guess you must have some clues about Finch's whereabouts, right?"

"Yes, look at this." Reese handed Ron a clipping from an old newspaper.

"The disappearance of 14-year-old Hannah Frey in 1991? Where did this clue come from?" Ron read the contents of the newspaper clipping.

"That's what the machine told me. I told it that if it didn't give me some clue about Finch, I would stop working. I ignored all the new numbers it gave me, and then it gave me this girl's. I looked up the social security number and found out it was a little girl who had died many years ago.

I suspect that this little girl is the root, and she captured Finch. "

Gen, this name is not unfamiliar to Ron. This is a hacker who once worked with Ron.

"Well, if humans are enslaved by machines in the future and start to resist, don't forget to ask them to record for you that you are the first person to resist the tyranny of machines with strikes."

Ron said with a smile, but Reese was not in the mood to joke with Ron now: "We have to go to Texas now, Bishop, the machine will not give me such a number for no reason, Finch must be there, or, At least this little girl has something to do with it.”

"It's very possible, but I need to correct your statement, Mr. Reese," Ron shrugged: "You are going to Texas, not us. Do you understand? We will be more efficient if we divide the work and cooperate." faster."

"All right."

Rise nodded heavily, turned around and disappeared into the night, while Ron lit a cigarette. The cigarette flickered in and out of the night as Ron puffed and puffed, until a nice female voice came from the side.

"Stop smoking. I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke."

"You're finally here. Sheldon is inside. Do you want to go in and say hello to your childhood friend?" Ron threw away the cigarette butt and pointed to the door behind him.

"No, I came to Los Angeles this time in secret. No one knew about it." The woman took a step forward, and the streetlight shone on her face. It was Peggy, leaning on Ron and taking a deep breath. Breathing loudly: "I miss you."

"I miss you too," Ron hugged Peggy into his arms and kissed her: "Normally, no matter how I call you, you don't dare to come out. Why are you willing to come to Los Angeles this time?"

"It's all Finch's fault. That machine of his will monitor every move of everyone who is included in the key observation objects. I still spent a lot of effort to ask that thing to monitor me last time I came to Los Angeles. Fortunately, now it's okay. When Finch disappeared, the machine automatically entered emergency mode. Now it refuses all access information, and the monitoring of me naturally failed, so I came out."

"I remember that you seemed to be involved in the machine project. Didn't you leave a backdoor for yourself? This is not like your style."

"Of course I have, but the machine has a self-learning function and has patched the backdoor I reserved through self-upgrade. Now my permissions are the same as those of several other visitors. Although I can use them, I still cannot turn off the access to myself. Surveillance.”

"Yes, this is what I want to tell you. You said it has self-learning function. Is it possible that it already has independent self-awareness?" Ron frowned and asked: "You may not believe it, Just yesterday, I was chased by a robot from the future, which is now lying on the laboratory console."

"This is very similar to the story in the script you wrote when you were in college," Peggy's eyes were full of excitement: "So, where did you go to save the beauty this time?"

"Collins... ahem, that's not the point. The point is, does time travel really exist? If it does exist, I don't understand why it didn't send a robot to me when I was just born and strangle a baby to death. It will be much more troublesome than trampling an ant to death."

Peggy raised her head and looked at Ron seriously: "Ron, although I am not a scientist like Sheldon, my understanding of physics is no less than his."

"Of course I know this. Sheldon was always your defeat when I was little. If it weren't for my grandma, you must be Professor Sturgis's favorite student."

Although Sheldon is a top student, top students are also divided into different levels. Peggy's level is obviously higher than Sheldon's. Sheldon has never defeated Peggy in science, bickering, or even fighting. Once, Peggy truly completely beat Sheldon.

Even Ron couldn't do this. The most he could do was hang Sheldon up and beat him while his mother and grandma were not around.

"I want to tell you that if what the machine tells you is true, time and space travel will really be possible in the future, but I don't think you can go wherever you want. The technology that has just been born may have some limitations that make it possible. The robot can only be sent to this time."

"That makes sense." Ron nodded.

"Or, there is another possibility, that is, the machine told lies. The robot was actually manufactured in a factory under its control. The so-called time travel is just a scam."

"So which answer do you prefer?" Ron threw the question back to Peggy.

"It's not easy to know this. Just find Finch and ask him." Peggy raised her phone: "I saw the news that this woman died. Who is in charge of his case?"

Ron glanced at the news page. It was a woman named Alicia Corwin. Ron was somewhat impressed by this person. This person was a former CIA agent who had retired for many years.

"CIA executives from Washington, wait, I seem to understand what you mean. Are you saying that this woman is related to Finch?" Ron suddenly realized.

"She used to be the middleman in charge of the 'Prism' project. Yes, this was the name of the project at the beginning. Later it was renamed and then called Sky Eye. However, Finch always liked to call it a machine. Throughout the project, Finch actually came into contact with Finch. Oddly enough, besides her, there was only one other White House adviser named Denton Weeks, who also happened to live in Los Angeles."

"It sounds interesting. I understand your thinking. You are saying that since the people who captured Finch killed Alicia, they will definitely also kill Denton Weeks, because they are all people related to the Sky Eye. , that is to say, now I only need to go to Denton Weeks and wait, and then I can find Finch." Ron said excitedly.

That idiot Reese actually wanted to drag him to Texas with him. No matter how he thought about it, Ron thought it was too unreliable. The information about the little girl given by the machine

"You are truly my lucky star, Peggy." Ron hugged Peggy and kissed her hard.

"Yes, this is his address in Los Angeles. If we go there now...well..."

In the middle of Peggy's words, Ron sealed her mouth. After a long time, her lips parted.

"Put the matter of finding Finch aside for now. Before that, we have one more important thing to do, Peggy."

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