Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 450 Los Angeles Campaign

"Jon Watson?" Ron removed the resume and compared the photo with the real person. No matter from which angle you look at it, this is Alex!

"Yes, it's me." The Asian woman opposite nodded.

"Do you know a guy named Alex? He's also Asian and looks a bit like you?"

"No, I don't know another Asian named Alex."

"Okay, then do you have any impression of the names Natalie and Dai Lan?"

Natalie and Dailan, these are the names of Alex's two original partners. Ron once had a perfect encounter with three angels during a mission, which he recalls to this day.

"I do know a man named Dai Lan, 24 years old, black male, wearing glasses, but I don't think he is the person you are looking for. From your micro-expression just now, you should be looking for a woman." Watson began I was baffled by Ron's words, and there was a needle hidden in the cotton.

Jon Watson, a surgeon who had just left the operating table due to some personal reasons, crossed over to work as a rehabilitation escort. Today, the man named Sherlock Holmes became his new client, but the first interview His client was not the client himself, but a client with a very special identity, and this client was still chatting with her about some incomprehensible things.

"OK, it seems you have studied some psychology stuff," Watson said he didn't know it, but Ron was still deeply doubtful and continued to test: "Then can I ask, on your left inner thigh , is there a heart-shaped mole?”


Watson looked at Ron with a look of surprise and disgust. She never expected that this handsome guy who gave her a good first impression would be such a wretched person.

"Uh... I don't mean to harass you. It's just that you look very similar to a friend I met before. But forget it, this is not important. Let's talk about your clients next."

Ron simply cut back to the topic. There was absolutely no way this person was Alex. Just as he was talking, Ron tried to take out a gun and aim it at Watson from two hidden directions, but Miss Watson Don't know anything about it.

It's the kind of person who truly knows nothing and no actor, no matter how good his acting skills are, can play it.

No matter how good his acting skills are, his muscles will stiffen for a moment when he finds himself locked at gunpoint, but Watson has no reaction at all.

Although the angle at which Ron drew his gun was concealed, any competent agent would have noticed his abnormality immediately.

Therefore, it can only explain one situation, that is, the other person is not the Alex that Ron knows at all, she is really just a stranger who looks very similar.

"OK, I have read his information and have full confidence to accompany him and let him get out..."

"No, no, no, that's not what I want to tell you," Ron interrupted Watson's chatter with a gesture: "What I want to tell you is the nature of his work. He is my employee for the police department. I am a consultant detective, so it is inevitable that you will visit various crime scenes, and I think your medical knowledge can also come in handy there."

"I need to remind you that my job content is only to accompany the client to supervise his detoxification and provide encouragement and psychological counseling. It does not include autopsy services, sir." Watson sternly refused.

"I just said that it might come in handy. I didn't say that you must do it. You do the things within the job and I will pay you. Outside of the job, you are free to do whatever you want."

Ron said disapprovingly, do you really think you can hold it back when you get to the scene?

"In addition, I would like to ask you to accept this." Ron handed Watson a key chain in the shape of Winnie the Pooh: "This is the latest alarm with a positioning tracking function. If you are in danger, press the bear's face hard. , the police nearest to you will rush to you as quickly as possible, and at the same time, my elite personnel here will also rush to you as quickly as possible to ensure your safety."

Watson was surprised: "You mean this job will also involve life-threatening danger?"

"As I said before, after all, you have to go to crime places all the time. Sometimes, it is not very unexpected for a criminal to target the detective who is chasing him. Of course, if you want to give up, that's no problem. I can also immediately Contact the other two candidates, so, Miss Watson, will you accept the job?”

Ron could clearly see the entanglement in her heart from Watson's tangled fingers, but he did not rush her. Instead, he sat opposite her and waited quietly for her final answer. He believed that it would definitely not be the case. Let yourself down.


"I am willing to accept this job." After a long time, Miss Watson raised her head.

"Congratulations, this job is yours. This is Mr. Holmes's address. You can go there to find him. I wish you a happy cooperation." Ron took out the card he had prepared and put it on the table, and picked up the clothes hanger. coat on.

"Hank, come with me."

Like the president, mayors in the United States are elected once every four years and can seek re-election. However, each state has different regulations on the number of re-elections, and not all of them are like the president who can be re-elected once.

In fact, in the position of mayor, all regulations are false.

Because of long-term elite politics, traditional political wealthy families have formed in various regions of the United States. Important official positions such as mayors and governors often circulate among several wealthy families, much like the local powerful families in ancient China.

Even the mayors of Chicago, with a few exceptions, are all from the same family, or married into the same family. Of course, for ordinary people, this is not necessarily a good thing.

There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. First, participating in an election is a very expensive thing, and most people simply don’t have the capital. Second, the American electoral system is too weird, and it is not what many people think. Instead, voters are divided into districts, with one district and one vote. The party with the majority of votes in each district automatically gets the votes of the district and votes for the person they choose. The person with the most votes wins.

As a result, there are more hands and feet that can be used in zoning, and even a political term with American characteristics called jerry salamander was born.

It refers to the manipulation of election results through unfair gerrymandering, creating an unfair political advantage through manipulation so that the election results favor a specific party.

The specific gameplay of this operation is as follows. Suppose there are two candidates AB, and you want A to win.

Well, first of all, the manipulator behind the scenes will try to concentrate the votes that are not conducive to A in one area. In this area, A can't get even one vote, but it doesn't matter, after all, it is only one vote.

Then, the advantages of votes in favor of A are dispersed, allowing more supporters of district A to win but not by too much. A slight advantage such as 51% or 55% is best, because in this way more supporters of district A can win. Supporters are assigned to other districts to occupy votes in other districts.

