Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 453 Missy gives birth

"Please, Sheldon, can you stop pouting all the time? It was just a friendly little joke, and Howard and Leonard were also involved. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide the hologram generator from you, right? ?”

In a car driving on a rural road in Texas, Ron said helplessly to Sheldon that Sheldon had not spoken to Ron for two days because of the incident of teasing Sheldon in the steam tunnel.

If it weren't for Mary's order, Sheldon wouldn't even be willing to sit in the same car with Ron, but there was no way, who told them to go home quickly?

Their sister, the only girl in the Cooper family, finally became pregnant after Forrest Gump's continuous efforts and will give birth today.

"And Leonard? This traitor!" Sheldon said in disbelief.

"COMEON! Sheldon, actually, am I trying to help you know? If you don't give Leonard and the others a chance to bully you and vent their grievances, sooner or later, you will be cut into eighteen pieces by Leonard. Stuff the pieces into the suitcase and hide them somewhere, and then I will have to ask Sherlock to put your body together."

Ron complained like this. Ron didn't know how Leonard tolerated Sheldon in the original novel. Anyway, judging from Ron and Sheldon's experience growing up together, if he wasn't afraid of his mother being sad, Ron wouldn't have to take action. Little George fed Sheldon to the wolves.

The car arrived in the town and turned two streets. The first big house was Forrest Gump and Missy's home. Ron drove the car directly into the yard. At the door of the house, Grandma and Forrest Gump were already waiting there.

"Oh~ Ron, my dear little biscuit Sheldon, you are finally here." Grandma walked down the steps and hugged Sheldon immediately. Grandma's favorite child is of course Sheldon. It's not that she is partial. , because Sheldon is the child who looks most like his grandfather, and because he has poor self-care ability since childhood, he needs special care.

And Ron punched Forrest Gump in the chest: "You kid can do it."

"Ron!" Forrest Gump shouted back happily, and then the two friends smiled at each other and hugged each other, but Sheldon's complaints next to him made this warm scene a little noisy.

"I never thought that Missy would choose to give birth at home. Why didn't she go to the hospital? Is it because she wanted to be like primitive people but couldn't find a cave?"

A-Gump frowned slightly.

It doesn't matter how you bully him, but if it's anything to do with Missy, even if you just say she smiles evilly, Forrest Gump will be unhappy. This is Sheldon. If it were anyone else, Forrest Gump would have been beaten long ago.

Seeing this, Ron gave Sheldon a gentle blow on the head: "Many people think that giving birth at home is better for the mother, because the family can cheer for her together, don't you think it's great? Is it cozy, Sheldon?”

Sheldon gritted his teeth in pain, but when he saw that his grandma was not protecting him, he rubbed his head and helped her into the house.

Just wait, Ron, I will tell grandma everything you have done in a while! Sheldon thought to himself.

"Forrest Gump, where is Missy now? The bedroom?"

"No, she is in the bathroom. Mom said that Missy's amniotic water has broken and she will have a baby soon." Speaking of this, A-Gump became at a loss: "Ron, I... I don't know what to do." What should I do? This is my first time encountering this situation. Will I be a good father? I don’t know anything, do I need to..."

"Forrest, Forrest, Sergeant Major Gump Forrester!" Ron called twice but there was no response. When the military rank was finally called out, Forrest reflexively stood at attention.


"OK, take a break." Ron tidied up Forrest Gump's somewhat messy collar: "Forrest Gump, have I ever told you that although someone took Missy away from me, which makes me very unhappy, that If it were you, I would feel relieved, because I know that no matter what, you will take good care of Missy, and you will be a good husband, right?"

Ron couldn't help when the woman gave birth inside, but he could help Missy comfort her husband outside.

"Yes, sir!" A-Gump yelled.

"Now, I also want to tell you, just like I am sure that you will be a good husband, you will also be a good father. You don't need to do more for your child, as long as you accompany him with love, I promise you Guaranteed, he will be a good boy."

Ron often spoke to Forrest Missy on the phone. They had already told him that their first child would be a boy, so Ron simply used the word "him."

"But I'm so stupid, I'm afraid I have nothing to teach him, and I'll look like a failure."

Ron laughed: "Remember what Mrs. Forrester said? Life is like a box of chocolates. You can never know what the next one will taste like. Likewise, who knows what little Forrest Gump will become. ?Have you decided on the child’s name?”

"Okay, I'm going to name him Ron, Ron Forrest." A-Gump touched his head in embarrassment.

If in China, your brother named his son after you, he would most likely be teasing you, but in the United States, naming your child after your best friend is undoubtedly the best symbol of friendship.

Ron estimated that if Sheldon and Amy get married, the first child's name will most likely be Leonard.

Of course, it could also be Tan, Sheldon's Vietnamese best friend, but it will always be one of the two.

"Thank you, Forrest." Ron patted his shoulder happily: "Let's go in together, Missy is still waiting for us."


"Ron, Gan, you two come here quickly. Missy's cervix is ​​fully dilated. She wants to take a nice family photo before there is blood all over the floor."

"Oh my God, I really shouldn't have worn my favorite robot T-shirt today."

As soon as Ron and Forrest Gump walked in the door, Mary's high-pitched shouts and Sheldon's complaints were heard.

"OK, we're coming right now!"

Ron agreed and walked into the bathroom, which was already crowded with people.

Missy was lying in the bathtub, with her grandma and mother beside her, holding her hands. Little George's wife Veronica was also sitting by the bathtub, stroking Missy's hair to comfort her. Old George and little Three men, George and Sheldon, huddled together in a corner of the bathroom.

The camera set up from the door was just big enough to capture everyone.

"Okay, everyone look at me. I say one, two, three. Let's say cheers together!" Ron set the timer and hurried to the middle of everyone: "One, two, three."


"Click~" The moment of happiness was frozen.

"Don't move, I'll adjust the continuous shooting, one more shot, one, two, three..."

"Stop!" Missy's eyes suddenly widened and she screamed in pain: "I'm going to give birth!"

"Click~" Another memorable photo freezes.

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