Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 461 Ron is a theologian

"Good morning Ron, I don't even know when you came back."

In the morning at Sheldon's apartment, Ron had sat down at the dining table at some unknown time, but no one expressed surprise. Everyone was accustomed to Ron's elusiveness.

"Last night, when Petunia started riding her horse," Ron said with a smile on his face, "But Leonard, it's time for you to get some exercise. I've only been home for two minutes, and you guys Stop, based on my long-term experience of listening to the movements in your room, you only started about two minutes ago."

"What? Penny! You brought a horse into the apartment?!" Sheldon was shocked: "I'm going to report you to the Tenants Committee! Just wait for the fine!"

"Sheldon, enjoy your meal. The horse riding Ron mentioned is not the real horse riding." Amy said with a blushing face.

Leonard's face flushed with guilt: "Who said it was only two minutes! I obviously spent a long time with Penny!"

Men, whether it's time or anything else, will get angry if they are criticized, and the good old Leonard is certainly no exception.

"Come on~ you think I can't tell the difference between the sound of a slap and a belly slap?" Ron smiled playfully.

Of course, Ron didn't go home alone last night. Sabina was also with him. They were both adults. What was supposed to happen naturally happened. I don't know what stimulated Leonard.

Perhaps because of a man's fragile self-esteem, after hearing Sabina's constant noise next door, Leonard ran to the bedroom door and kept patting his belly, as if he was still fighting.

Ron VS Leonard, Ron wins.

"Where's Penny?" Ron looked around the dining table. Except for Leonard Sheldon and Amy, Penny was nowhere to be seen.

"I know this. She went to the airport to pick up Leonard's mother. Also, let me tell you, our mother will be here soon." Sheldon raised his hand.

Ron was a little surprised and said: "Mom is coming today? Why didn't I know? Have you been called a parent again? Sheldon?"

"No!" Sheldon was furious: "They came here specially to see Leonard and I receive the award!"

Amy: "Do you remember the paper Sheldon and Leonard co-wrote some time ago? They won this year's 'Genius Award'"

"No wonder. I remember that since I was a child, every time we won an award, my mother would accompany us to accept the award. This tradition continues to this day."

Ron said nostalgically that although he had just met Missy when she gave birth not long ago, Ron didn't mind getting closer to his family and simply canceled his plans for the day and stayed at home.

"Sheldon, I am very proud that you and Leonard received this award~"

An hour later, Mary came in and hugged her big baby.

"And me, Mom." Looking at Sheldon's proud face, Ron touched his fist unhappily.

I really want to beat him up~

"Of course you are also very amazing, you are all my pride, Ron," Mary reassured her second son, then continued to look at her younger son: "I tried to read your paper, but it was too profound and I couldn't understand it. "

"In fact, this is easy to understand. It describes a new universe model that imagines the universe as an N-dimensional superfluid surface."

"It's really interesting. You would rather believe this than believe that God packed various animals of both sexes on the ark." Mary complained seriously.

Ron tried not to laugh out loud, but showed an expression of watching a good show. He knew that the scientific and theological debates that had occurred countless times in the family were about to reappear.

The passage Mary is talking about comes from the Great Flood in the Bible. Before God destroyed the world, he asked Noah to build an ark and bring a pair of all the animals on board. However, there is an obvious flaw in this story, that is...

"Mom, if you only bring one pair of each animal, what do they feed the lions?"

Of course Mary, an old Christian, could not be defeated by such a simple question.

"The corpses of sinners who were drowned in the flood, floating here and there~"

"Okay~" Sheldon rolled his eyes covertly: "Listen to me, Mom, Leonard's mother is a well-known psychologist. Can you please put away those rubbish about the Bible first? Say it in front of her?"

"Do you think I have embarrassed you?" Mary was a little angry: "Oh God, what evil have I done? None of the four children I gave birth to is a devout believer."

Little George has liked making money since he was a child. He only believes in the power of money. Under Ron's influence, Missy has the same flexible religious beliefs as the Chinese people: she will pray to God for everything. If she succeeds, it will be her own hard work. As a result, if it doesn’t work out, it’s God’s fault.

The four children made Mary very angry.

"Of course not, you know I love you the most," Sheldon patted Mary and comforted her: "I'm just embarrassed by your belief, behavior and way of speaking."

"Okay, I love you too, my little baby who feeds the lion~" Mary turned to look at Ron, with a dangerous light in her eyes: "Don't you feel that your mother is missing?"

"How is that possible, Mom, you know I am not like Sheldon, who is always the most well-behaved. I even didn't forget to bring you a gift when I went to Europe to fulfill my duties."

Ron took out a strange-looking cross from his pocket, which he had just taken from the house before Mary arrived: "This is the cross given to me by the Latin American Archbishop Francis."

"You still know Archbishop Francis?!" Mary looked at her second son suspiciously, unable to associate him with a religious figure.

Although Mary didn't know what Ron's specific job was, she did know a little bit that it was probably related to violence. It was incredible that a person like this could be associated with God, who represents mercy.

"Of course, we are very close pen pals, and Bishop Francis calls me 'a good friend who always inspires him.'"

As if he had expected Mary's surprise, Ron took out the letter he had prepared.

Sheldon stared at Ron who was stealing his limelight with burning eyes. Ron raised his eyebrows proudly: Come and beat me if you can~

Bullying Sheldon, nothing makes him more angry than taking away his mother and grandma's attention.

"How is this possible? Mom, Ron must be lying. Look, this cross looks different from ordinary crosses. It must be a second-hand thing he got from somewhere to fool you~ This is clearly a sickle and a hammer made by a farmer. Together, we made a freaking cross!”

Jealousy transformed Sheldon, who took Ron's cross and started picking at it.

Of course, it’s no wonder that Sheldon’s eyesight is clumsy, because this pattern is a bit too rare in Europe and the United States, but if it were another place, such as the Soviet Union or China, then everyone who saw this cross would definitely exclaim loudly and be in awe.

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