Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 437 Ron’s second-hand sale

The whole car, including Powell, the target Ron wanted to rescue, was fast asleep. Ron slapped him on the face several times and didn't wake up. Looking at Powell, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, Ron could only He picked it up and threw it into his car.

On the other side, in the old library where Finch is stationed.

"Have you found the hacker who framed Powell's computer?" Riese was shot again this time. He couldn't go out and could only stand behind Finch bored in every possible way, watching him enter line after line of code on the computer. , but not a single line is understandable.

"I haven't been able to crack the hacker's IP address yet, but there is a loophole in his firewall...success!" Finch hit the Enter key after typing the last line of code, and slightly curved his lips upward with a smile: "Okay, We’re in, now, let’s see who is behind this?”

"I knew you could do it."

However, the smile on Finch's face did not last long before he immediately froze on his face. As his code instructions began to be executed, there were several codes that were not entered by him.

These codes have only one function, and that is...

"Wait a minute, we didn't hack in, we were put in. It was a bait!"

Rise was confused: "What do you mean?"

"This is a very complex program. They used worms to infect all the devices connected to our private network! Including our mobile phones! Destroy the mobile phones!" Finch picked up the microphone and shouted loudly: "Ron, can you hear me? ? Destroy your phone quickly! Let’s meet up at the place where you trade!”

After saying that, Finch immediately unplugged the computer's power supply and network cable, threw the phone on the ground, and smashed it into pieces with a cane.

Before the phone shattered, three words flashed on the screen: "Who are you?"

"And your cell phone, Rise. We have to move quickly. He has already located us." Finch grabbed Rise's cell phone and threw it to the ground. Just a few minutes ago, Rise's cell phone was accessing He was playing games on a WIFI network, so as expected, his phone was also hacked.

The owner of the antique shop, Guan Yuming, is less than two hundred meters away from the Ron Special Operations Team branch and is a frequent visitor to the Ron Senior Citizens Club. This shop is more of a hobby than a business.

Most of the items sold in Guan Yuming's antique shop are strange gadgets that he has purchased from everywhere. According to him, most of them are related to black magic. Ron can't figure out what they are, but they look very strange. Looks awesome.

But in Guan Yuming's shop, there is a separate cabinet, and the "antiques" in it are all junk items that Ron brought back for a dollar a box. Generally, no one would appreciate these things, not to mention the price of each piece. Fei.

Even a broken thermos cup with a broken rim was priced at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A thermos cup like this costs at most twenty dollars in a Wal-Mart supermarket, but how dare you charge hundreds of thousands here? And it’s still broken. How stupid can someone be to buy this crap?

Of course the people who bought them were not stupid, or rather they were very smart. Of course, these things were not prepared for ordinary customers, but for Ron's special customers, such as Finch, who needed Ron's paid help.

In the darkness, Rise was about to use his superb lock-picking skills to open the door. As soon as he inserted the wire into the keyhole, he found that the lock had been opened, so he simply pushed the door in. As soon as he entered, a limp body was pushed. into his arms.

"Here, the guy you asked me to rescue brought it to you. Money is still the same as usual. Just spend some antiques in the antique store. Remember to tell Guan that Ron asked you to come."

Lao Bai's anesthetic was too powerful, and Powell was taken all the way to this day, and he still hasn't woken up.

"No, you can't leave yet, our deal is not over yet," Finch walked a few steps quickly on crutches to block Ron: "Even if Powell is handed over to us now, he will still be wanted, and he will still be wanted by that mysterious man. The hackers continue to send people to hunt them down, you have to help us solve the problem completely."

"It's really troublesome, okay, how do you want me to help you?" Ron stopped.

"First of all, we need to track down the real murderer of Congressman Delancey. Maybe we need an expert who is familiar with the political circle to help," Finch said in a daze.

The forces in the political circle are intricately intertwined, and Finch doesn't understand it at all, but he remembered another client he and Reese had rescued before, a woman, a political broker, and he might be able to ask her for help.

But Ron interrupted his thoughts: "There is no need to be so troublesome. I am sure that the person who killed Delancy was not for any political reasons. His election was the result of the common acquiescence of all forces. Any attempt to overturn this result It is equivalent to declaring war on all forces."

"Do you know him?" Rise asked in surprise.

"Of course, speaking of it, he and I are comrades in the same camp, both supporters of the current president," Ron shrugged. He actually knew Congressman Delancey, having met at a campaign fundraising reception before. : "So it must be for financial reasons. I remember he seems to have an engineering contracting company, and the local prosecutor has been secretly investigating this company for several months."

“What’s wrong with this company?”

"The prosecutor suspects that he cut corners on the project. In fact, this is something that everyone knows tacitly. What if he is really caught? The worst he can do is go to Shawshank Prison for a vacation. You may not know that prison. The VIP area is so luxurious, with regular physical examinations, a gym and a heated swimming pool. If you miss a woman, the prison guards will even order takeaways for you.

Besides, you don’t have to bear the blame yourself, in the worst case you can throw it to..."

Ron suddenly got stuck mid-sentence, and a harmless smiling face that always followed Congressman Delancey flashed in his mind.

"Throw it to what?" Finch keenly felt that this was the key.

"Leave it to his partner and campaign aide, and I think we know who wants him dead, right?"

"Yes, as long as Delancey dies and there is no proof of these things, he can certainly say that Delancey asked him to do it, but even if these are true, we have no evidence to prove that it was his assistant who killed Delancey."

"Then let's find some evidence." As soon as Ron finished speaking, his ears moved. He heard some strange noises coming from outside the door, which seemed to be footsteps. He made a silent gesture to Finch and the other two, and pulled out his hand. The pistol slowly moved toward the door.

Through the crack in the door, they saw a semi-bald man holding a gun approaching them.

"Bang bang!"

Ron suddenly opened the door and fired two shots in an instant before the other party could react. The first shot hit the man's right hand holding the gun, knocking the pistol away along with two fingers. The second shot hit the man's knee directly, knocking him to one knee. Kneel down.

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