In this way, as long as it is done properly, you can even successfully win the election with a lower support rate than the opponent.

Because this kind of electoral operation first began in 1812, the governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Jerry, divided a certain district into a strange newt-like shape, allowing the votes of the hostile Federalist Party to concentrate in a small number. districts, in which the Democratic-Republican candidates won by a large proportion.

Later, people combined his name with the suffix of the word salamander to create this unique term for American politics.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

The back door of Ron's car opened, and an old man wrapped in a windbreaker came out. He was none other than Charles Montgomery Burns, the current mayor of Los Angeles.

The Burns family is one of the most powerful families in Los Angeles. Their family's business has nothing to do with the emerging Silicon Valley tycoons in California. Instead, it focuses on the energy industry.

The Burns family owns about one-fifth of the nation's nuclear power plants and almost all of California's nuclear power plants!

"I always keep what I promise to others, but it's you, can you keep what you promised me?" Ron looked back at Burns.

"Of course there is no problem. As long as you can help me continue to be re-elected, I will build two high-power nuclear power plants in your hometown of Texas and allow you to participate in shares. This is great!" Burns said happily, putting his hands in the shape of a tent. .

Ron remembered the heavy snowfall in Texas before crossing. Although he did not have a high sense of identity with the country of the United States, he still had a strong sense of identity with those warm-hearted "countrymen".

No other place in the United States has such warm-hearted and friendly neighbors as Texas. The public security is so good that the police are not even needed. No matter whose house there is, as long as there is gunshots, the neighbors will immediately bring their most handy guys, pistols, etc. Rifle over here and see if there's anything you need help with.

It's just that they may be a little unfriendly to thieves and robbers.

"No, no, no, this is not the condition we negotiated before," Ron frowned: "What we negotiated before was that if I help you get re-elected, you will give me the shares in the two nuclear power plants. You damn old guy, aren't you trying to cheat, are you? The benefits you get from being mayor are much higher than those from two nuclear power plants."

"That may be because I remembered it wrong. As you know, I'm old, and it's normal for me to accidentally forget something." Burns was true to his true nature as a big profiteer, and said without blushing: "But, from now on, Judging from the public support rate, I seriously doubt that even if the districts are redistricted, my success rate of winning the election will not exceed 50%."

"I understand that all this is mainly because the people have lost trust in you because of the excessive crime rate during your administration. You just need to help reduce the crime rate."

The old man said angrily: "I know too, but what should we do specifically? Change the police chief? I have already changed three!"

"No matter how many times I change, they are all the same. They are all trash." Ron Sihao did not hide his disgust for the current police chief: "I have found a very powerful detective consultant and asked him to cooperate with the police department to first Increasing the detection rate of murder cases will at least have a deterrent effect on those who plan to commit crimes, and it will also restore the public's confidence in you."

"In addition, I also arranged for a guy who likes to be nosy. He has the ability to foresee crimes. He and his partner will help you nip some crimes in the cradle before they are committed."

Ron shamelessly stole the credit of Finch and Reese and turned it into a bargaining chip for his own negotiations.

"There is still one year left. As long as you reduce the crime rate and increase the detection rate within this year, you will still have a good chance of being re-elected. But please remember one thing..."

Ron suddenly put his face close to the old man: "What I can give you, I can also take back. If you don't plan to fulfill your promise, or want to cut corners and create safety problems in those two nuclear power plants, I guarantee that you will become you The last thing you want to be: poor!”

"Believe it or not, I can arrange for someone to go to your company to check taxes every day until the problem is found. Maybe your financial methods are very smart, but I think no matter how smart you are, you will make mistakes sometimes, right?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely arrange for the best engineers to go! Excellent! The most outstanding!" Burns was all excited.

He couldn't help but be afraid of Ron's threat. Although he was confident that his methods were brilliant, he couldn't help but have two super accountants in Ron's hands. Even the little guy from the Life Robot Company fell into trouble. You know, they are from the same company. Finance companies do accounting.

If Ron was determined to investigate himself, there was no reason why he couldn't find out.

"I'm still a little worried about you. You transferred Homer to be a security officer, Homer Simpson. Compared to a cunning guy like you, I'd rather trust someone who doesn't look so smart."

"No problem, I'll make a call to make arrangements shortly."

"That's good," Ron handed Burns a map, on which he redrawn a circle with a pencil: "I will arrange for my people to divide the subsequent constituencies according to this. The checked constituencies are yours. Where the vote bank is, go and do more campaign activities, such as speeches, etc. As for the places with crosses, they are all your opponents, so you can give up."

Burns looked at the map in his hand and smiled with satisfaction.

If he could win all the places Ron circled, then his re-election would be a sure thing.

"BOSS, I don't understand, what's the benefit of helping that brain-dead old guy?" After Burns left, Hank finally couldn't help but said: "I can't see what use the shares of two nuclear power plants are to you. "

Nuclear power plants are long-term profitable projects, and there is basically no profit in the early stage. Even if they are major shareholders, it will take at least more than ten years before they want to make profits and dividends.

Ron smiled mysteriously: "If I said that these two nuclear power plants can help me win the Texas governor election, would you believe it? Anyway, I have plans to enter politics after retirement."

"Okay, don't forget to ask me to be your staff then. Where will I go now? BOSS?"

"Beverly Hills, Taosi's house, send me on a date with Collins," Ron happily hummed the alphabet song: "ABCDDDD..."

Hank wondered: "Are the lyrics repeated? I remember D is followed by EFG."

"That's right. We only get to D. It won't be easy to say in the future."

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